

  • The best deal on a sack of styli you'll see today

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We don't know why you would need 50 New Super Mario Bros. styli. Maybe you want to give them out as party favors. Maybe you live in an octopus family. Or it could be that your habit of chewing on your touch pens ruins them within minutes. Whatever the reason, this is totally your chance to buy 50 New Super Mario Bros. styli in plastic eggs. NCSX, in an effort to clear out their warehouse, has marked the package down from $130 to $95. We suppose you could buy them individually for $3.95, but what are you going to do with just one stylus? Ridiculous.

  • Japanese release day highlights: 12.14.06

    Jonti Davies
    Jonti Davies

    This week, we've left this post a bit late in the (release) day so that we talk in the past tense and tell you how we bought a copy of Motorstorm for ¥5280 (which is about $45 in Digitiser's trademarked Earth Money), and how we can state with some confidence, having played the game for a grand total of 23 minutes, that it is, you know, quite good. And how we can bring you an exclusive Blurry Pic (after the break, courtesy of our Samsung keitai) of the new Blue Dragon... gachapon. And we can use italics in excess because this release day, dear readers, is over. Here are the other big games of the day. Of the day: Earth Defense Force 3 (where's the ant powder?; Xbox 360) Phantasy Star Universe (you're late, Sega; Xbox 360) World Soccer Winning Eleven X (you're late, Konami; Xbox 360) Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon (miraculous yellow chickens; DS) SNK Vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS (our Neo-Geo Pocket Colour is sent to the old folks' home; DS) Motorstorm (at least 23 minutes' worth of dirty pleasure; PS3) Pokemon Battle Revolution (gotta buy 'em all; Wii)