

  • Digital arts workshop to feature Guild Wars artists

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Guild Wars fans and aspiring game art designers will be descending on Bellevue, WA at the end of the month to attend FUTUREPOLY's sold-out digital arts workshop. FUTUREPOLY focuses specifically on video game development and offers a series of regular classes ranging in length from one to six months, but this is their first one-time workshop, and was obviously a big hit. The workshop will be five hours long, and feature demonstrations from the regular instructors, some of the top names in the field: Daniel Dociu, Chief Art Director at NCsoft North America (currently focusing on Guild Wars 2.) Jaime Jones, digital artist for titles such as Halo, Guild Wars, Wizards of the Coast and many more. Kekai Kotaki, lead concept artist for Guild Wars 2. Richard Anderson, ArenaNet artist for the past seven years, currently creating cinematic illustrations for Guild Wars 2 Matthew Barrett, creature and environment concept artist Horia Dociu, cinematic director for Guild Wars 2. The artists will present a start-to-finish demonstration of the creation process and discuss their technique. More information about the event as well as FUTUREPOLY's regular course schedules can be found here.