

  • Hands-on: Flip's Twisted World

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Frozen North Production and Majesco's upcoming Wii platformer Flip's Twisted World is obviously going to draw direct comparisons to Nintendo's Super Mario Galaxy. And it's for good reason, as Majesco's game does a lot of what that game does, albeit to a lesser extent. Think of it as drinking a Diet Coke. Sure, it tastes fine, but most of the time, you're just going to wish you were drinking that regular Coke.

  • Flip's Twisted World: Majesco's new platformer has a twist

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Majesco just announced a new Wii platformer that seems to be inspired by the strange landscapes of Super Mario Galaxy, with a few added tricks. The gimmick behind Flip's Twisted World is that the environment can be rotated 90 degrees in any direction with a motion of the Wii Remote. Flip, an apprentice of "Master Fulcrum," accidentally gets transported into a "cubed" universe, containing five worlds full of screen-rotating puzzles. Magical tools found throughout the adventure give Flip new abilities, and side quests unlock new costumes and other bonus items.Flip's Twisted World (with the excellent abbreviated title "FTW") may have an overly childish aesthetic, but that screen-flipping mechanic is pretty enticing. Majesco is planning to release the title in January.