

  • Handyscope attachment turns your iPhone into a dermatoscope, no residency required

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just think -- a decade from now, you won't even need to spend eight grueling years in the books to be able to practice medicine. Instead, you'll be able to drop endless cash on smartphone attachments while letting the robots handle the rest. FotoFinder Systems is one company working hard to make that future a reality, with its recently updated Handyscope iOS app working in conjunction with the camera attachment shown above. To do what, you say? To turn your iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 into a digital dermatoscope for mobile skin examination. It'll probably make quite a few stomachs turn, but the peripheral + app combo allows mere mortals to take dermoscopic photos which can be viewed with a magnification of up to 20X, enabling users to email them directly to their physician (Dr. Spaceman, we hope) for a second opinion. In all seriousness, we can't imagine anyone at risk for skin cancer even waiting for this thing to arrive before going to get checked out, but if you're willing to pay big bucks to play doctor, the attachment is on sale now for €1,166 ($1,582), with the accompanying app going for a comparatively modest $11.99. Vid's after the break, if you're into it.