free software foundation


  • Pacific Press via Getty Images

    GNU founder Richard Stallman resigns from MIT, Free Software Foundation

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    After reports revealed the lengths undertaken by some at MIT to accept donations from convicted sex offender and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito resigned. Now, computer scientist Richard Stallman, founder of the GNU operating system and author of an associated manifesto that pushed the idea of free software, has stepped down from his position with MIT's CSAIL and as president of the Free Software Foundation.

  • Free Software Foundation drives fundraising effort for 'fully free' Replicant Android fork

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Android variants come in various guises, some liberating, some a bit cheeky, and others, entirely free. Free, as in free to you, and free from any kind of licensing issues -- and Replicant is one such example. The project has been around since 2010, but a new fundraising initiative by the Free Software Foundation promises to give it a vital boost. The key difference with Replicant and many other Android spin-offs is that it doesn't rely on proprietary software for it to play nice with vendor hardware. While most of Android is free, it's at this hardware interface level that things get a bit more complex. The FSF hopes that by driving investment towards Replicant more hardware can be supported, in turn opening the OS up to even more users. Sound like something you can get behind? Head over to the source and show your support.

  • Create Creative Commons games and art in the 'Liberated Pixel Cup'

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    If you're cool with a little freeware/open-source jargon ("free-as-in-freedom"), we encourage you to check out the Liberated Pixel Cup.Creative Commons, the Free Software Foundation, and OpenGameArt, three organizations naturally concerned with the free transmission of culture, are partnering to make the world a better place for free game development. The contest is taking place in two phases: first, participants are encouraged to create new game art usable by anyone (as long as they attribute the source), and upload it to OpenGameArt.Then, all that art will be used to make games, between July 1st and July 31st. Prizes will be awarded for standouts in both categories. It seems pretty likely you'll be able to download and play all the games from the contest as well, given that, you know, "free software" business. If you don't want to participate artistically, you can do so financially, by donating to the style guide artists and prize fund. Consider it an act of ironic charity.

  • OS X and iOS are not jails

    Chris Rawson
    Chris Rawson

    I've always had a problem with the term "jailbreaking" when it comes to Apple's mobile devices. The term "jail" came into usage long before iOS in reference to isolated user-space instances, but that old meaning seems to have been obscured through both overuse and continued attempts to paint Apple as a dictatorial company interested only in hamstringing users of its devices. I've let "jailbreaking" slide until now because even though I think it's a loaded term, it's also a nice, short way to describe the act of opening the device to greater customization than Apple offers out of the box. It's also a better term than Android's "rooting," which sounds a bit rude in my part of the world. In the wake of Richard Stallman's epically tasteless diatribe against Steve Jobs last week (Google for it if you're truly curious, I'm not serving him any page views), I've decided I can't let this slide anymore. In addition to saying he was glad Steve is gone, Stallman also called Jobs "the pioneer of the computer as a jail made cool, designed to sever fools from their freedom." So according to him, Mac users, iPhone users, iPod and iPad owners are all imprisoned and too stupid to realize it. It's at this point that I have to wonder whether Stallman or any of the other members of the free software movement have ever spent any appreciable amount of time in an actual jail or jail-like environment. I'm betting that few if any of them have. If they had, they'd see as I do just how full of hyperbole (and something else that rhymes with "chit") the "jail" metaphor is. I've never been in prison either, but as an enlisted member of the US Navy in the late 1990s I've been in the next "best" thing to it. The Navy was an environment where virtually every aspect of my life was wrested out of my control. I had no say in what clothes I wore, when I could sleep, or how to do my job, and my options for entertainment during my (incredibly rare) downtime were pitifully limited. As part of the Reactor Department, weeks at a time could pass where I never even saw the sun while my aircraft carrier turned circles in the Pacific Ocean. Basic amenities and liberties that civilians take for granted became distant and cherished memories. Worst of all, I couldn't just say I was fed up with it and leave. I was locked in, with no options to dissent when I felt the system wasn't offering me equitable treatment. Life in the military was the ultimate paradox: while defending the freedom of those back home, I had next to none of my own. It remains the worst period of my life, and no amount of compensation could ever convince me to repeat it. Plenty of people serve in the military and don't have as poor of an experience as I did, but nothing could ever motivate me to go through that again. The Navy may not have actually been a jail, but it was as close to one as I ever intend to come. Equating the modern computing environment of OS X or iOS with that kind of experience is the worst kind of hyperbole. I find it difficult to believe that either Richard Stallman or anyone else pushing the "jail" metaphor for iOS and OS X devices ever experienced anything like that. Don't mistake what I'm saying as a diatribe against the idea of free software itself. Despite the fact that its UI is kind of abominable, VLC is an app I consider an essential part of my computing experience. Several key components of both OS X and iOS were built on open source software (yes, I know that's not the same as "free" software). And "jailbreaking" ended up being what convinced Apple to launch its App Store in the first place, vastly expanding the utility of the iPhone beyond its completely locked-down beginnings. Having said that, from my perspective many arguments from free software advocates come across as the kind of petulant all-or-nothing proposition that's become an increasingly common argumentative fallacy over the past decade. Essentially it sounds to me like the most fervent of the free software enthusiasts are saying, "Either you give me the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want, or else you're Hitler." It's the kind of argument virtually every one of us pulls on our parents at least once when we're teenagers, but most of us grow out of that phase and realize that we must trade away some individual freedoms in order to properly function within a society of rules. Stallman is basically a mountain man when it comes to computing. He rolls his own OS, doesn't use a browser to surf the web, and he goes out of his way to select only computing hardware that can be loaded with free software from the BIOS on up. In the 19th century he might have been the type of man who built his own log cabin in the deep forest, hunting and trapping everything he ate and living off the land, independent from society and glad of it. Where Stallman errs is in his belief that anyone who doesn't choose to live that way is automatically a prisoner. What he's advocating sounds a lot less like freedom and more like anarchy. Living in modern society means trading away some freedoms for the sake of security and convenience. In theory I could forsake civilization and all its inconvenient rules and strictures, go live in the forest, and survive off the land -- millions of years of evolution have given me the basic tools I need. The proposition has seemed tempting more than once. But I like electricity, and running water, and being able to go to the grocery store for food instead of spending most of the day foraging and hunting. For the sake of those conveniences, I accept a number of restrictions on my freedom. I pay taxes, and I pay bills, and I enter into an implicit contract -- a user agreement, if you will -- with my city, region, and country: I agree to follow your rules in exchange for using your services. If following the speed limit and not being able to beat the hell out of anyone who irritates me without repercussions is the price I pay for Internet access and mochaccinos, then so be it. Does living within the law mean I'm living in a prison? Some people might make that argument, but my counterargument is those people are whackadoos. In the same vein, I could alter my computing environment and dedicate myself to the sort of "wilderness computing" that Stallman engages in. One of the laudable things the Free Software Foundation has done is make that choice possible in the first place. Instead, for the sake of convenience, I choose a computing platform that gets out of my way and lets me do the work I need to do with a minimum of hassle. Instead of building my own log cabin, my MacBook Pro is a pre-fabricated home, complete with central heating and air conditioning. Yes, it comes loaded with proprietary software that I'm not technically "allowed" to tinker with, but that tradeoff is acceptable to me when I don't have to spend any time at all writing the software, compiling it, or debugging it in order to get it to work. Someone else has done all of that work for me -- the same way the city of Palmerston North paved the road in front of my house and freed me from the need to do so myself in exchange for a portion of my income. Simply put, the kind of freedom Stallman advocates is not one I find particularly enthralling. Safari may not be "free," but it's a hell of a lot more convenient than using wget to email web pages to myself. My iPad and iPhones may be tools of a "walled garden" approach to computing, but they do what I need them to do, every time, and without me having to tweak around the guts of their code in order to coax them into doing my bidding. How is that not freedom? How is that in any way equivalent to living in a prison? Stallman might say I've sacrificed too much in the name of convenience. I'd counter that his vision of computing is unsuitable to the vast majority of the computer-using public. Linux has had over a decade to prove itself, but literally the only people I know in real life who use Linux on their own computers also have degrees in Computer Science. Most people I know neither have nor want the specialized knowledge necessary to embrace the kind of software the FSF advocates; instead, virtually all of them gravitate toward proprietary platforms featuring interfaces of varying degrees of polish, and the most satisfied computer users I know are the ones using operating systems that require a bare minimum of tinkering. iOS is about as tinkering-free as you can make an OS while still retaining usability for a broad range of users. The proof of what users really want out of computers shows in the continued success and adoption of iOS devices throughout an almost bewildering array of use cases, with everyone from airline pilots down to preschoolers gladly hopping on board. It doesn't even occur to most of those users that they should tinker with these devices, because the devices already do what they want them to do out of the box. I used to be a tinkerer. I owned a 1969 Chevy Impala for years, and I did all the maintenance and repairs on it myself. I could have stripped that car down to its bolts and put it back together again, and I very nearly did exactly that several times. Eventually I realized I was spending more time working on the car than I was driving it. Now I have a Toyota Echo, and other than changing the oil most of the car is a complete mystery to me. I couldn't swap out the transmission on this thing even if I had instructions. I open the hood and see a cramped mishmash of parts that I entrust to the local mechanic's specialized knowledge; the sum of my interaction with my car is now "Foot goes on gas pedal, car goes where I steer it." Guess how often I miss the Impala? Almost never. The motives of the FSF are worthy ones, but their essential message is getting lost in the noise from stalwarts like Stallman. I went to a "conference" on sustainable development a few years ago, expecting a serious discussion of serious issues. When I got there, I found instead a bunch of hippie drum circles, people in tents trying to sell me healing crystals, and a guy offering didgeridoo massages. For fifteen bucks, this guy would hover around you and blow a didgeridoo at you for ten minutes. After seeing that, I'd have dismissed as gourd-baked nonsense any message the "conference" might have promoted even if they'd put Stephen Hawking on stage. Saying you're glad Steve Jobs is gone and calling OS X and iOS users "fools" in "a jail made cool" is a deep-tissue didgeridoo massage. It's a load of noise and hot air that ultimately accomplishes nothing other than irritating people who might otherwise have listened to what you had to say. As Harry McCracken points out, even the most deeply "imprisoned" of us still have the choice to not buy Apple's products, to not use Apple's software, and to dedicate ourselves to free software and open platforms instead. The fact that so few people are going down that route doesn't mean we're blind to what we give up when we use proprietary platforms. It simply means we prefer the digital equivalents of paved roads, low crime, and clean water to the more liberated but also, paradoxically, more constraining alternative.

  • Ryzom is now open source

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The people behind Ryzom have been hinting for days that something big was on the way, leaving players speculating about what it could be. There were a lot of guesses flying around out there, but it's safe to say nobody saw this coming: Ryzom is now open source. The introduction of Ryzom Core came this morning, which means that all source code and artistic assets are out there for the world. That's right, you can now create your very own Atys with Ryzom's blessing and completely free of charge. The game itself is still up and running -- this is an addition rather than a replacement, so Ryzom fans can rest assured that their game isn't going anywhere. This development is certain to leave many wondering how this works, what it means, and of course why the decision was made. The Ryzom team handled as much of that as they could preemptively, setting up a FAQ covering quite a bit of ground. The Free Software Foundation got in on the act as well by further explaining what this means and how it all works.

  • Free Software Foundation releases version 3 of the GPL

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Although June 29, 2007 will probably be most remembered for the release of some cellphone, another release that will hugely affect the tech community went out on that fateful Friday -- version three of the GNU General Public License was officially released, revising the terms that govern the use and distribution of many open-source projects, including Linux. A major goal of the revisions was to prevent the use of free code in closed devices (known charmingly as "tivoization"), drawing criticism from Linus Torvalds, Tivo (naturally), and others, but the Free Software Foundation maintains that the changes will be beneficial to end users. We're all for device makers opening up their boxes, but we're not sure forcing them to do so via license restrictions is the way to do it -- we'll see how this plays out in the future.

  • Novell could be banned from Linux sales after dirty M$ dealings

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Novell and Microsoft might be oh-so-proud of their unholy union, with Novell reaping reams of cash and a newfound notoriety from the deal, and Microsoft gaining some control of its Linux competition -- along with a bit more cred to its patent claims. It's that last part that has Linux types a bit wary of the deal: "The community of people wants to do anything they can to interfere with this deal and all deals like it. They have every reason to be deeply concerned that this is the beginning of a significant patent aggression by Microsoft," said Eben Moglen, of the Free Software Foundation. The Foundation has put Novell's right to sell new versions of Linux up for review, and expects a ruling within two weeks. Were the ban to be approved, Novell would have to commit serious resources to developing its own soon-to-be-outdated branch of the OS which accounts for 5 percent of its revenue. While the fear of cross-licensing IP with Microsoft does indeed sound like something that could warrant such a ban, it does seem a tad bit hypocritical for the FSF to punish Novell just for trying to make some cash while making it easier for users to use Windows and Linux side-by-side. Novell didn't want to comment on the ongoing decision, but we suppose we'll be checking back in a few weeks to see how this one turns out.[Thanks, Nathan M.]Update: This story was mis-reported all over the interwebs, and it looks like we got duped too. Under the GPL, the FSF has no power over Novell's distribution of Linux. The FSF is working on GPLv3, which would ban such deals, but thanks to the GPLv3's anti-DRM stance and other restrictions, Linux being moved to that license is quite unlikely. GPLv3 is also in its early infancy at the moment, so such Novell-impacting conjectures were especially irresponsible. Thanks Adam for the heads up.