

  • Smart earrings can monitor your health even when you're in a dress

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Sure, there are high-tech bracelets out there that can show you texts and reminders, but you're more of an earrings gal anyway, and you like fitness bands better than smartwatches. Ear-o-Smart is a pair of smart earrings that can take the place of both health bands and heart-rate-monitoring earbuds like LG's and SMS Audio's. These accessories have the technology to monitor not only your heart rate, but also calories burned and activity levels by shining an LED to your flesh and measuring the light reflected by your blood. They then transmit bursts of data via Bluetooth to an iPhone or an Android smartphone.

  • Capacitors and diodes lovingly tooled together to form a fantastical necklace and earring set

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Here's the thing: we never really got into dramatic jewelry. We're just not wired that way. Still, we can appreciate the craftsmanship, the beauty, and the geeky elegance of this necklace and earring set, which is composed of ninety-eight capacitors and diodes woven with wire and jump rings. Check the time lapse video below of its construction.

  • iPhone 'home' button earrings are for serious fangirls (and guys) only

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    We've seen plenty of phone-inspired earrings -- it's a multitasking age, after all, so it's not really a surprise to see gadgets inspire jewelry. It is kind of surprising to behold these earrings, however, which appear to have been made with iPhone 'home' buttons. What, there are so many disused iPhones lying around that someone just had to make jewelry out of them? Poor reception got you down? If you want to scoop up a pair of these, hit the read link... but be warned: these bad boys will run you $14.95.

  • The gift of love; the gift of recycled Mac and iPhone jewelry

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Are you looking for that perfect holiday gift for a loved one? Is that someone special a Mac geek or geekette? If so, then the clever people at PowerBook Medic have a wonderful gift idea for you! They make a living out of repairing old Mac laptops and iPhones, and it's apparent that over the years they've accumulated more than a handful of buttons from machines that need fixing. PowerBook Medic is now making earrings from iPhone home buttons (see photo at right) and the power buttons from aluminum, black, and white MacBooks and MacBook Pros. These lovely personal accessories can be yours for only US$14.95 per pair, so it's probably a good idea to order a complete set so the recipient doesn't think you're a complete cheapskate. The company is also giving away 15 pairs of the iPhone earrings to lucky winners. Details of their Twitter-fied contest can be found here.

  • iPhone earrings will get great reception at your next party

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    In many ways modern cellphones are little more than high-tech pieces of jewelry that keep you connected to the world while looking great pressed to your ear. Barb at Etsy's "iPhone G3" earrings eschew all that unnecessary functionality and focus on the aesthetics, shrinking a pair of handsets the same way she miniaturized two Wiimotes, turning them into tiny charms to dangle from your earlobes -- head decor that's sure to light up the eyes of every male geek in the room. A pair are yours for just $22, which is a fair bit more affordable than the real things. [Via technabob]

  • World of WarCrafts: Horde earrings

    Shelbi Roach
    Shelbi Roach

    Every Thursday, Shelbi Roach of The Bronze Kettle guides you in creating WoW-inspired crafts using real world mats with World of WarCrafts.There is nothing quite like the beacon of nerdiness that is video game apparel. These subtle yet straightforward earrings are sure to attract your fellow horde lover. A perfect accessory for that blind date outside of Orgrimmar.Here is what you will need: Black and Red Sculpey Clay Fishhook Earrings Eye Pins (4) Red Beads (2) Split Ring Pliers Round Nose Pliers Wire Cut Pliers Clear Acrylic Spray Click on the images below to view a gallery of step-by-step instructions. %Gallery-32150%

  • Made in Azeroth: Arts and crafts inspired by WoW

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    How can we amuse ourselves while we wait for Wrath of the Lich King to come out? One word: geekcrafts. Sure, you could go to Jinx or CafePress and buy some stickers or T-shirts, but then again there's all that waiting, what with the shipping and everything. Plus, although somebody made it, they didn't make it. By which I mean, it wasn't crafted. So, you know, it's like a BoE item instead of an engineers-only item. Am I making any sense yet? No? Hm. Okay. Let me try again. Idle hands are the devil's workshop, so pick up some art supplies and start learning a new hobby. By way of inspiration, take a look at some of these cool things other people have crafted from their love of WoW.

  • Real-life Mooncloth Bag (and Horde earrings)

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yup, it's a real-life Mooncloth Bag. SpikeHeadDesign over on Etsy has turned the 16-slotter's icon into an actual, real-life bag. Instead of actual Mooncloth, though (there are no real Moonwells on Earth, unfortunately), it's made of corduroy, cotton, a few buttons and velcro, and some kind of lace on the side (though I know my Shaman would never actually use something with lace on it, so they must all be different). Looks terrific, anyway, and it should for that price: $180.00. Still, for a handmade, one-of-a-kind bag, can't go wrong. The creator says that Netherweave is next, and it'll be exciting when we get to "Gigantique."Alice Taylor of the great Wonderland blog has also been dutifully keeping up with WoW stuff on Etsy: she found these great Horde earrings that have unfortunately sold out (though this other design is still available). Could be the perfect gift for the jewelry-adorned WoW player in your life.Thanks, Jaynnie!

  • Space Invaders on our ears and necks

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Every week it seems like we show you some sort of Space Invaders or Pac-Man themed memorabilia. We don't know why it's so hard to let go of these characters from the arcade days of yore, but it is -- so we won't.Neither will crafter Pardalote, who makes adorable beaded Invaders jewelry like the earrings shown above. The best news is, the earrings and necklaces are reasonably priced, especially for handmade items. You can see for yourself at the Australian's Etsy store here.Do any of you geekettes out there like these, too? Or is this blogger just blinded by her love for all things Space Invaders?[Via Technabob]

  • Now you're adorning your earlobes with power

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    These NES earrings are simple enough to make: rip buttons out of system, create holes (in ears and buttons), insert earring hooks. But they're also awesome. We don't know if it's because of our demonstrably terrible taste, but we think that they're both nerdy and kind of attractive in a weird way. What better way to tell the world "My NES doesn't work anymore"?You may be able to download NES games via the Virtual Console, but the experience of wearing the system can never be transmitted over the Internet. Score one for real hardware! We look forward to seeing earrings made of dead Wii power buttons in about 20 years.[Via Wonderland]

  • Silver post PowerBook earrings

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Remember these? Now in Silver! Love. Love love love. Want. Will consider re-opening closed-up lobe holes for these babies. wantwantwantwantwantwant.[1] [1] Silver earrings are not recommended for the undead and werewolves. For geek use only. Not intended for use with non-pierced body parts[2]. Common side effects include consumer happiness and squeeing. Consult with a doctor before starting any new fashion regimen. TUAW is not responsible for the excessive drool this post may cause. [2] Those of you of the non-pierced variety may prefer the bracelet version, also available at 925works.

  • Wear this Bob-omb jewelry at a safe distance

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Craftster user False_desire calls herself a "one woman jewelry workshop," a pretty accurate description considering her prolific output. Wading through her assortment of Rainbow Brite, Care Bears and Hello Kitty creations, we stumbled across these adorable (non-exploding) Bob-omb earrings and matching necklace. Hand-sculpted from FIMO (damn fiddly stuff, let us tell you), both of these cute one-offs are available now on eBay (here and here), so grab 'em while you still can!

  • Bring the world's most famous puzzle game to the sides of your head

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We don't wear earrings, but we're starting to think that it may be worth it for these great handmade Tetris pieces. Oh, except most dudes can't really pull off the dangly-earring look. And that wearing earrings involves getting holes put in you. We would do anything for Tetris, but we won't do that. Okay, forget that plan.Luckily, when we like a game craft item, we have an alternate method of appreciating it, other than damaging our bodies: we can blog about it and tell all of you how awesome they are. The Etsy store is sold out now, but you may be able to fashion your own with polymer clay. Then you can choose your own favorite Tetromino! Which is the I, right? For pretty much everybody? [Via Crafty Crafty]

  • Wear your love for Wii on your ears

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Very much like the keychain that Nintendo gave to those who purchased (and registered) Big Brain Academy, these miniature Wiimotes created by Etsy user thiakosa are meant to be worn on your ears. Sadly, if you have that special someone in your life who could appreciate a gift like this, you'll have to wait. They're currently sold out.If you find other accessories of this type, be sure to let us know. We love to see this kind of stuff.

  • Clay artist whips up Wiimote earrings, keychain

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've definitely seen some of our favorite gizmos turned into jewelry in the past, and while thiakosia's polymer clay-based Wiimote pieces aren't nearly as tasty as some other homemade controllers we've seen, they'd look mighty geektastic hanging from your lobes. The artist claims to use Sculpey clay along with a single coat of satin glaze finish to construct each of the items, and so far, there's Wiimote-based cellphone charms, keychains and earrings for you to pick up. Best of all, these oh-so-cute items aren't outrageously priced, ranging from just $6.50 to $15 before shipping. Check out the rest of the gang after the jump, and be sure and hit the read link if you're scoutin' a gift for your favorite nerd.[Via Technabob]

  • Weight loss program in Wrath of the Lich King?

    Chris Jahosky
    Chris Jahosky

    While browsing the forums earlier today, I came across this strange yet thought-provoking question in a thread created by Laurelyn."I rerolled a BELF Pally and leveled her to 44, however after playing my trim little girl for a month or two I came back to my human paladin only to find the pally I once loved and saw as curvaceous now seems to me .. well significantly over weight. Will I have the opportunity to perhaps enroll her in a weight loss program when WotLK comes out?"While I don't think that the human female models in game are anything even remotely close to overweight, it is an interesting question. We've reported on the new ways that WotLK may change your character's appearance in the past. Wouldn't this qualify as just another way to alter your character's appearance?What do you think? Would you want to make your character more thin (or heavier) if you could?

  • Earrings and tattoos may be available at ingame barbershops

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Salthem has dropped a nice hint about the most unexpectedly exciting feature of the new expansion: hairstyles!Yep apparently it's not just hair: there will definitely be new hairstyles and colors, but there may also be new jewelry (earrings and noserings, I'd assume), and maybe even tattoos to choose from. And the most interesting piece of news is that the hair changing won't take place outside of the game, in a menu or some such, but at ingame barbershops.Strange. Will there be a barbershop inbetween the swords and wands shops in Orgrimmar? Or maybe new hairstyles will be confined to the new expansion, and the barbershops will appear in Dalaran only. Either way, Salthem says the design is still being planned, so we're a long way off until getting concrete information on this. Hopefully, Blizzard has gotten clued in to how excited players are about more customization option, and we'll all get something cool when the expansion eventually hits.Thanks, Kevin!

  • Flickr Find: Geek Your Earings, PowerBook Style

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    TUAW reader Scott Benson pointed us to these fab-u-lous earrings made from the power buttons of two old Powerbook cases. After drilling a hole in the tab, they make a beautiful and geekalicious pair of earrings. From an Apple-female-wise karma-point-of-view, these earrings go a long way towards making up for the fact that the iPhone was designed in a way that forces women to trim their fingernails or otherwise tupe loke this. [Via Treehugger]

  • Uber apron and other WoW crafts

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Alice from Wonderland posted this great apron Craftster dishwasher182 (I guess we know what she does after the pizza is eaten) made for her significant other for Valentine's Day. That's a great on-equip buff. Too bad it's soulbound, though-- if you want one, I guess you'll have to make your own custom printed iron-on. And bonus points to another Craftster for pointing out that the apron itself is in fact a blue item. Ha!There's also this knitted Tauren hat, which looks great, but I can't quite see how it's supposed to be worn. How can you see wearing it with that big bullsnout hanging in your face? Also Tauren-related, this hilarious sketch currently for sale on Etsy. And there's also these handmade (not by the same Alice, though) Ankh earrings-- perfect for the shaman in your life who occasionally needs some resurrecting (see #5 in the description).It's probably because I have no craftmaking talent whatsoever, but all this great fanmade craft stuff continues to amaze me. Keep up the good work, guys.

  • iArtifact earrings mimic Apple iPod earbuds

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Don't count on Ashley Gehman's rendition of Apple's stock earbuds to come bundled in with a special edition iPod anytime soon, but if you're looking to permanently affix such icons to your lobes as a tribute to your fangirlism, these are for you. The iArtifact iPod earbud earrings look to be made from sterling silver, sport the tell-tale dimples across the top, and on top of all that, they're wireless. All jesting aside, these completely non-musical body adornments should light up the eyes of your favorite lady, and while these haven't gone commercial just yet (probably some papers left to sign regarding that whole Made for iPod agenda), we could definitely see these things selling like hotcakes in Apple stores worldwide.