

  • An introduction to the Citadel of Sorcery

    Brenda Holloway
    Brenda Holloway

    When you log into your favorite MMO, you know Ironforge will be there; The waves of the Ocean of Tears will still lap up against Freeport's docks; Camelot still stands; Bree still bustles with life. What if you could depend upon none of these things -- if when you did not stand against the mindless hordes in defense of your town, it might be destroyed, vanished forever? What if the quests you undertook were yours alone, created from your own history of victories and defeats? What if that NPC town stood no chance against those bandits who have plundered so many other villages -- but you could show them the path to victory?Such is the intriguing basis of the upcoming MMO, Citadel of Sorcery. Tyro developers MMO Magic have been working on their dream of a MMO where nothing is set in stone and everything is possible for two years now. There's no scheduled release date (or year) and alpha testing has not yet begun, so we don't expect this for awhile. A truly dynamic world where you can make a difference is an innovation no major developer will touch; it's up to the independent development houses to stretch the boundaries that the larger companies will later copy. Whether Citadel of Sorcery can thrive where Horizons and Dark & Light failed, nobody can tell, but we'll be keeping a baleful, glowing eye on them all the same.[Via MMORPG]

  • Farlan admits Dark and Light was rushed; play for free

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff

    While it has only been available since June, the makers behind the MMO Dark and Light have seen it necessary to undergo an overhaul of their game. Because of this, they are offering up free subscriptions to players. In a change of pace from typical game companies, Farlan actually admits to releasing the game too early: Farlan Entertainment now acknowledges that the game was released prematurely due to pressure from its investors and from the gaming community.[We are] embarking on a new initiative to correct and improve various operational aspects of Dark and Light. While worldwide play in the Internet game will not be interrupted during this period, Farlan is nonetheless offering a thank you to the hundreds of thousands of Dark and Light subscribers who have signed on thus far by offering three months of play with no monthly subscription fee.Way to man up and admit your mistake Farlan. If only other companies would follow suit and do the same thing with their obviously rushed products.Check out the full press apology release after the break.