

  • The Guild Counsel: Can GW2's multiple guild feature work for other MMOs?

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Guild Wars 2 caused a stir recently at PAX when its devs announced their concept of multiple guilds. According to the news, guild membership will be account-wide, and players will be able to log in and browse the chat for each of the guilds to which they belong. In a recent installment of Flameseeker Chronicles, Rubi gave a great rundown of the pros and cons of a multiple guild system. While there are still a lot of details yet to be revealed, Guild Wars 2 is changing the way players view guilds. But what about all of the other MMOs currently out there that we all know and love? If you're a guild leader, chances are that you've already dealt with the question of whether to allow members to have characters in other guilds. Can it work, or is it a recipe for drama? In this week's Guild Counsel, we'll look back at how far guilds have come and whether allowing for multiple tags can work in current MMOs.