flower picking


  • Scientists develop robotic tentacle that can pick flowers, make us thumb our collars

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Okay, it's a little too late for Johnny 5's grass hopper, but thanks to new "gentle" robotic tentacles developed at Harvard University, future generations of insects could escape a similar demise. Researchers have created a new soft appendage made from flexible plastic, that uses three compartmentalized air channels to achieve a snake-like range of movement. The touch of the tentacle is so light, that it is able to pick flowers without damage. While suggested applications include working with fragile objects, or in hard to reach locations, the team also experimented by adding cameras, suction cups and -- most terrifyingly -- syringes to the tip. The only limitation, apparently, is that the air channels prevent it from being scaled down. So while our insect friends are safe from strangle-bot, we might not be so lucky.

  • Massively visits the LotRO Spring Festival

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Spring has sprung in Lord of the Rings Online, and the Spring Festival is well underway. We've gone and taken a look at everything that is on offer, taking lots of pictures along the way, and we're happy to report back now with our findings. Although it is unfortunate that the teleporting keg is unavailable for the moment, there's still plenty to do! You can click the picture at the top to start at the beginning of our guide, or check out each sub-category; the flower picking/gift boxes quest line, the Inn League quest line, and the festival grounds and dance session