

  • Meet the Bloggers: Basil "Euripides" Berntsen

    Basil Berntsen
    Basil Berntsen

    About the Bloggers introduces you to the people behind WoW Insider. You can find articles on more WI staffers in earlier About the Bloggers entries. What do you do for WoW Insider? I write Gold Capped. I used to write Time is Money and Insider Trader as well, but then I decided to stop trying to categorize my thoughts and simply dump them all into Gold Capped and let my editors sort it out. What's your main? I have exactly one level 85 character: my hunter. I raid and PVP with him, as well as use him for my alchemy and blacksmithing businesses. I will continue to have one max-level character until all the jewelcrafting dailies my JC mule does dings him 85 without having set foot outside Stormwind. I have way too much on my plate to actually take care of my alts. For one, I hate leveling. Once you've seen it once, doing it again doesn't have enough reward to justify the time. Secondly, if I had more playtime to use, I'd use it to do more of what I already do. I could be doing 10-man extensions of my 25-man raid if I had another raid night per week, or I could do more than a rated BG now and then. Starting a second gear grind with another character isn't something that's on my radar.

  • WoW Insider Show live today at 3:30 PM Eastern

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    It's been a wild day for WoW news, and what better place to hear about it than on the WoW Insider Show podcast? We return to the airwaves today at 3:30 PM Eastern time, with your host Michael Sacco, cohost Matthew Rossi, and special guest hosts Kelly Aarons and Basil "Euripides" Berntsen (our new auction house columnist). We'll be answering reader emails, shootin' the breeze, and discussing the week's top stories on and around the web. And, of course, we'll talk live with the folks in the chat channel. You can email the podcast any time of night or day at, and you'll be able to listen in to the show on the feed on our Ustream site, or after the jump.