

  • WoWWiki levels up

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Those of you who have been around for a little while will no doubt know about one of the most useful resources in this World of Warcraft: WoWWiki. If you're new to the party, let me tell you about it. WoWWiki is, as the name suggests, a wiki about all things Warcraft. From boss strategies to patch history to insanely detailed lore, if it's about the Warcraft series, it's probably on there somewhere. And if not, it's a wiki, so you can write it yourself!The occasion for this particular post is that they have just completed some major upgrades to their software and infrastructure. Here are the highlights: WoWWiki is now hosted in a distributed fashion across the Wikia network, which should mean more stability and less chance of catastrophic failure. A new default skin, which looks nice and classy. The OpenSearch plugin is now working again, so you can add WoWWiki as a search engine in Firefox or IE (though I still prefer Firefox's search keywords). Click on the menu by your search field while browsing WoWWiki to check it out. A proper sidebar menu, with links to important parts of the site. This fixes my single biggest complaint about the site, which is that it was hard to navigate. The sidebar is also now customizable; users can pick which widgets they want to see over there, and in what order. This is very cool. A new version of MediaWiki, which brings many feature improvements and bug fixes. Head on over and check it out! And thanks to Kirkburn and everyone else who has helped make WoWWiki such a fantastic site.

  • Tabula Rasa RP bloggers wanted

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Though there are some among us who espouse that roleplaying is dead, Destination Games apparently hasn't gotten the memo. As part of their on-going community-outreach efforts, which have been fairly awesome to date, they're looking for capable roleplayers to blog, in character, about their experiences fighting the Bane in Tabula Rasa.All you have to do is head over to their fansite registration page, fill out a few forms, check a few boxes, and you could very well have your work shown as part of their on-going Soul of a Soldier feature. So far a lot of the content they have posted is from the perspective of humans just coming to terms with their place in a pitched-battle that encompasses nearly all of the known universe. Granted, Tabula Rasa is less than a month old, but I think there's a big niche that can be filled beyond this sort of "wow, I'm fighting aliens" material that is up there so far. So hop to it, Massively scribes, and smite those bane with your thesauruses!

  • New Lich King fansite kit released: it's purty

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Blizzard has announced on their forum that the first Lich King fansite kit is officially available for public use. Among the goodies that they've included in the 32mb download are Lich King concept art pieces, sample HTML for WoW-esque page layouts, new logos, wallpapers, a fact sheet and FAQ, a sample Lich King article, and graphic source files.Now, if you're at all like we are, you'll go download the fankit now and ogle all the shiny new material for Blizzard's upcoming expansion. A cursory glance through the screenshots shows how Blizzard has so far succeeded in striking the right balance between maintaining WoW's scale and detail while still evoking familiar feelings from The Frozen Throne.