

  • The Road to Mordor: Rise of Isengard is coming!

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Tweet [Update: Made a clarification that there is no indication of "open-world" PvMP in the expansion.] Times are tough in Middle-earth, even after the inexplicable appearance of several hundred thousand new adventurers this fall. The Fellowship of the Ring is broken, Sauron is rising in power, and the White Hand of Saruman is marching across the lands. Even the bravest and hardiest soldier of the Free Peoples cannot be blamed for feeling disheartened, especially in the face of the monumental struggle to come. Welcome to the beginning of The Two Towers in Lord of the Rings Online. Welcome to Isengard. The rumors are true: Next year we will be venturing into LotRO's third expansion, titled Rise of Isengard, to confront evil in its own backyard. While this may not be the Rohan or Gondor expansion that we've anticipated, Turbine is fairly confident that it will be well-received by players and will represent an ambitious step forward on (wait for it) the road to Mordor. Turbine's Adam Mersky and Aaron Campbell were on hand to outline for us the company's near- and far-future plans with Massively, starting with the imminent November update and cruising all the way through 2011. Hit the jump as we look at interactive theater, busy bees, Monster Play improvements and, of course, Isengard.

  • Rally against the Dourhands of Sarnr

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The Lord of the Rings Online site has been updated with a new area, the Dourhand dwelling of Sarnúr. After the Dourhands were driven from Thorin's Hall by the Longbeards, they came across the ruins of one of their ancestor's cities, gave it a new name and settled in there. Here they dwell, preparing for assaults on the Dwarves to the north and the Elves to the south.Sarnúr is a popular area to earn reputation with Thorin's Hall, with the Dourhands there commonly dropping reputation hand-in items. It is a higher level area, intended for mid to upper 40's, and there are some good grinding deeds there not only for the Dourhands, but also the beasts and Trolls that inhabit the ruined city. It's an easy dungeon to reach, just east of Noglond, with almost no high level mobs to run through to reach the entrance. Check out the new lorebook entry to find out more and use the interactive map that plots the area's location.

  • LotRO spotlight on the Vale of Thrain

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    A new Lord of the Rings Online lorebook entry has been posted to the game's website, with the focus being the Vale of Thrain. The Vale of Thrain is found in Ered Luin, south of Thorin's Gate, and is a low level area that is situated near both the Elf and Dwarf starting locations. Two quest hubs can be found in the area: Nogrond, a way-point, and Gondamon, a fortress down at the southern end of the Vale.The Dourhand Dwarves and goblins that inhabit the area have hindered trading efforts along the central road, and there are opportunities for an enterprising adventurer to assist the locals with this problem. Visit the lorebook entry to find out more about the area and see a couple more screenshots.