

  • A Tale in the Desert VI begins tomorrow

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    A Tale in the Desert V is coming to a close, and of course that means that A Tale in the Desert VI is just over the horizon. For the uninitiated, this means that the current arc of events will be coming to an end and players will be starting from scratch. However, that doesn't mean that all was for naught. Though the players themselves have to start anew, the achievements of Tale 5 remain in place. Players succeeded in building four new monuments, which will lead to four new Tests designed by the team's Oracles for Tale 6. The new Tale goes live at noon EST tomorrow, December 3rd, so you have one more night to prepare yourselves before another unique Tale begins. To get in on the action yourself, just head on over to the game's official site.

  • Rise and Shiny recap: A Tale in the Desert V

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    A Tale in the Desert V is a non-combat crafting paradise. That might sound a little strange, but the developers encourage players to work together to accomplish bigger and better things, making them feel as though they are part of a community. I have tried the game at different times over the years but never really became more than a visitor. I was glad to be given the opportunity to check it out, but even after a week I still feel like I have barely scratched the surface. I have emerged from the tutorial a smarter citizen, but I know that around the corner, greater challenges wait. The game is not without its flaws, however, although many of the issues might fade as systems and controls become more apparent. Still, I found myself a little frustrated when the game asked me to sit and literally watch grass grow. I did it, though, and found an odd game, filled with mysteries. In a good way, of course.

  • Silkroad Online travels to Egypt in Heroes of Alexandria

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    For the players who have traveled the silk road a very long time, Joymax has good news for you! Their upcoming patch for Silkroad Online, titled Legend V: Heroes of Alexandria is coming out, offering a chance to experience life in a highly stylized version of Egypt that is open to level 100 players. Among the many treasures unearthed in the strange lands of Alexandria are never-before-seen weapons and armor, the Desert of Storms and Cloud, the Valley of the Kings, and two new dungeons called Tomb of the Pharaoh and the Temple. Of course, you can't just expect a simple tank and spank to await you in an exotic place like Alexandria. That's why Joymax has added some interesting difficulty mechanics to the new dungeons. In the Tomb of the Pharaoh, players will be able to choose from three different difficulty levels and can return up to two times per day to hunt for new Egyptian goodies. The Temple is for players at level 105 and will involve not only fighting nasty monsters, but also other competing players! Mmm, PvP raiding. For those who take up the challenge, there are also new set items which will give players a bonus when worn together -- you know, as opposed to just looking nice. In all, it sounds like a great update for players who have long traveled the dusty roads of Silkroad Online. Hopefully we'll get some One Shots of people fighting Egyptian boss mobs like you can see in the trailer we've included behind the break! (hint hint) They're pretty cool-looking in our book.

  • All the World's a Stage: So you want to be a Scribe

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    This installment of All the World's a Stage is the thirty-sixth in a series of roleplaying guides about how to roleplay various aspects of the lore and gaming elements of WoW. What is inscription anyways? I mean, we all know that it's the newest profession, added in Wrath of the Lich King, and it lets you make these "glyphs" which allow you to modify or improve your various class abilities in interesting ways. In gaming terms all that makes perfect sense, but when it comes to telling a story with your character, there are a lot of details missing. Technically, a glyph is a character or symbol, like a heiroglyph or a pictograph, which we can see to a certain extent when we click on the glyph and put it into our in-game glyph interface -- it looks pretty cool with all those circles and lines and stuff. But what does it really mean? Are you pasting these symbols into a book of some sort? Are they getting magically tattooed onto your skin somewhere? And where did inscription come from to begin with? Has it been around in Azeroth all along somehow, or was it some sort of ancient knowledge only discovered recently, around the time in the Warcraft lore when the Wrath of the Lich King begins? If it was discovered, then who discovered it and how? How exactly does a scribe learn these glyphs? Does he or she pore over ancient tomes that haven't been read in thousands of years, trying to decipher ancient texts? Or is the art and magic of it more in the artistic calligraphy of it rather than any difficulty in discovering or interpreting the symbols themselves? There are far more questions than answers when it comes to roleplaying a scribe, and to a large extent each roleplayer is free to choose his or her own approach. What follows is the just one suggestion as to how you might work out a plausible solution -- please feel free to read it and improve upon it in whatever way you like.

  • Delve into Champions Online's evil lairs trailer

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Well look at this, a new Champions Online trailer has been released unto Gametrailers and thus, the world. It opens with an interesting winged angel superhero soaring into an intelligence meeting, but don't be fooled, this trailer's focus is solely on villainous lairs. Some of you would probably be more than happy with a video showcasing all the various wings and how they animate in flight (we spotted some Egyptian style wings in the trailer) but that's not happening today. Maybe there's a wings/flight video in the works, for all we know.There's some slightly cheesy voice acting and we're almost certain the narrator is attempting a commanding voice in the spirit of Optimus Prime, but the trailer is very enjoyable for what it is: campy superhero goodness. It may not be everyone's preference, but we're digging what we see and can't wait to raid some lairs come this September.Witness the full trailer embedded after the break.