

  • Jukebox Heroes: Guild Wars Eye of the North's soundtrack

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The final Guild Wars soundtrack not only took the first game out in style but instantly became one of the best of the series to date. I'm not willing to put it above Prophecies, but it's not too far behind, either. As a whole, it's a wonderful symphonic journey through new lands and new themes, and just about every track is quite listenable. You can't deny that this is Guild Wars to its very core, as composer Jeremy Soule only adds on to the franchise's legacy rather than supplants it with a different direction. Even so, it represents a mastery that wasn't quite there in past albums. If I listened to this soundtrack without knowing its source, I would have pegged it as a major motion picture release rather than a video game with angry bears. It was definitely a difficult score to pick a mere six examples from; I'd recommend that soundtrack enthusiasts listen through its entirety. For a Guild Wars 2 player, it's really interesting to go back and hear the early versions of tracks that Soule would later reprise for the sequel.

  • Jukebox Heroes: Top 40 MMO themes, #20-11

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    We're growing ever closer to my top picks for MMO theme songs, but we're not quite at the end yet. This week we are on to the third part of our Top 40 MMO main themes countdown. To repeat my self-imposed rules for this list: I limited myself to just one theme from a particular title, even if there were multiple themes in a game. Entries had to be a main theme or the closest equivalent of that; they had to be from MMOs, not from MOBAs; and I had to divorce my weighting of the track itself from the popularity of and my experience with that game. So there were no points added or subtracted based on my love of the game. I'm counting down the best music, period. If you missed earlier parts of this series, check out themes #40-31 and #30-21. Otherwise, hit that continue button and get listening already!

  • Jukebox Heroes: Expansion themes

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Main themes seem to be a strong favorite among video game music fans (and even the casual set), but I've talked about them a few times already. So instead of puttering around with main MMO themes, why not give expansions some of the credit? Not every expansion gets its own theme tune, of course, but plenty do. We've covered a few of them in this column so far, including Riders of Rohan and EVE Online: Apocrypha. What we haven't done is spend an entire week looking at these upstart themes and see how they compare to the originals. So strap on your headphones and prepare for symphonic excellence. Here are six great MMO expansion themes that deserve a few minutes of your time!

  • Celebrating Guild Wars' 8th anniversary


    Today is Guild Wars' eighth anniversary. Depending on which tradition you follow, I should be getting the game either bronze, salt, linens, or lace as a gift. Since I don't happen to have any of those handy, I'd like to reflect upon the rich life that Guild Wars has led so far. The game didn't start out with all of the neato features that it has now, so I'd like to look a bit at its evolution over time. I can't hit every update ever, but I thought we'd take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of the key moments in the game's life.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles Extra: A brief history of Guild Wars 2's Tyria, part two


    Earlier this week we started looking at the history of everything leading up to Guild Wars 2 in what is probably a grave disservice to the lore writers at ArenaNet. When we left off, the Charr and humans were still bickering over Ascalon, players had just saved the world at the end of Prophecies, and there were still some 253 years left before the start of Guild Wars 2. Now it's time for the events from Eye of the North through Guild Wars Beyond and into the present day. This lore overview isn't even pretending to be all-encompassing, but it might help you understand what the dragon nonsense is about and what's going on with the world you're stepping into. Except where events had exceptional impact, we'll largely ignore what's going on in Cantha and Elona, or else we'd need two whole more posts. I hope it goes without saying that there are lore spoilers ahead, as well as Eye of the North, Guild Wars Beyond, and companion novel (Ghosts of Ascalon and Edge of Destiny) spoilers. You have been warned.

  • The Perfect Ten: MMO Jukebox

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Earlier this year, I got to expose my musically nerdy side to you all in a one-two shot of MMO theme song countdowns. The truth is that I'm just a huge sucker for video game music, and as such, I've collected a wide range of MMO scores to bolster my MP3 player. I know that we players tend to be pretty vocal about turning off MMO music at some point, usually due to extreme repetition. Unfortunately, that seems to leave a bad association with this music in our minds, and I don't feel that reputation is deserved. MMO scores can be just as good -- if not better -- than their counterparts in film or other video games. So I've decided that every so often I'm going to devote a full Perfect Ten to sharing my favorite MMO music. I'm always open to suggestions, of course, so if you know of a track that you feel really should be in the next list, send me an email or leave it in the comments!

  • The Game Archaeologist looks at Guild Wars Utopia

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Aztecs. Chronomancers. Mounts. Halberds. Golems. Dual wielding. These are all but a hint of what a fourth Guild Wars campaign could have been, a campaign that was under development in the mid-2000s but was scrapped by 2007. Replacing it was the expansion Guild Wars Eye of the North and the workings of a super-secret sequel to the game (which you've probably never heard of). It was the forgotten campaign, swept under a rug while it was still under the rug. But what if, in some alternative timeline, ArenaNet had gone ahead with this campaign? What if it became an established part of the Guild Wars legacy, as familiar to us today as Nightfall and Factions? What if Guild Wars Utopia had lived?

  • Making the 'jump' from Guild Wars to Guild Wars 2

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    The second Guild Wars 2 press beta weekend has come and gone, and Massively was there every step of the way. Stay tuned throughout the day today for even more guides, impressions, videos, and Q&As to get you ready for the highly anticipated sequel to Guild Wars. Guild Wars 2 is on the way (when it's ready), and classic Guild Wars players probably understand that soon they'll be competing with a younger sibling -- a smarter, more attractive one who's sure to get more of mom's attention. And while we're sure that some of the more stalwart Guild Wars 2 fans are also Guild Wars players, not all veterans of the first edition are dedicated to licking up every drop of sequel info squeezed out of blogs, conventions, and betas. Those veterans might just be wondering, what exactly can Guild Wars 2 offer them, other than Hall of Monuments tie-ins? What's changed? What's the same? What will they love, what will they hate, and what could possibly make them jump ship to the new hotness? The first and most important thing you must know is that yes, you can jump in Guild Wars 2! Seriously, though, jumping is more than just a thing you do with your spacebar when you're bored; it's a symbol of boundlessness. Guild Wars 2 itself is trying to jump a lot higher than its elder brother, and probably the essential difference between the games is that feeling that the walls have come down and gravity is letting loose. That alone should urge classic players to take a peek, but if that's not enough for you, fire up your Jeremy Soule soundtracks (yes, he's onboard for an encore!) and read on...

  • [Updated] On the seventh day of giveaways, NCsoft gave to me...

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    [UPDATE: All winners have been selected and contacted. Thanks to everyone who entered!] On the seventh day of giveaways, NCsoft gave to me... seven years of memories! On the sixth day of giveaways, GamersFirst gave to me... six retail packs! On the fifth day of giveaways, Trion gave to me... five subscription codes! On the fourth day of giveaways, Nexon gave to me... four pet items! On the third day of giveaways, Wargaming.net gave to me... three premium years! On the second day of giveaways, BioWare gave to me... two warring factions! On the first day of giveaways, Turbine gave to me... a lifetime VIP! We're carrying on with the 12 Days of Giveaways! Day seven has arrived, bringing seven years of history, development, and memories. That's right: Lineage II. While free-to-play games are a dime a dozen these days, it's much more rare to be handed a free-to-play game that already has seven years of content, polish, and updates behind it. NCsoft has given us a great Lineage II item to celebrate those seven years and the transition to free-to-play: a Darkmane Pacer mount bracelet. We've got 12 of those to hand out to some lucky Lineage II fans. Even better, the Darkmane Pacer comes bundled with a sampling of awesome items from the rest of NCsoft's lineup: a digital copy of Guild Wars: Eye of the North, a Guild Wars mercenary hero, 30 days of City of Heroes VIP status, an Aion Collector's Edition upgrade, and a pack of five True White dyes for an Aion character. Enjoy the mount in Lineage 2 and treat your gamer friends to some holiday goodies or enjoy a sampling of the NCsoft lineup all for yourself! In either case, enter by telling us about your Lineage 2 gameplay: Are you a longtime adventurer, a returning player, or just now setting foot in Aden for the first time? Let us know before the entry deadline: tomorrow, December 20th, at 3:00 p.m. EST. Check out the contest rules for eligibility, and best of luck!

  • The MMO Report: GW2 field trip edition

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    This week on The MMO Report, Casey treks to Burbank, California, to check out Guild Wars 2's voice-acting studio and interview ArenaNet lead writer Bobby Stein. Stein tells the crew that his team has been working on GW2's voice-overs for three years, resulting in approximately 70 or 80 times the amount of voice work for Guild Wars 1's final installment, Eye of the North. Casey also interviews a trio of women portraying female Charr characters, but it just wouldn't be an MMO Report field trip if Casey hadn't given the voice acting a try himself. Rising to such stage directions as "he's a cat" and "now try it drunk," Casey receives a hard-earned standing ovation from the sound booth. All this and more in the MMO Report video tucked behind the break!

  • ArenaNet unearths treasure trove of lost Guild Wars concept art

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    ArenaNet has always taken Guild Wars concept art very seriously, edeavouring to make the in-game graphics match the concept as closely as possible. This is particularly true of Guild Wars and its upcoming sequel Guild Wars 2, both of which feature gorgeous vistas and impressive architecture. A lot of the original Guild Wars concept art has made its way to the public, where it offers us a glimpse of the visual targets for Ascalon, Kryta, Tyria and beyond. In a new devblog, ArenaNet's David Campbell unearths a treasure trove of previously unseen concept art for Guild Wars' Eye of the North expansion. David explains that these five postcard-style pieces were experiments by the art team to create distinctive environments using a variety of colour palettes. Among the postcards, you'll find forested areas, epic cliff-faces, enclosed valleys and even frozen tundra.

  • The Perfect Ten: MMO mascots

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Everyone knows that a good mascot can make a difference between a video game's death and rabid popularity. Mario, Master Chief, Duke Nuke 'Em, Pac-Man, Samus Aran, Pyramid Head -- each one of these mascots isn't merely an aspect of the game, they are the virtual spokesperson (or spokesthing) which represents the game itself. Yet when you think about it, MMOs have had a tougher time producing mascots than other video game genres, partially because unlike other games, you don't play as the mascots, and partially because when you have a cast of thousands of NPCs, picking out one to elevate above the rest is a difficult job. Difficult, that is, but not impossible. Today we're going to look at ten MMO mascots (MMOscots?) that studios have tried to promote as the face of these games, to varying degrees of success.

  • Guild Wars 2 takes us down into the dungeons

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Although Guild Wars 2 is bringing plenty of hot newness to the scene, it's also carrying on the proud tradition of dungeon-running from Eye of the North and, well, every MMO that came before it. That's not to say players should be lulled into complacency, as Jeff Grubb notes that the dungeons are very dangerous and not for the solo adventurer. In a new article at Guild Wars 2, Grubb gives us insight into ArenaNet's philosophy behind dungeon building as well as the mechanics behind them. "When creating the dungeons, the team was faced with two seemingly exclusive desires: we wanted to tell a story with a set beginning, middle, and end, but we also wanted to create an instanced area that players could return to and enjoy in multiple ways," he writes. The dungeons are connected by an overarching storyline about a former group of adventurers known as Destiny's Edge. By the time players are ready for these instances, they'll have been introduced to the band, their legacy, and the resulting breakup. Dungeon-diving will give players an opportunity to meet the members and perhaps bring them back together. Grubb notes that the game is currently home to eight dungeons, all of which are level 35 or higher. In addition to the story mode, dungeons also offer up to three different exploration modes apiece that should significantly up the replay value on these instances. You can read the introduction to Guild Wars 2's most deadly places on the official blog!

  • One Shots: Foreshadowing

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Welcome to Endgame Week on One Shots! Today's image comes to us from Guild Wars, with a little dash of Guild Wars 2: This is the final fight in Guild Wars: Eye of the North. You have to kill the Great Destroyer and its minions, but looming overhead is something much bigger: one of the dragons that will awaken in Guild Wars 2. Do you have an epic endgame screenshot? Send it to us at oneshots@massively.com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll show it off on One Shots with a helping of public thanks to you! %Gallery-112285%

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Let's review!

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The ArenaNet team has been quiet lately in the news department and deservedly so. Between GDC, PAX East, the Guild Wars 2 Thief, and Embark Beach and heroes in Guild Wars 1, I imagine the developers are ready to catch up on frivolous things like eating, sleeping, sitting, and breathing. We've got Winds of Change and Guild Wars' sixth birthday to look forward to, but in the meantime, I want to take the opportunity to play catch-up. When there's a pause in new information, I always enjoy backing up a bit and spending some quality time with newer players. I know that there's been another influx of new players recently, particularly after so many saw GW2 at PAX. Follow along after the jump for a roundup of Guild Wars basic guides as well as an update and information on Massively's official Guild Wars guild.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: My name is Gwen

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    As we approach the height of the holiday season, we continue seeing a shift in the focus of the ArenaNet team. While there's not a complete move from Guild Wars 2 to Guild Wars 1, things are a bit more evenly divided thanks to Guild Wars: Beyond and the approaching Wintersday festivities. I've mentioned before that it's interesting to watch Guild Wars 1 continue to progress and develop as its own game while at the same time begin telling the story of Guild Wars 2. That's a fine line to walk, and ArenaNet is balancing nicely. While the devs are doing their balancing act and we've got a little lull before Wintersday hits, I want to take a look at someone who is arguably the most iconic character in Guild Wars: Gwen. Most of us have known Gwen since day one of our Guild Wars experience. She trailed around chattering and healing us. She skipped and twirled and stumbled. She became the face and voice of the victims of the Searing for us. She (sort of) welcomed us to the Eye of the North. And she became a legend that carried forward 250 years into Guild Wars 2. Love her or hate her, she is one of the cornerstones of the Guild Wars world. Follow along after the jump as I take a closer look at Gwen.

  • Exclusive interview: Guild Wars unveils Hearts of the North

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    When we last left our heroes, a distraught Gwen was crying in the Hall of Monuments, and Keiran Thackeray had disappeared. Thankfully, knowledgeable Guild Wars fans weren't too worried over the fate of the most prominent couple in the game. Logan Thackeray and Ebonhawke in Guild Wars 2 carry our assurance that the original couple reunited and married at some point. That point has arrived with Hearts of the North, the newest content addition to Guild Wars. Hearts of the North brings new quests and missions to the game as you progress from the search for Keiran to the wedding festivities. There is plenty of variety, including a Bonus Mission Pack-style event in which you play as Keiran and a more lighthearted chance to help a Norn wedding planner arrange the ceremony. The highlight of all the new content, of course, is the wedding. There are five new costumes for you to choose from for the ceremony, so get ready to choose your favorite formal wear and help bring our lovebirds back together! Hold on though, because we have so much more for you! We are as excited to see new Guild Wars content as the rest of the community, and we inundated ArenaNet with questions. John Stumme had plenty to say to all of them, even tossing in a few extra surprises for us. Follow along after the jump for the full scoop on Hearts of the North!

  • One Shots: Falling for fall

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Here in the Northern hemisphere, it's that gorgeous time of year again -- fall! With crunchy leaves and chilly days, it's a perfect time to snuggle down and enjoy some gaming in the evenings. Of course, if you live in an area where it's just a little too warm for the leaves to turn colors, you can enjoy some beautiful fall weather in Guild Wars! This image comes to us from Tammy M. who captured it recently in the Eye of the North expansion. She writes in to explain this lovely scene: "[Here's an image of] a beautiful waterfall in the Grothmar Wardowns. I was so happy with this screenshot that it is the wallpaper for my work computer, home computer, and iPod Touch. The level of detail the developers and artists put in to this game is just stunning." Have you found a lovely area in-game that became your desktop background? We're always interested in breathtaking scenery from around the MMOGsphere. If you'd like to share, send it in to us here at oneshots@massively.com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description of what we're seeing. Please try to make sure the image is at least 1024px wide with as little visible UI as is possible. Yours could be featured next! %Gallery-85937%

  • Get Guild Wars: Eye of the North for $5.99

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Guild Wars players both new and old are all about building their Hall of Monuments score these days, thanks to ArenaNet's recent announcement about the Hall of Monuments calculator. If you're anxious to get your connection to Guild Wars 2 underway but haven't purchased Eye of the North yet, it's your lucky day! Newegg has the expansion for $5.99 with free shipping. It's a box copy, so the instant gratification of digital download isn't an option, but that price combined with free shipping might just make it worth it to you. If you want to learn more about the expansion before you pick it up, check out the entry on the official Guild Wars wiki, then head to Newegg and get your copy!

  • The Road to 50: A guide to filling your Guild Wars Hall of Monuments (III)

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Today's Road to 50 is all about the Monument to Honor. The biggest of them all, the one with the cool statue behind it, and the one that you need 15 points rather than eight to max. You've got more freedom here, though: there are a total of 53 available titles and you need 40 for maximum points. This gives you some flexibility to pick and choose according to your playstyle, but it can still seem pretty overwhelming. There are some pretty efficient ways to do this, and once you start you'll be surprised at how quickly the bars start filling. Follow along after the jump and let's take a look.