

  • Throwboy Dock Icon pillows

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We're in the middle of gift guide season right now, but here's a gift that would fit great on any Mac user's list: Throwboy has designed a set of throw pillows after some of the Dock's most famous icons, including iTunes, iPhoto, Dashboard, and the Finder. They're 100% fleece, hand-crafted, and look cuddly as all get out.Sure, a computer icon might seem like a strange thing to squeeze, but hasn't Finder been there for you in the worst of moments before? No reason that shouldn't remain the case outside the computer as well. You can pick up a pillow (for yourself or anyone else this holiday season) for $29 each, or $149 for the whole set. They ship in about 3-6 weeks, so there's no guarantee you'll get it by Christmas, unfortunately, but as their order page says "handmade takes a while."

  • Installer icon badges

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    If you're anything like me, I'm sorry for you. Ah, a little joke to open things up never fails, but you know what isn't a joking matter? That's right, OS X's Installer. That's the program that, well, enables things to be installed in OS X so it is kind of important. Now, Daniel J. Wilson thinks that the Installer could do with a little more visual feedback to cue the user into what the heck it is doing. He suggests the icon badges mocked up above, to show when something is installing, there has been some sort of error, or the install has finished.This is a perfect example of 'The Little Things,' let's hope that Apple agrees.[via Daring Fireball]