

  • Final Exam co-op trailer lacks actual exams, shows off monster-bashing with friends instead

    S. Prell
    S. Prell

    You know, I don't think the characters in Final Exam, formerly known as Obscure, know much about exams. I mean, here's this new trailer showing off co-op for the game, and instead of having study group and pulling all-nighters together, they're shooting rocket launchers, turning an amusement park ride into a death-mobile, and connecting with up to three friends for online monster-slaying. That's cool and all guys, but I don't think it's gonna get you on the Dean's List. Along with the new co-op trailer, Final Exam developer Mighty Rocket Studio has announced that the game is available on Steam Early Access, where pre-purchasers can play the first chapter ahead of release. The Final Exam Steam page lists a full release date of November 5, while the game's official site says it will be coming to XBLA and PSN "early November."