

  • New EU PvE Realm: Saurfang

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Good news everyone!Thundgot over on the EU forums announced today that there is a new EU PvE server opening named Saurfang. It will be an English based server in the Misery battlegroup. As with most new servers, migration will not be allowed to it for the first 90 days. That means you can't transfer your characters there just yet. For now, Death Knight creation is only possible when you have a level 55 character on Saurfang itself. That restriction will be lifted after the 90 days pass.The realm became open for play just a short time ago, so if you're in the EU and want some new server goodness, head over there now and get started.

  • Patch 3.0.8 bug roundup

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    My favorite time of the patch day is here – looking at all the bugs! At the time of this writing, we're about six hours after the patch and the majority of bugs have been found. We've counted six of them, and will go over each and when the fix is expected after the break.Obviously some are more important than others. The Wintergrasp bug that is currently crashing servers left and right needs to be fixed "nao," as people are clamoring about in trade channels. The game is nearly unplayable for most people.Interestingly there are no bugs about missing mail or other missing items, nor are there reports of extreme lag and other difficulties (other than the severs crashing). The full list of 3.0.8 bugs, and information about their status, after the break.

  • Realm restarts to fix Death Knight bug

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    The Death Knight creation bug, which does not allow some players to create Death Knights on realms which they don't have a level 55+ character on, will be fixed by rolling restarts.The restarts will take place tomorrow (Wednesday January 21st) at 5:00 a.m. PST / 8:00 a.m. EST. Each realm should be down for a short period of time, and the restarts should only take around 15 minutes. Oceanic servers will see their restarts take place at 12:00 p.m. PST / 3:00 p.m. EST.We can safely assume that these restarts will correct the issue. However if they don't, look here for more information.Additional Note: There is no new information on the Wintergrasp bug