

  • Wii Forecast, News, other channels going offline in June

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Everybody Votes ... until June 28. Nintendo of America has informed us that many of the network-reliant Channels on the Wii will go out of service on that date, including the Forecast Channel, News Channel, Everybody Votes, Check Mii Out, Nintendo Channel, and data exchange between friends. Mii exchanges and Wii Message Board conversation functionality will also go offline.Other services will remain active for the time being, including the really important one, the Wii Shop Channel, so your original Wii is still infinitely better than the totally-offline Wii Mini.

  • Everybody Votes followup: another theory

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Yesterday, we discussed the significance of the Everybody Votes Channel, and made some conjecture about how it relates to the future of the Wii online. We've discovered another theory we think is worth sharing, from a post made in one of our own comments threads last week! Our readers are so smart; we, of course, take full credit.Reader Cole thinks that the Everybody Votes Channel is a sneaky way to test netcode for online play, getting players to interact with the system in a simple manner. It sounds plausible to us, and certainly goes a long way in explaining why a poll channel appeared out of nowhere.

  • Nintendo surprises with "Everybody Votes" Wii channel

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Most Valentines Day presents aren't so terribly inquisitive, but it's the thought that counts, and it looks like the Wii was thinking of you this February 14th. Nintendo just pushed out the new "Everybody Votes Channel" last night, which provides simple questions for you and your Mii to answer with a flick of the Wiimote. Stuff like "Which is a more romantic Valentine's gift?" and "Do you prefer dogs or cats?" isn't going to necessarily require deep thought, but it looks like Nintendo will be compiling national and worldwide poll results, which should be good for some harmless fun while you're taking a break between boxing training sessions. Nintendo will be updating the questions over time and the channel is free, so there really isn't anything to lose.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]