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    Google now lets developers offer sales on Android apps

    Derrick Rossignol
    Derrick Rossignol

    During Google's Developer Day at GDC 2017 today, the company introduced a few new features that will benefit both developers and consumers on the Google Play Store. The one customers will notice most starting today is strikethrough pricing, which makes it more obvious when apps are being sold at a reduced rate.

  • Google shows off masked Android handset

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    It looks like Google was doing its best to spread Android fever in London this morning, with it taking advantage of its Developer Day event to show off a working Android phone for the first time in Europe. While Google apparently wasn't quite ready to take all the wraps off the suspiciously Dream-like handset itself, PC Pro reports that it looked "far more polished" than it did in earlier leaked videos, and that by all accounts it was actually a "finished commercial device." Google's Mike Jennings was, on the other hand, more than eager to talk about the OS, and he even dropped a tantalizing "why not?" when asked if Android could be used on devices other than phones. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any video of the event available, but you can check out a few first hand reports by hitting up the links below. Read - TechRadar, "Google shows off final Android handset" Read - PC Pro, "Android handset hits London" Read - PC Pro, "Will Apple or Android get in my pocket?" Update: Video of the event has been found (thanks, rxgator). Head on past the break to check it out. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]