

  • Assassin's Creed 2 playable at Eurogamer Expo, major publishers backing show

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    We're a bit wary of more convention-style events in the already event-filled year, but the Eurogamer Expo this year is promising something we've yet to do at any convention before -- get our hands on Assassin's Creed 2 before its November release. Taking place in both Leeds and London (October 27/28 and 30/31, respectively), attendees will be treated to a smattering of playable titles from a handful of major publishers.Though we might argue that the show could come a bit earlier in the year -- didn't that other convention in October not do so well? -- a chance to play a mess of major holiday releases early sounds perfectly fine to us. Microsoft, Sony, Capcom, EA and a few others will be there, so for our friends across the pond who can't make it all the way to PAX, this seems like your best bet. %Gallery-49869%[Via]

  • Eurogamer Expo in England this October, major publishers aboard

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The Eurogamer Expo is all set to kick off this October in London and Leeds. Publishers confirmed to attend the public event are: Sony, Microsoft, EA, Eidos, Sega, Bethesda Softworks, Konami and Capcom. The show will start in Leeds on Oct. 27 and 28, then travel to London's Old Billingsgate on Oct 30 and All Hallows' Eve. Tickets to the event are 6 lbs. of ... oh, sorry, £6.The Career Fair wil also be part of the show, which will give students a chance to interview with global companies. Probably a good idea, given the state of the English development scene.London will also have the GameOn! expo -- also associated with HMV -- a couple weeks later, but details and publisher attendence for that event aren't confirmed.

  • New Jumpgate Evolution footage from Eurogamer Expo

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    At PAX earlier this year, we were treated to some of the first real shaky-cam footage of NetDevil's Jumpgate Evolution in action. Now, we get a bit more gameplay footage from an attendee of this year's Eurogamer Expo earlier last week.This video comes to us courtesy of the Limited Edition blog, and shows over eight minutes of the game being played off and on. We can see some great footage of combat, exploration and achievements in this video. Considering this video contains more than just Jumpgate, you can jump in around the 2:17 mark and watch until 10:26 for the Jumpgate-only content. Of course you could always watch the entire 15:44 video for more on non-MMO-related Eurogamer Expo goodness.

  • Post-NCsoft Rockjaw speaks out

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    No, of course he didn't drag his former employer through the muck or curse their good name. Stephen "Rockjaw" Reid is better than that. But the former Creative Concepts Manager for NCsoft Europe does talk a good bit with John and Matt (former hosts of Tabula Rasa's TabulaCast) on the Limited Edition Podcast about all things comic-related. Despite the bad news of his recent departure from NCsoft, Reid has just announced a new gig as Expo Community and Gaming Manager for the Eurogamer Expo. This is certainly good news, as Reid has always been loved by the gaming community. Reid's only comments on the podcast regarding his departure from NCsoft were, "It ultimately comes down to business, nothing more." He also discusses the reaction of his City of Heroes colleagues to the DC Universe Online development, and chats a good bit about his views of Champions Online. If you're into comic books and the popularity that comic books are gaining in the MMO space, this podcast may interest you.

  • Eurogamer Expo hitting London Oct. 28-29

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The Eurogamer Network announced today that its first Eurogamer Expo will be held at Old Truman Brewery in London this Oct. 28-29. More details about the show will be announced shortly, but we already know that the event will be split into two sessions each day: 11AM-4PM and 5PM-10PM.The games announced to be playable at the event are Street Fighter IV, Prince of Persia, Mirror's Edge, LittleBigPlanet, Tomb Raider Underworld, Far Cry 2, Fallout 3, Saints Row 2 "and many more." Looks like Europe is just piling on the gaming conventions at this point.