

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 11: Shaman silliness and other outrages

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Episode 11 of the WoW Insider Show is now live for your listening pleasure-- Amanda Rivera, Duncor of WoW Radio and I all sat down last Saturday and talked about all things from the last week of WoW Insider, including, but not limited to: All the Shaman protesting that went down (and what we thought of it-- Amanda and Duncor let me rant) The release timing of 2.3 and what's next in terms of content releases Is there or isn't there a first aid quest still in the game? Amanda has strong feelings about Hypothermia and its duration And how much would you pay for a loot card? Plus, we go through more reader mail that I've ever heard on the show (the email address is if you'd like to send some of your own), and we berate an absent Turpster for not hitting 60 before 2.3 dropped-- now, he can't brag that he did it before it got easy. And for those of you who have been concerned about the background music, this week we turned it down so low you can barely hear it (I asked Duncor to flip it off, but it sounds like he decided it should still be in there to fill in the blanks). So give it a listen (either over on WoW Radio's site, or in iTunes-- it's not in there yet but it should be soon), and tell us what you think.And as usual, we'll be back on the air again this Saturday. Enjoy the show!

  • PTR Mystery: No more first aid quest?

    John Himes
    John Himes

    Wowhead updated its database earlier today. While most of the new items were to be expected, (such as the new leatherworking bags, the new ammo and the quest items for the new daily heroic quests,) there was one that came as a surprise. Apparently, a new first aid book has been discovered in patch 2.3: Artisan First Aid - Heal Thyself.The appearance of this item creates a lot of questions. Does this mean that characters will no longer have to do a quest to earn artisan level first aid? Or will this book merely be a reward for the current quests? Will this book be sold, and if so, where?