

  • League of Legends video previews 3.9 patch

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    As is wont to happen, patches bring change. And League of Legend's upcoming 3.9 patch is no different. In the latest video patch preview, Riot Games highlights some of those incoming alterations to the popular MOBA. This time around Draven is the first in line for a nerf bat makeover. Deemed an unfair champion (thanks to his unmatched early game damage), the team toned Draven down by modifying his passive ability. Next up, LeBlanc is actually getting buffed up to improve her flexibility. And finally, Oracle's Elixer and wards are getting a few changes; kill gold for a ward will be split between the player that finds it as well as the one that kills it, and Oracle's Elixer will persist through death, but have a shortened duration and reveal radius. You can catch all the details in the video after the break. [Source: Riot Games press release]

  • The Summoner's Guidebook: Our least favorite LoL champions

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    Everyone has preferences. We're naturally attracted to the aesthetics of certain characters, or perhaps we really like a character's gameplay or even his voice actor. For instance, everyone knows that I really like Poppy, but I'm attracted to a lot of other characters. I tend to like the "mature" seductive women like Ahri, Nidalee, or Zyra, for instance. I also really love Jax and his overconfident fighter attitude (plus "Pizza the Champ" jokes), and I really love Udyr and Sona's stance mechanics. Everyone loves Riven, too; the combination of a shy, talented warrior woman with really cool, combo-oriented gameplay tends to make her a favorite of many summoners. League of Legends is a big game and has a lot of characters, though. Not all characters are equally loved. This week, we're going to look at some of the champions I personally can't stand, generally because I hate fighting against them.