

  • New Infinite Crisis videos show off Poison Ivy, Gaslight Catwoman

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today released two new character videos for the upcoming DC Comics-based MOBA Infinite Crisis, and we've got 'em both for your eyeballs. First we have Gaslight Catwoman, a stealthy assassin who sneaks around and teleports to finish off enemies when they least expect it. She has the passive ability to deal more damage to already-injured foes. She also launches her claws in a cone-shaped attack! MeOW! Next we have Poison Ivy, who's all about protecting the environment. Her passive ability creates a healing ring for every sixth spell she casts; she can also cast Deadly Flora, an area-of-effect spell that heals teammates and damages foes at the same time. Bammo! You can sign up for the closed beta at the official site, but hurry because it's due to start on May 8th, right around the corner. Click past the cut to check out the videos.