

  • Carbine unveils five-minute WildStar gameplay video featuring Deradune

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    In yesterday's WildStar Wednesday post, the kind folks over at Carbine took us on a textual tour of the savage wilds of Planet Nexus's Deradune zone. But while words are nice, we know that seeing is believing, so the studio has released a five-minute video showing off some Dominion gameplay across a number of Deradune's locales. Follow along with some Dominion adventurers as they explore the beautiful Deradune landscape and mercilessly slaughter its inhabitants. The video features some combat, some platforming, and even a showdown with fan-created monster Metal Maw. So what are you waiting for? Head on past the cut and feast your eyes, and be sure to look for more on Deradune in the future, since Carbine has announced that the zone will be playable at PAX East next week.

  • WildStar gives a briefing on Deradune, land of the Great Hunt

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Deradune is a zone that's been one of WildStar's most-viewed zones during Carbine's press viewings (heck, we've seen it enough to call it a second home by now!). Today's WildStar Wednesday gives more attention to the area by focusing on the story, key players, and descriptive landmarks that players will encounter. While striking many as reminiscent of World of Warcraft's Barrens, WildStar's Deradune sets itself apart by populating the region with tribes focused on hunting. Er, hm. Anyway, players will embark upon a "Great Hunt" if they want to join the Drakens of Bloodfire Clan, and oh boy do you want to be a part of this exclusive club! The article references a terrifying creature known as Metal Maw, which may be the end goal of the hunt.