

  • Taney to talk trademarks

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    With Linden Lab's 90-day grace period on trademark usage approaching in late June, United States attorney Frank Taney of Philadelphia law firm Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC will be giving a talk and Q&A session in Second Life on Trademarks for Virtual World Related Businesses on 6 June from 2:30PM to 4PM SLT (US Pacific time). Topics covered will include the use of trademarks to build value in a virtual world brand, Linden Lab's trademark policy, proper use of trademarks, and avoidance of trademark infringement. The talk will be hosted by FilpperPA Peregrine (Timothy Allen) at the UBM Think Services Auditorium, and will be simulcast on the Web via World2Worlds.com. This will be an SL voice session. Taney is well-known among Second Life users for his representation of Second Life users in intellectual property issues over the last year.

  • Linden Lab asserts control of names and images

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    When Linden Lab chooses to shake things up, it doesn't do it by half-measures. Easter Monday saw an announcement by Linden Lab that they were introducing a new Second Life logo program, and changing the terms under which various words and images are presented. Unfortunately, we technically can't show you the new logo, since by all rights we have to go through the application process first. Actually, after reading all the terms and conditions a bunch of times, we are not sure that we're even allowed to mention its name. It's inSL, anyway. We'll let the company lawyers sort through the paperwork.