

  • Infinite Crisis shows off what's going on behind the scenes

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    On one level, Infinite Crisis feels like an obvious premise. Take a setting that already gives players plenty of reasons to beat one another up as iconic heroes and villains, give those players plenty of iconic heroes and villains, enjoy the show. But according to the new behind-the-scenes video, the game took a fair bit more effort than that. It's partly a result of game technology finally matching up with what players need and want in this sort of game. The video features commentary by both DC Comics creators and Turbine Entertainment staff members. One of the big elements of the game is that environments are not static things, that they can be interacted with and damaged during play, and that helps contribute to the feel of a game of superheroes rather than just another MOBA. If you want a closer look, check out the full video embedded just past the break. [Source: Turbine Entertainment press release]

  • World PvP, dungeon experiences, and quality of life in Guild Wars 2

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Guild Wars 2 is a game that seemingly everyone is anticipating, helped along by the fact that very few people have gotten to play it and even fewer have played it extensively. So it's understandable that incGamers' recent interview with Eric Flannum and John Peters covers a lot of ground, ranging from dungeons to PvP to environmental interactions. While some of the questions posed by the interviewers aren't answered, there's a great deal of information for fans, starting with the clarification that dungeons do not have a specific "story mode." There's a series of events the player experiences with important world NPCs followed by the option to explore the dungeon. PvP is discussed a bit, with the free admission that while players in competitive arenas will be evenly matched, it's possible to be simply outgunned in open combat. The role of guards and other NPCs in the open combats is also clarified; NPCs act essentially as speedbumps rather than serious targets for player consideration. Guild Wars 2 fans should read through both pages of the interview to get a better idea of what's coming in the game as well as another confirmation that a closed beta is due before the end of the year.