

  • VU Meter finagled into a PSP, reminds us of a time when the PSP was sexy

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Sure, the PSP is still a mighty attractive piece of hardware. "Handsome," you might say, but that heart-pounding allure is all but gone these days. While we wait a few more years for Sony to rectify that with a PSP 2, we can drool over another mod by "f00 f00." This time he's managed to squeeze a working VU Meter onto the back of the ever-moddable machine. Sure, it's not a revolution in the world of PSP hacking, but it's impressive and somehow comforting in its own we-guess-the-PSP-is-still-pretty-cool sort of way. Video is after the break.

  • Another magical PSP from F00 f00

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Here's something we've been saving for a while. F00 f00, creator of numerous modded PSPs, has come up with yet another wild creation. Not only does it feature the usual fancy lights, it comes with a few control modifications. See some detailed pictures at Acid Mods.

  • Controlling a PSP using a DualShock controller

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Want to see this modded PSP come to life? Well, now you can (after the break). F00 f00 from AcidMods has crafted a PSP that has all the comfort of a full PS2 DualShock controller. How, you ask? By letting you actually attach a PS2 controller to it. Do these system transformations ever cease to amaze?I wonder what's next? LocoRoco controlled via the SIXAXIS?!See also:Watch! A PSP modded, in front of your very eyes!