

  • The Mog Log: The fall of the ivory tower

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    No, I'm not talking about Delkfutt's Tower. That's cermet, not ivory, and by all indication it's still standing just fine. No, I'm looking at the ivory tower that any Final Fantasy XI fan is familiar with, that high and imposing structure from whence developers hand down their proclamations, nevermind whether said proclamations have any relation to things people would actually want. Considering that Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV have both been seeing a lot of new and open communication from the development team, it's safe to say that those days are over. Whether or not you like the content of the updates is... actually pertinent, now. The developers seem to be listening to us in a way that we're just not accustomed to. I mean, seriously, show of hands, who expected the removal of Fields of Valor cooldowns? It's a big change. And it makes me hopeful about both games, because in light of the leadership shakeups, it looks as if the new development direction is something I can really get behind. I might have a few reservations here and there, but last week's news leaves me excited.

  • The Mog Log: Experiment Rhio

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    A long time ago -- like, when I started this column -- I had an idea. Or more accurately, I had a tiny nub of an idea that seemed as if it would be very relevant later. I was still smarting over the VanaFest announcements and the whole idea that nothing would be done to help the lower levels... and an idea came to me. If I was so certain that there was no population to play these areas, why didn't I try soloing them to see how things worked out? Of course, at the time, I mostly wanted to point and enjoy the sour grapes of being proven right. But as xkcd so eloquently put it, you don't use science to prove yourself right, you use it to become right. (Alt text is your friend.) And so I logged in and put a hard theory to the test: what could a Final Fantasy XI character do without anything more involved than a subjob? No advanced jobs, no airship passes, no special access. Was leveling possible? Difficult? Easy? This was -- and is -- the Rhio experiment.

  • The Mog Log: Starting new in Vana'diel

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Getting started with Final Fantasy XI can be rather daunting the first time. You might be lucky to have a friend right there holding your hand through the starting areas... or you might accidentally wind up vendoring several thousand gil worth of items because you didn't properly grasp how the auction house works. Or you might throw away a bunch of zinc ore because it's taking up too much space. Or you might put yourself on everyone's blacklist by accidentally locking your chat mode in /yell. You can draw whatever conclusions you want about my early memories of the game. They're not pretty. Assuming you've mastered moving, the basics of looking around in your inventory and interacting with NPCs, and so forth, it's not always immediately evident what you're supposed to do, what the best job for a starter character is supposed to be, and so on. Thus, for those of you newly interested in the game, we have a small guide on some of the less immediately transparent elements of the game. (For those of you who already know Sky and Sea inside and out, you can skip ahead to the end. I can promise there's something there.)

  • Final Fantasy XI's July version update lands on the servers

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Kupo, fellow adventurers! The July version update is here, and it has brought many tasty treats with it including the brand new add-on pack, "A Moogle Kupo d'Etat!"We here at Massively have kept you up with all of the developments in the July version update including the new job abilities for ninja, the new additions coming to the Fields of Valor quest system and the new blue mage spells, and the brand new item augmentations for characters over level 50. Even with all of that coverage, however, we still didn't get everything that's been added in this new update!More campaign missions, more mazes for Moblin Maze Mongers, new campaign areas, and the brand new addition of the "union" party system to the Campaign lets more players play together to save past Vana'diel from the destruction of the beastmen and win wonderful brand new items!For all of the changes and additions, check out the patch notes page available on the Final Fantasy XI main site, and enjoy all of the new content!

  • A new fleet of augmented items and quests packaged in with Final Fantasy's July update

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    What would the Final Fantasy XI version update be if Fields of Valor wasn't expounded upon? It wouldn't be an update at all, we say here at Massively.True to form, the July version update, which is only six measly days away, will be adding Fields of Valor elite training regimes to a swath of new areas. These regimes, much like their lower level counterparts, will let players purchase a special training chapter with their hard earned Fields of Valor "tabs" currency, and then trade the chapters to glowing spots on the ground in the new areas to spawn a powerful notorious monster. As before, to trigger the spawn an item, currency, or set of beastman seals must be gambled on the fight.Gambling an item in these new battles is what most are looking forward to, as items will be returned with new level 50+ augments that were unavailable until now. But what if you're level 75? What do you have to look forward to, then?

  • More adjustments to Final Fantasy XI jobs with the next version update

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    More information pours in regarding the upcoming Final Fantasy XI July version update, and the news is all very positive. No nerfs are hiding on the horizon for the game -- instead it's just clear sailing with improvements to combat skill progression, circle protection spells, and blue magic.All players will be happy to see Square-Enix has noted that combat and magic skills are suffering while players level quicker via the Fields of Valor quests and level sync. Because players are spending less time in each level, their skills in combat and magic are simply not advancing fast enough. To combat this, the rate of advancement for skill in weapons and magic has been boosted for the low and mid levels of the game.

  • The Digital Continuum: Week two of vacationing in Vana'diel

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    My second week returning to Final Fantasy XI has come to a close. It's strange; I thought I was going to be a lot more frustrated with the game by this point, but apparently, I'm not. In fact, I've gotten halfway to level 16 on my Warrior. Check out week one if you'd like to read these in order.It probably helps that I'm listening to podcasts and chilling on my bed/floor as I play. Having a wireless controller really frees up my ability to move around while playing an MMO. Sure, there are nice things about getting your groove going on the PC, but you can't prop up some pillows and kick back while killing some Clippers.Now that I mention it, I killed so many Clippers this week that I could make a mountain of crab cake and live atop it as a king wearing a crown of crab claws.

  • Massively's hands-on with Final Fantasy XI's April version update

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Prophecy, valor, campaign, and item augmentation, oh my! This latest version update was packed with goodies for the Final Fantasy XI player base, making sure that something for everyone was included in the game. I recently got the chance to sit down with the Final Fantasy XI team and play through some of the content, experiencing what their newest mini-expansion, A Crystalline Prophecy, had to add to the game.Past that, I also had the chance to see the new Fields of Valor areas in action, aid the Mithras in defending Windurst from the beastmen during the Crystal War, and experience some of the hard tasks in the campaign missions first hand.So does the April update get a thumbs up? Is Crystalline Prophecy worth the ten bucks? Those questions and more will be answered within.

  • Final Fantasy's April version update is live, brings A Crystalline Prophecy with it

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Sure, the majority of people are clamoring over Patch 3.1 for World of Warcraft today, but you Final Fantasy XI users already received something just as juicy -- the April version update.For those of you not in the know, the April update launched expansions to many of the current game systems -- such as Moblin Maze Mongers, Fields of Valor, and Campaign -- and also added the ability for players to enchant items via "Item Augmentation." The update also added some nice changes to the White Mage, Red Mage, and Summoner classes, and will be the first of Square-Enix's revisit to all of the classes in FFXI.The big news though was the unlocking of Final Fantasy's first "mini-expansion," entitled A Crystalline Prophecy: Ode of Life Bestowing. This expansion is a short little storyline, but gives players a nice piece of armor for completing it. Even better, you can choose how to augment the armor after you receive it, customizing it to your favorite class.Looking for all of the patch notes in their lengthy glory? Check them out on the Final Fantasy XI website.

  • Final Fantasy XI's April version update to include a mog house full of new features

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    The version update is a special time for all Final Fantasy XI players. A time where people gather around Tetra Master while they wait for the servers to come back up, a time when people cry nerf when Square-Enix changed how their class worked, but especially a time to drool over all of the coming new features.We already heard that Square-Enix would be expanding the Fields of Valor and Moblin Maze Mongers systems, but now we get to see that there's much more in store for April's update. Things like brand new nation missions, more areas in game that support treasure casket drops, notorious (elite) monsters appearing in the campaign system, and the huge announcement of "item augmentation," a type of enchanting system for pieces of equipment.For a game over six years old, FFXI keeps proving to its community that it can keep up with the features of newer MMOs, as well as deploy features that aid the playability of the game. As more information comes in regarding all of these new changes, we'll keep you updated with all of the juicy details.

  • Starting out in Vana'diel: The Fields of Valor

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Hello there Adventurers! I hope everything is going well for you in Final Fantasy XI since we last spoke. Where we last left off, we were speaking with the initial NPC trainer and getting through the opening "tutorial."However, as reader Dana noticed, "They want me to go out and grind dagger skill... so... more endless grinding." Well, you're right and wrong, Dana! You're right, they do want you to go out and level up your dagger skill and that can be a bit boring. But the endless grinding has been lessened by the advent of a new system -- one that could easily be missed by long-term players. Today's article will be focusing on that brand new system, the Fields of Valor.What makes this system so good? How does it help you in the lower levels? How do I use it? These answers and more are a short distance below, across the divide manned by the pretty blue "continue reading" link.

  • Future Final Fantasy XI update to expand Fields of Valor, Moblin Maze Mongers

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Square-Enix has informed Final Fantasy XI players that the next big content patch will be delivered in April, and players have much to look forward to. The Fields of Valor and Moblin Maze Mongers systems will be expanding, due to their warm reception at the hands of FFXI players.Fields of Valor is the new questing system placed in the game that allows players to be rewarded with handsome amounts of experience and gil for taking down monsters in certain areas of the world in addition to the standard exp and rewards that the monster already gives, much like a World of Warcraft "kill quest." The difference is in completing these quests the player will receive a new type of currency, tabs, that give access to temporary buffs and home nation teleports at any Field Manual placed in the game.Moblin Maze Mongers is FFXI's "create a dungeon" system, allowing players to form their own dungeons and run through them for experience, money, and special items that can only be obtained from these "do-it-yourself" dungeons.The full details will be announced soon, but we'll keep our ear to the ground for you to bring you all of the juicy details.

  • Notable Final Fantasy XI column returns as part of 1up's "The Grind"

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Game journalist James Mielke resumes his on-again, off-again relationship with Final Fantasy XI in the fledgling 1up blog "The Grind". Mielke's extended hiatus from his "My Life in Vana'diel" column was a blend of time constraints and some degree of burn-out as well. But it seems he missed the game, particularly after the years already spent playing it, hence his column has returned... again. On the subject of returning to the game, Mielke writes, "People ask me to this day whether FFXI is still worth investing time into it, and to that I say: Now's a better time than ever to join the game." He writes that Square Enix has implemented a number of features that reduces the grind and, hopefully for some, brings more fun back to the game. Mielke specifically points out the beauty of the level-sync feature, allowing people to party with higher level characters, and the Fields of Valor quests that have fired up his interest in FFXI once again. If you've been away from the game for a while, have a look at James Mielke's "Reboot" and see what you're missing.