

  • Tide space laundry detergent ISS badge

    Tide is making the first laundry detergent for space

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Tide and NASA are developing the first laundry detergent meant for space, and it will remove stains aboard the ISS in 2022.

  • Brazilian laundry soap comes with a GPS surprise

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    The crackerjack marketing teams at Unilever Brazil have come up with a promotion for the ages -- they've implanted GPS tracking devices into fifty boxes of the popular Omo laundry soap, and plan to follow buyers all the way to their doorsteps. We're sure it's a harmless promotion -- the chosen get a free video camera -- but on paper it sounds hilariously bad. You see, the promotions agency (aptly named Bullet) may be knocking on doors in neighborhoods with high crime rates, where unwitting individuals may not open the door, but should that happen there's a backup plan -- they'll instruct the box to start beeping via remote. If the bomb scare doesn't smoke out prospective winners, we're not sure if Bullet will bash down the doors, but the disastrous recipe also includes plans to post the general vicinity where winners live (complete with photographs) at an experimental website. And you thought Walmart's new RFID tags were bad.

  • Haier's detergentless WasH20 washing machine

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Washing machines that somehow remove the odors and spots from your garments sans the use of water have been around the block a time or two, and while we've heard a mad scientist claim that he discovered soap-free cleaning, it's Haier who's making him look brilliant. The detergentless WasH20 reportedly works by breaking down water molecules into OH- and H+ ions, and while we hardly recall the last chemistry course we took, we suppose we'll believe the claims for now. Apparently, the stains on the linens are "attracted and retained by ions of OH-, while the clothes are sterilized by the H+ ions." Word on the street has this one landing in France soon for around €699 ($957), but don't be surprised if your threads come out of the wash mutated, vaporized, or worst of all, smelling exactly like they did when they went in.[Thanks, Philippe T.]