

  • The Daily Grind: Is your character modeled after you?

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Earlier this week, we ran a story about someone who made celebrity look-alikes in the Guild Wars 2 character creator. While this ability isn't new, we've reached a point in our MMO technology at which our characters can be tweaked to look more easily identifiable as real, recognizable human beings. With those tools in hand, we may also experiment with our own doppelgangers from time to time, although that may be a little too creepy for some people. So what do you say? Do you regularly, or have you ever created an MMO character in your image? Or do you tend to steer clear of resemblances in favor of creating a character you'd rather be instead? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Breakfast Topic: Your doppleganger

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    I am engaged to Grandmaster Vorpil. I found this out during my first run of Shadow Labyrinth, when I bumped into my fiance, who was not in my party. Fortunately, my confusion kept me from attempting any communication with Vorpil, as he turned out to be somewhat prickly.Of course, just because Vorpil dresses just like my fiance, has the same hair and nearly identical features, does not mean he's exactly the same. Actually, he's a touch more pallid. That's when it was pointed out to me that I very much resemble a cross between Thrall and Drek'thar. Harumphing, I pointed out that the skin was all wrong and that I have an owl. I began to ponder what other famous NPCs look like me (!), or one of my alts. Have you ever bumped into your NPC doppleganger? Furthermore, have you ever met a twin from another realm in a merged battleground? A couple of months ago I found a holy pally with my shield, my hair, my skin, and my name (spelled with inferiority) in Warsong. The moment was definitely eerie.I also cannot help but wonder how Wrath of the Lich King will affect all of this. Will we finally be able to break away from looking like a third of all NPCs of a given race? Will the customization allow us to avoid bumping into ourselves in battlegrounds?