

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Identity Crisis Edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    So race changes are finally live, and with that, you can change your characters in just about every way possible short of class. Different faction? Go for it. Different gender? Change your face? Change your name? It's all good. Heck, you can do it every three days now. It's suddenly like we're all these crazy mutable nameless faceless blobs changing at will and at random, until we're practically a sea of shapeless shapeshifters. Or not. After all, there's still the whole money charge and stuff. Of course, that's not the only big news this week. Chill of the Throne, Icecrown's version of Sunwell Radiance, has been evoking a lot of discussion and a lot of unrest. Did Blizzard make the right choice in adding this much maligned dungeon-specific nerf back into the game? There's plenty of other issues as well, and as we have a nice 3 AM to 11 AM Pacific downtime, you'll have plenty of time to catch up with it all. You can start with some of the links below:

  • European weekly maintenance: 23rd & 24th September 2009

    Dominic Hobbs
    Dominic Hobbs

    Many of our characters may be lying face down in the snow, beer mug still in hand, at 3am on a Wednesday morning -- but that's not going to stop the weekly maintenance. Normal scheduled maintenance for most realms means an outage between 3am and 11am, Paris time (CEST).As well as this regular maintenance two English Battlegroups (Reckoning and Ruin) will be receiving optimizations to their instance capacity. This will mean an extended outage on Wednesday until 5pm CEST and also a further outage between 3am and 7am on Thursday. I'm sure players on these servers will be glad to finally join those who have already received this optimisation to help resolve the Door Boss issue. Full list of realms impacted after the break.

  • Maintenance for Tuesday, September 22nd already announced

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Yeah, believe it or not, unlike last week, when Blizzard didn't confirm the lack of maintenance until somewhere close to midnight pacific time, this week we already have confirmation. There will be extended maintenance from 3 AM to 11 AM pacific this Tuesday.What does this early announcement mean? To be fair, it could just mean that they already know they're going to need some extra maintenance time to make up for the complete lack of maintenance last Tuesday. Of course, they could also be planning to push out Patch 3.2.2. Don't take my word for it though, I am 100% just going off a gut feeling. We've been a while without a patch, after all.Just in case, you'll probably want to start reading up on Patch 3.2.2 now, and when maintenance day gets here, you'll have plenty to read right here on WoW.com while you wait for your server to come up, or for news on whether or not we're going to see the patch.

  • [Updated] Realm Status: All realms to be online by 10:30pm EDT

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Happy Tuesday everybody! Maintenance has been extended to 2:00 p.m. PDT / 5:00 pm EDT. Check out the Tuesday Morning Maintenance post for some good things to read while you wait. And we'll keep you up to date, should anything change.With all of the hardware upgrading being done, there are bound to be some DNS issues. If you have trouble logging in when the realms are back up, try the solutions listed here.Update 5:00 p.m. EDT: The realms after the break will be down until at least 4:00 p.m. PDT / 7:00 p.m. EDT. Realms not on the list after the break should be up by 3:00 p.m. PDT / 6:00 p.m. EDT.Update 7:42 pm EDT: People who can log in are having severe issues and the realms after the break are still down. Isradun says they will give us an update in 2 hours.Update 8:18 pm EDT: All realms should be online within the hour.Update 8:50 pm EDT: No really. They mean it this time. All realms should be up by 9:30 pm EDT. Warning!: The ones that are up are sloooooow.Update 10:11 pm EDT: Now they are saying 10:30pm EDT. With all this extended downtime, Mashable has a list of thing you can do while Gmail is down (Gmail is down today too, if you haven't heard). They apply perfectly well to WoW as well.

  • Realm Status: Coming online

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    In a move that should be a surprise to no one on a major content patch day, Blizzard has announced that all realms will be down until 3PM PDT for database maintenance.You may have noticed that we've got a lot of patch 3.2 coverage today to keep you busy. Or you could take a peek over at the WoWathon to watch some dramatic readings and support charity.We'll keep you posted on any other changes to the downtime. Update 2:50 p.m. PDT: Realms are beginning to come back online. WoW's Patch 3.2 ushers in the Crusaders' Coliseum, the Isle of Conquest, flying mounts at 60, and much more. WoW.com has all the patch information your Worgen obsessed mind can handle in WoW.com's Guide to Patch 3.2!

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Down to the Wire edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    So this is it. A lot of people are saying it, and while there's no word one way or another, it seems like this morning is sort of the deadline. If they don't release Patch 3.2 today, pretty much everyone agrees we'll be lucky to see it before BlizzCon, since they're gonna need to get into gear to get all those special BlizzCon surprises ready for us. Now mind you, by the time you read this, you'll probably know for sure if it's going down. But me, here, on a warm Monday evening, I'm just finishing up some writing before I meet some friends for $2.50 beer night at the local microbrewery. So consider this, if you will, a message from the past, a past where the future was uncertain, but hope reigned supreme; Where we all looked forward to a pleasant evening and a bright tomorrow.Wait? What's that? It is coming out? Oh sweet. Okay guys. Be sure to check out our guide to Patch 3.2 for all the latest new and guides on the new patch content.Also on the list of what is confirmed is that we have extended downtime. All servers will be down from at least 3 AM to 11 AM Pacific time, and a couple battle groups will be down even longer. Considering that, you will probably have some time to catch up recent WoW news, so let me lay it on you:

  • Tuesday Morning Post: Breakfast of Champions edition

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    It's Tuesday morning, and you know what that means: downtime. On the plus side, we here on the US Servers don't have any more complicated type of down times with various groups of servers getting extra downtime seemingly at random and so on. Then again, that just means we all get to suffer through extended downtime together, from 3 AM to 11 AM Pacific.Luckily, there's tons to read about while you wait out the downtime. In probably the biggest PTR news this week, Coliseum testing is now well underway (despite some hiccups at the start), and we were in the middle of it. We have galleries of some of the 5-man loot we discovered and first hand impressions of the place. Check out more news after the break:

  • Extended maintenance for Tuesday April 14th

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    The server alert tonight is letting us know that there will be extended maintenance for all realms from 3:00 a.m. PDT / 6:00 a.m. EDT to 11:00 a.m. PDT / 2:00 p.m. EDT. However, there are several realms listed after the break that will be down starting at 1:00 a.m. PDT / 4:00 a.m. PDT instead.There is no official announcement yet of patch 3.1 dropping tomorrow, but as we said before (and as is being confirmed by the recent flurry of new information), many folks both publicly and privately are telling us it's dropping tomorrow.Stay tuned tonight as the WoW Insider staff will be staying up all night to bring you the very latest, and don't forget to check out the WoW Insider Guide to Patch 3.1 for all the patch information.

  • Apocrypha expansion for EVE Online launches Tuesday, March 10th

    James Egan
    James Egan

    As CCP Games rolls out the most significant expansion for EVE Online to date, Apocrypha, players should prepare themselves for an extended 13-hour downtime, lasting from 03:00 GMT to (est.) 16:00 GMT on Tuesday, March 10th. Storyline updates in the form of news reports will continue throughout downtime, kicking off the backstory of the Apocrypha expansion. Massively has a solid overview of Apocrypha for you, most recently a visual tour of the expansion and a hands-on with the developers, explaining EVE's new features. Patch Notes for this 10th EVE expansion are up as well. Updates to the patch notes will be made in green, and you can follow the highlighted links to all of the relevant dev blogs explaining the various facets of Apocrypha. We've covered much of this content at Massively, but two recent dev blogs from CCP explain how the new exploration system will work and what exactly makes the Sleeper NPC race's AI so formidable.

  • Extended PotBS downtime yields player compensation

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    A recent period of extended downtime in Pirates of the Burning Sea, caused by an issue with the latest patch, has left a mob of very angry pirates to placate. Thankfully, most pirates will forget why they were angry if you can toss them a handful of doubloons, and so Flying Lab Software has dug up a few treasure chests in order to give compensation for the lost play time.Players will be receiving 6 Bonus Loot Books, which give a 20% chance to get double loot from enemies for two real-time hours, and 6 Bonus Experience Books, granting a 20% experience boost for two hours. These goodies will be put straight into player's inventories when they log in, after a small patch this Wednesday.

  • Extended downtime this week for selected realms

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Sure enough, the words that many WoW players dread to hear have been issued by Senior Game Master Khrogul. While this week should have been a quick rolling restart week, it would appear that it is not to be the case for several realms including the <It Came from the Blog> server, Zangarmarsh. Of course, you need have no worry! We will be with you through the downtime -- assuming you don't nip off and instead decide to get involved in a hardcore Chore Wars game in the meantime. For those wanting to check out the complete list of servers and the estimated length of downtime, I've copied the official Blue post after the jump for you. It's just another service we offer -- sparing folks from having to battle the slow forum servers on downtime day!

  • The extended maintenance cycle begins! [Updated]

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Tseric greets us on this pleasant Tuesday afternoon with the news that today's maintenance cycle has been extended until 1PM PDT for select realms. There is, however, no news as to why the maintenance has been extended -- patch problems, perhaps? Though as far as "select realms" are concerned, I suspect the list of "non-select realms" would be shorter. So if you play on any of the following realms, the wait for uptime just got a little longer: Agamaggan, Aggramar, Alexstrasza, Alleria, Arathor, Argent Dawn, Arthas, Azgalor, Azjol-Nerub, Azshara, Baelgun, Balnazzar, Blackhand, Bleeding Hollow, Bloodhoof, Bloodscalp, Bonechewer, Boulderfist, Bronzebeard, Burning Blade, Burning Legion, Cho'gall, Crushridge, Daggerspine, Dark Iron, Darkspear, Destromath, Dethecus, Detheroc, Draenor, Dragonblight, Dragonmaw, Dunemaul, Durotan, Earthen Ring, Eldre'Thalas, Elune, Emerald Dream, Eonar, Eredar, Feathermoon, Firetree, Frostmane, Garona, Gilneas, Gorefiend, Gorgonnash, Greymane, Gul'dan, Gurubashi, Hellscream, Illidan, Kalecgos, Kael'Thas, Kargath, Kirin Tor, Laughing Skull, Lightninghoof, Lightning's Blade, Llane, Lothar, Madoran, Maelstrom, Magtheridon, Malfurion, Malygos, Mannoroth, Medivh, Moonrunner, Nathrezim, Nazjatar, Perenolde, Ravencrest, Sargeras, Scarlet Crusade, Shadow Council, Shadow Moon, Shadowsong, Shattered Hand, Silvermoon, Skullcrusher, Skywall, Smolderthorn, Spinebreaker, Spirestone, Staghelm, Stonemaul, Stormrage, Stormreaver, Stormscale, Suramar, Terenas, Thunderhorn, Thunderlord, Trollbane, Twisting Nether, Uldum, Ursin, Warsong, Whisperwind, Wildhammer, Windrunner, and Zul'jin. (Wow, that was a mouthful.)Update: Tseric informs us that all realms should be back online in a matter of moments. Huzzah!