

  • Readers pick best webcomic: Wii and my shadow

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's the punchline, really. Steve Napierski's Dueling Analogs bundles a PS3 with the Wii and takes home the Quidditch Gold Cup for Webcomics. (Yeah, we know that makes no sense.)Second and third places go to Digital Unrest and Extra Life, respectively. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you stumble upon this week!

  • Tell Gamestop 'no reserves' with this geek chic shirt

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Now you can advise Gamestop to just not ask without ever uttering a word. Perennial webcomic entrant Steve Napierski of Dueling Analogs has created this t-shirt, distributed care of Ze Stuff, for all those who like to rag on the biggest video game-centric brick and mortar retailer.Of course, showing distaste for Gamestop is the cool thing to do these days, so why not let everyone know what side you're on against in the Retail Wars of 2015?

  • Readers pick best webcomic: brain fart

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Some found it juvenile and immature, but Slackerz writer Scott Smith (who created the comic along with artist Scott Hepting) explained that his winning comic was inspired by actual events and that, yes, scribbling your 'a,' 'r,' and 't' can lead to some naughty results in Brain Age. Despite the objection by some, Smith's comic was overwhelmingly voted webcomic of the week.Second place went to Dueling Analogs and third place was claimed by Rooster Teeth in their first ever appearance on the wrapup. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you stumble upon this week![Update: credit given to Hepting for drawing Slackerz comic.]

  • Readers pick best webcomic: Living Achievements Vicariously

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Blending real life with virtual life is usually reserved for those who think it's wise to incorporate 1337 speak into grade school essays (and shame on you for thinking Shakespeare doesn't r0x0rz j00r b0x0rz). Dueling Analogs, for splicing what makes the Xbox great with what makes ... well, we don't want to go there either way, has been crowned the winner of this week's webcomic wrapup.Second place goes to still-newbie 2P Start and third place went perennial favorites (and our rocketeering racketeering partners) Penny Arcade. Thanks to everyone who voted and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you stumble upon this week!

  • Readers pick best webcomic, now with Google

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    In the event of a tie, the supreme dictator has the right to choose which comic he deems most worthy, and therefore I am deigning the rare victor Fanboys Online the best webcomic of the week over the often favorite VG Cats (Sorry, Scott 1, but Scott 2 doesn't nearly get the same amount of recognition.) Third place goes to Dueling Analogs' clever mashup of some of our favorite games.Last week's list was over-indulgent, and we intend to purge it of its gluttonous weight and trim according to quality. We have a better idea of what the readers enjoy, but we will ultimately leave the selection up to supreme dictators (read: us). We promise to always showcase the little guys as much as possible, so as not to become a perpetual fistfight amongst the top 5 gaming comics.With that said, thanks to everyone who voted and be sure to let us know of any game-related comics you stumble upon this week!

  • Readers pick best webcomic: the $64,800 bounty

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    True, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton's $1,200 boast has been taken somewhat out of context, but it does make for some excellent satire. Enter Penny Arcade's Tycho and Gabe, whose comic earned the not-dubious-at-all award for best game-related webcomic of the week.Rounding up second and third place are Dueling Analogs and VG Cats, respectively.Congratulations to perennial entry RPG-TV, who is celebrating its one year anniversary. According to the comic's creators there will be guest strips aplenty, starting with Digital Unrest's Chris Simmons' comic. Other guest artists promised include the minds behind Dueling Analogs, Fanboys-Online, Boot_Error "and many more whom I cant mention here without making this sentence long and unwieldy."As mentioned in the comments on Saturday, all those comics were sent to us via the tip line will be included this week. Thanks to everyone who voted and be sure to let us know of any gaming comics you stumble upon this week!(Note: $64,800 is equivalent to 54 PlayStation 3 sightings.)

  • Readers pick best webcomic: 95% almost brand new!

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Recently profiled artist Steve Napierski (Dueling Analogs) suffers a power outage, pushes his Final Fantasy XII strip to 2:00a.m. tonight, but shuffles together a trio of devious consoles to create the reader's choice best game-related webcomic of the week.Second and third place were claimed by old hats Penny Arcade and Ctrl+Alt Del, respectively. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any gaming comics you stumble upon (or create) this week!

  • Joystiq profile: Dueling Analogs' Steve Napierski

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Taking time away from creating a poll that marginalizes the artistic merit of gaming comics into a silly competition, we decided to take a new look at a webcomic we've been watching since almost its inception -- namely, Dueling Analogs' Steve Napierski. DA has always been close to Joystiq, even going so far as to dedicate a strip, sort of, to PSP Fanboys' Andrew Yoon. We're glad Napierski took time out of making a full-sized Konami Code poster to reveal some insight into his life.Tell us a little about yourself. What is your "other life"?As far as my personal life, I'm married, have a baby girl and am an avid collector of video games and anime. As for my career, I create websites and web related content for automotive dealers and OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). Plus I am also a freelance web designer and graphic artist.Why did you start making webcomics? Why game-related?I always wanted to get into comics, but the prospect of doing an entire book before anyone would even read it seemed overwhelming. Now, with webcomics you do one strip or page at a time and people all over the world have instant access to it. That appealed to me.I was already working on the outer circle and that took care of my character driven strip. So, I created Dueling Analogs to take care of my gaming and gag strip needs.

  • Hold it! Phoenix Man

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Is our abject lust for all things Phoenix Wright so terribly transparent? It must be, because you guys are forever sending us lawyerly tips, and we love you for it. Not that we're complaining. Please don't stop. Never stop.Today's edition of All Random Phoenix Wright Stuff comes by way of a regular feature from webcomic Dueling Analogs, wherein they envision possible rejected Mega Man villains. Gotta love this one! He would own us every time. How could we fight Phoenix Man? He has a attorney's badge and wings! That's an unstoppable combination right there.[Thanks, Jesse!]

  • Because Miis needed to be creepy

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Webcomic Dueling Analogs has the proud distinction of being responsible for the most disturbing use of Miis that this blogger has seen to date. Of course, when you put it that way, we're not sure it's really much of a "proud distinction," is it? Well, whether it's merely a little weird or laugh-out-loud funny, they're using Miis in Friday comics this month. It's the Mii Plaza background that makes it work. We always wondered just what it was those little guys were chatting about ....[Via GoNintendo]

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup: PSP Fanboy edition

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We'd like to send a special congratulations to PSP Fanboy's Andrew Yoon, who has now been immortalized into a comic by Dueling Analog's Steve Napierski. Andrew, please buy a red shirt. Also, in our rush to deliver the highest quality of craptacular introduction paragraphs, we forgot to mention that Napierski made his 100th DA comic last week -- major kudos! Now that we feel vindicated to leave you out of the running, here are our picks for the best gaming comics of the week. Be sure to vote for your favorite! * Nothing "They threw him a football and he tried to dribble it." Nightmare at twenty-thousand feet Pastimes Problems with the blue diode? Aggro Beyond repair ... babies? * ... or don't, whatever. I'm not the boss of you.

  • Dueling Analog is, like, the best webcomic, ever

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    An overly enthusiastic shout-out goes to Dueling Analogs. They've been reading PSP Fanboy, and they linked to us! Their latest comic discusses the internet's bashing of the PSP, and how the mean things that people say come out of paternal love more than anything else.Steve, writer of the comic, wrote in his most recent blog post: "Now for the record, I think the PSP is a good system... I just think its made bad mistakes. My main gripe is that the games are not designed for portable, but for console play."You're right Steve, too many of the older PSP games didn't take advantage of the console's portability. Of course, some of us want console-quality on the go, and the PSP does a good job of appealing to that niche. With shortening load times, and better game design, I think the current and upcoming PSP library will make more uniquely portable experiences for our handheld. Thanks for the mention!

  • Everything I need to know, I learned from GTA

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Joystiq's Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is upon us, and we need YOU to rock the vote, GTA-style. Somehow, VG Cats and Penny Arcade always win. But, how about this entry from Dueling Analogs. Any comic that's presented in a faux-PSP has to be good. Especially when it's about GTA.My favorite part? "Only black people can swim."[Via Joystiq]

  • Dueling Analog's Loco Roco comic

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Yet another Loco Roco comic was discovered by Joystiq's Weekly Webcomic Wrapup. From the fine folks of Dueling Analogs, it goes into detail about the eating disorder our poor blubbery friend may have. Is it as effective as Penny Arcade's comic from a few months ago? I'd say no, but you can be the judge. See also: Paperweights for no man! [Via Joystiq]