

  • Anub'ar Ambusher joins Curse of Naxxramas lineup

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Today's Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas card preview is the creepy-crawly Anub'ar Ambusher. This rogue-only card has the text "Deathrattle: Return a friendly minion to your hand." That could be handy for recalling creatures with battlecries or frustrating if you have a bunch of buffed up beasties out. As with all Hearthstone cards, using the Anub'ar Ambusher to best effect will require some strategy. As interesting as these tiny previews are, they still don't hint at a release date for Naxxramas beyond this summer. Hopefully we'll be seeing more than previews soon!

  • Death's Bite weapon added to Hearthstone's Curse of Naxxramas

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We're all looking forward to this summer's release of Hearthstone's first expansion, Curse of Naxxramas. And in the meanwhile, @PlayHearthstone is stringing us along with glimpses of what we can expect in the upcoming expansion. Today's glimpse is the warrior card Death's Bite, a 4/2 weapon with the deathrattle effect of dealing one damage to all minions. There's no release date -- or price tag -- for Curse of Naxxramas just yet, but while you wait for the expansion to arrive there's plenty of time to read up on what's coming our way.

  • Another Hearthstone card revealed

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Now ... I don't want to sound like I'm whining, because as you all know WoW players never whine, but this card? This card looks just a tad over powered. Revealed last night, a new Paladin card in the upcoming Hearthstone expansion Curse of Naxxramas, is just asking to be used in every single Paladin deck out there. The card, "Avenge," has the secret of "When one of your minions dies, give a friendly minion +3/+2." I am sure that games will be won on this card alone, and that those suffering the loss will want to avenge something themselves. But, and this is a big but, over powered class cards seem to be a thing happening in CoN. The Druid card that's been revealed so far destroys every minion and summons Treants to replace them. Combine that with the Paladin card and we're seeing a pretty obvious pattern -- good cards that we're going to want to get and play, but that are balanced by other good cards that your opponent probably has. Not a bad strategy for a CCG to employ, and one that has been done with other CCGs in the past. Full images of the two class cards thus far revealed after the break.

  • Hearthstone is not coming to consoles any time soon

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Despite player interest, Blizzard has now officially said that a console version of the popular Hearthstone strategy card game is not in the works at the moment as the development team is focusing on the upcoming expansion and the game's Android version. "It's not something we're actually looking at right now," production director Jason Chayes told Eurogamer in a recent interview. "We feel like we have our hands full in the short term with getting onto Android as soon as we can, which is kind of one of the big priorities we're looking at right now." A spectator mode is also a possibility for a future patch after the game's wild popularity livestreaming on "Twitch has been great, all the streamer support has been awesome, and it's something that's really kind of surprised us a little bit," Chayes added. Hearthstone is currently available for the PC, Mac, and iPad with an Android version coming soon.

  • PAX East 2014: Hearthstone reveals Naxxramas single-player adventure

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Hearthstone is planning to revisit one of Azeroth's most notorious locations in the card game's first single-player adventure: Curse of Naxxramas. Blizzard announced at PAX East that a new single-player mode for the game will be coming "soon" starting with a romp through the necropolis of Naxxramas. In it, players will journey through five wings of a dungeon, accumulate new cards, and fight bosses with their own unique abilities. Thirty new cards and nine class challenges will come with the adventure as well as a Naxxramas-themed game board. Once it's released, Curse of Naxxramas will slowly unlock its wings over the course of five weeks. The first wing will be free, with the remaining four requiring purchase. It will release on all platforms simultaneously. Massively's on the ground in Boston during the weekend of April 11th to 13th, bringing you all the best news from PAX East 2014. Whether you're dying to know more about WildStar, Landmark, or any MMO in between, we aim to have it covered!