

  • Del Toro got Valve's permission to use GlaDOS' voice in Pacific Rim

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    The presence of Ellen McLain's sultry, robotic trills in the Pacific Rim trailer above filled us with much, much joy when we first saw it last December, but we couldn't help but feel like director Guillermo del Toro wasn't being entirely original. Furthermore, we wondered how Valve would feel about such flagrant counterfeiting; we know it doesn't own Ellen McLain's voice or anything, but come on.None of that is actually an issue, as it turns out, since del Toro actually obtained permission from Valve to use GlaDOS' voice in the film, according to the Toronto Sun. "I wanted very much to have her, because I'm a big Portal fan," del Toro said. "But just as a wink. She's not cake-obsessed."McLain's vocal work in the actual film will be run through fewer GlaDOS-inducing voice filters in the final film, del Toro says, but he wanted her voice to be completely recognizable in the trailer. It's also worth noting that there's no actual crossover between Valve's Portal/Half Life universe and Pacific Rim's, even though Pacific Rim is a movie about universes crossing over.

  • GLaDOS featured in Pacific Rim trailer

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Director Guillermo del Toro had previously mentioned actress Ellen McLain, best known in gaming circles as the voice of GLaDOS, would use her vocal talent in his upcoming monster movie Pacific Rim. We just had no idea McLain would reprise her GLaDOs voice exactly. It's like hearing Majel Barrett as the voice of Siri.

  • Proposing with portals: how really romantic gamers pop the question

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Unless you proposed from orbit, chances are your marriage request was not nearly as elaborate as Gary Hudston's. And, perhaps outside of 2008's homebrew Bejeweled proposal, no where near as geeky either. Hudston hired a skilled developer to create series of custom levels for Portal 2 that his potential betrothed would have to play through. When it heard about his apparently not so secret project, Valve even helped him secure Ellen McLain, the voice of GLaDOS, to record original audio. You can check out the hilarious and heartwarming video after the break or just play through the levels yourself by downloading them at the source link. Sadly, unless you happen to be the future Mrs. Hudston, you'll be no closer to marrying yourself off after solving its puzzles.

  • Portal's Chell and GLaDOS get along much better in real life

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Chell and GLaDOS may not share much love for each other in the Portal series, but GLaDOS voice actress Ellen McLain (left) and Chell face model Alesia Glidewell (right) certainly seem to get along swimmingly, as evidenced in this photo tweeted by Ashley King.