

  • One last chance for an NBA Live 07 achievement

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    The NBA Live 07 servers are going to the Big Locker Room in the Sky on Feb. 2, but Achievement seekers are trying one last time to get 1,000+ players online concurrently, a lofty goal that would nab participants 100 points a piece. So set aside a little time on Jan. 31 at 1 p.m. EST and get ready to game with the Xbox360Achievements.org team for a cause.

  • EA pulling plug on older sports games' servers

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    It's a new year, and the hammer must fall once more on the EA games that the company has deemed "unfit" to play. But the server shutdowns (which are traditionally closer to the middle of the year) are earlier than ever this time (beginning February 2), so fans of Facebreaker, Fantasy Football 09, Fight Night Round 3 on PS2, and many other soon-to-be retired online sports games have little time to achieve their last feats of glory. We've got the full list of server shutdowns -- courtesy of MCV -- after the break. Let us know if you're still playing any of the games getting the axe.