

  • EverQuest Next debates which small race will make the cut for launch

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The EverQuest Next team is tackling the issue of smaller races and is using a round table poll as a way to assist the devs in deciding which iconic shorties should make it to launch. While Dwarves are a given for a launch race, several other short races are up in the air as to whether they'll make it in the initial cut of the game or be held back until later. Fae and Gnomes ended up at the top of the poll, while Ratongas and Froglocks tied for last place. The devs were surprised by how popular the Fae ended up being in the poll, which in turn caused them to take a closer look at their potential as a launch race. One of the issues that the team is grappling with is the difficulty in giving shorter races the new "heroic movement" that will take place in EQN. Watch the debate after the cut!

  • TurpsterVision: Return of the King

    Mark Turpin
    Mark Turpin

    Howdy folks, it's great to be home. Sorry for my prolonged absence. I would love to tell you why I wasn't able to produce the internet's favorite 'funny' over the past 3 weeks, but unfortunately if I told you I would have to kill you -- and I am far too busy "killin' mofo's" in GTA 4 to have time to kill you all as well! So down to business, review time, and let me just state that I don't like giving bad reviews -- not because they can upset fans or developers, but because it means I've had a bad time reviewing the game in the first place. EverQuest was the granddaddy of them all before World of Warcraft came along. EverQuest II had a lot to live up to, and for this mild-mannered video blogger, it just couldn't quite manage it. WoW was released shortly after and this probably stopped EQ2 ever becoming fun for me; I like having people to play with.Check out the video, make your own mind up about the game, you are all far more intelligent than me, so I will trust your opinions and past experiences over my ever so limited (but ever so painful) trial of the game.