

  • Epic Mickey confirmed by epic Game Informer cover

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Considering the amount of concept art and leaked details we've heard concerning Disney Interactive Studios and Junction Point's upcoming collaboration, this might not come as a shock to you, but the cover of the next issue of Game Informer confirms the existence of Epic Mickey. Details are slim, but we now know that it'll be a Wii-exclusive action title and, based on the paintbrush grasped by the iconic rodent on the cover, we suspect it will incorporate the illustrative elements mentioned by an anonymous informant back in July. Hopefully more details will surface when Game Informer's interview with Warren Spector goes live later today. For now, revel in the fact that the title is real -- and based on the art seen on the magazine's cover (the full version of which is posted after the jump), it might just deserve its "epic" designation.

  • Max Payne 3's new environments (and plus-sized hero) previewed

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    A lot of fans of the Max Payne series have been hesitant to get completely excited about Rockstar's third installment in the series, largely due to the unfamiliar setting of São Paulo, Brazil, and the obvious aesthetic changes undergone by the game's titular anti-hero. Perhaps their fears will be abated by a recent Game Informer preview of the title, which analyzes the big differences between the first two installments and the boldly redesigned threequel. The preview mentions a few intriguing gameplay additions, including improved Bullet Time physics (thanks largely to the implementation of the Euphoria engine), and a cover system, which the game's devs promised would be optional. The article also explains the aforementioned aesthetic shifts. For instance, we learned that this older version of Max Payne isn't actually chubby. His beefier frame can be attributed to muscle, not obesity. That makes sense -- a diet consisting solely of whiskey and painkillers probably isn't loaded with saturated fats. %Gallery-66603%

  • WoW Insider Show with guest Phil Kollar at 3:30pm today

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The podcast returns this afternoon with our first special guest in a while: Phil Kollar will join Eddie "Brigwyn" Carrington, Turpster, and I for a spirited chat about the latest news in the World of Warcraft. He's a former editor on, and is currently working as an associate editor at Game Informer magazine (that's the one they sell you with the card at Gamestop). And oh yeah, he's quite the WoW player as well. We'll be talking about all of the most popular stories of the last week, including faction changes and how they're going, what's up with the jousting in the 5-man, and what it means that a guild toppled one of the hardest bosses in the game.. in blue gear.Plus, we'll be answering your emails (send along whatever you'd like us to talk about to, and just in general having a great time. Everything will kick off at September 5, 2009 3:30 PM EDTvar date_span = document.getElementById("date"); var date = new Date(date_span.innerHTML); var monthname=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug", "Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); var weekday=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday","Saturday"); var year = date.getFullYear(); var day_of_month = date.getDate(); var month = monthname[date.getMonth()]; var day = weekday[date.getDay()]; var hour = date.getHours(); if (hour > 11) { if (hour > 12) {hour -= 12} am_pm = "PM"; } else { am_pm = "AM"; } var minute = date.getMinutes(); if (minute < 10) { minute = "0"+minute; } date_string = day + ", " + month + " " + day_of_month; date_string += " at " + hour + ":" + minute + " " + am_pm; offset = -date.getTimezoneOffset()/60; if (offset >= 0) { offset = "+"+offset; } date_string += " in your time zone GMT"+offset; date_span.innerHTML = (date_string); right over on our Ustream page, so if you're around and interested, stop on by and say hello. See you there!

  • Survey finds Xbox 360 is played five times as often as Wii, five times more likely to fail than PS3

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Ready for some numbers this morning? Some scary, scary numbers for Xbox 360 gamers? Game Informer, current king of the smoldering ruins of the print gaming magazine empire, polled about 5,000 of its readers to get a feel for their gaming experiences, including just how many of them had unlocked the fabled "Red Ring of Death" achievement. We'd heard estimates ranging from 16 to 30 percent, but even the most pessimistic guesses don't line up with the survey's findings of a staggeringly high 54.2 percent failure rate. That's five times higher than the PS3's 10.6 percent, with the Wii coming in at 6.8 percent. Mind you, the Xbox 360 was the most played console, with over 40 percent of Xbox gamers button mashing for three to five hours a day, compared to 37 percent of PS3 gamers, and less than an hour's worth of gaming per day for 41.4 percent of Wii owners. However, game consoles should be designed to shrug off marathon sessions and just keep on spewing polygons, something that the first revisions of Microsoft's baby obviously couldn't manage. That said, there are some problems with this survey; as far as we can tell there was no verification made that respondents actually own the consoles that they indicated they did, and we all know how people like having fun at Microsoft's expense. Also, the survey was naturally only of readers of the magazine itself, who don't necessarily line up with the gaming world at large. But, it's impossible to deny there's truth in these numbers. Indeed, it's hard not to think they're too low, as you'll be hard-pressed to find an original Xbox 360 that hasn't thrown up the three-light salute. Even so, there's nothing to be proud of in Sony's 10.6 percent failure rate, or even Nintendo's 6.8, particularly given that system's relative lack of attention. All are much higher than the three percent most consumer electronics companies strive for -- and that Microsoft initially (incorrectly) claimed its console was managing. [Via TG Daily, The Consumerist]

  • Game Informer: Xbox 360 at 54.2 percent failure rate

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    digg_url = ''; The latest issue of Game Informer contains a surprising statistic for anyone who's ever loved and lost their Microsoft-branded home console – according to their survey, in which over 5,000 console owners participated, the Xbox 360's current failure rate due to the Red Ring of Death, E74 or other hardware failure is 54.2 percent. They also calculated the relative death toll for PS3s due to the Yellow Light of Death (10.3 percent) and Wiis, due to ... well, we're not actually sure what color the Wii's light turns to upon its demise (6.8 percent). Unfortunately, for having the highest failure rate, survey participants also pinned Microsoft for having the least helpful customer service representatives. Not that it matters – later in the survey, only 3.8 percent of participants said they'd never buy another Xbox 360 due to its high failure rate. Speaking of which, we're not sure what future techno-utopia this poll was conducted in, but a 54.2 percent Xbox 360 failure rate sounds awfully low. Had the survey's participants been comprised entirely of Joystiq staffers, it would have been a bone-chilling 100 percent. [Via Consumerist]

  • Rumor: Full setlist for The Beatles: Rock Band confirmed

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    The contents of the 45-song setlist for The Beatles: Rock Band have been pieced together from various sources (trailers, articles, interviews) over the past several months, but it now appears that the lineup is finalized (and the early, unofficial ones were spot-on). The latest issue of Game Informer contains a cover feature on the game, in which the mag lays out the full, official song listing, this according to a Joystiq tipster.We haven't seen the issue itself in the flesh paper stock, but the listing jibes with with the otherwise unconfirmed, piecemeal ones we've already seen online. We've placed the full list after the break for your perusal (and comments, since we're sure it's not going to please every Beatles fan). Be sure to check out the September 2009 issue of Game Informer (they've got two swell variant covers!) for more new info on the game.[Thanks, Juan]

  • GameStop accepts inevitable, creates digital media executive position

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    With "the future" encroaching like The Nothing across the land of retail Fantastica, GameStop has seen fit to create the new position of General Manager, Digital Media. Taking the throne of this brave new world is Chris Petrovic, who'll be responsible for building and integrating digital media into the currently brick-and-mortar focused corporation. He'll also oversee the "development and execution of a digital acquisition strategy," as well as leveraging and's most recent position was as VP of Digital Media at Playboy Enterprises, which, looking at the company's performance over the last five years, isn't exactly a plus. Oh well, maybe he'll have better luck in digitizing this (admittedly monstrous) dinosaur of brick and print. [Image]

  • Sony considered second analog nub for PSP Go

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Like most PSP owners, we've definitely had our fair share of, "Why isn't there a second analog stick on here?" moments, fiddling in the air with our thumb for the phantom nub. And Sony knows that we want it, according to the most recent issue of Game Informer where Sony exec Shuhei Yoshida confirmed that the company "had a very serious discussion" on the subject, but ultimately decided against it due to worries over splintering the market."The PSP Go is designed to be perfectly compatible with the PSP-3000 and all the games that released before that," Yoshida said. For him, it's not a question of improving future games' controls but keeping parity with previous PSP iterations. "We are talking about the mid-life cycle of this platform," he says. Considering the PSP launched in the US in March of 2005, it appears as though Sony is sticking to its 10-year life cycle plan for the handheld.

  • Max Payne 3 gets different, older voice actor

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    We've already seen the new, grizzled face of Max Payne in upcoming sequel Max Payne 3, and found out a few details on the game from Game Informer's preview of the title. More news coming out of July's GI today (via Eurogamer) says that the game's titular character will lose the first two games' voice actor, James McCaffrey, and be replaced by, well, we're not quite sure yet. "We're good at casting," Jeronimo Barrera of the game's developer, Rockstar Games, points out. "All the Max Payne themes will remain intact - manipulation, betrayal, and the stuff that really made Max Payne," art director Rob Nelson backs the decision up with. And so it seems that, while the various themes may stay intact, the main character's look and sound have absolutely changed. Here's hoping Rockstar doesn't change the title to "Minimum Pleasure!"

  • Max Payne 3 details from Game Informer hit the web

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Leaving the gritty film noir New York City of Max Payne and its sequel behind for a more tropical environment (though still a major city), Max Payne's next game takes him to São Paulo, Brazil. According to the latest Game Informer scans from the magazine's July issue cover story, the "disrepute" Mr. Payne has fallen into can be attributed to 12 "lost years" between the events of the first two Paynes and the upcoming game. Rockstar confirmed to Game Informer the addition of multiplayer as well, though -- big surprise! -- the company is keeping mum on too many details regarding whether it'll be co-op, versus, or the always mysterious "something else." For all the details, you'll want to check out the magazine when it hits your mailbox or local brick-and-mortar. [Via VG247]

  • Whoa! Max Payne is a total slob

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Other possible headlines included: Drink Hard: Max Payne grows up to be John McClane Max Stain 3: The Filth of Max Payne or simply: Max Payne throws up all over his shirt, exclusive pics inside So, when we first heard that Rockstar Vancouver's Max Payne 3 would deliver a "more world-weary and cynical" Max, chronicling the "downward spiral of his life" in convenient gameplay format, we balked. "More cynical?" we responded. Of course we now realize that the fool-proof formula for creating a character "more cynical" requires taking already cynical Max Payne and removing all regard for hygiene and physical appearance. Alright, Rockstar. Fair enough. You win on the "more cynical" thing ... now let's see you work this into the gameplay. Maybe a showering minigame? Or escort missions to the dry cleaners. We're just riffin' here ... hey, where are you going?

  • DJ Hero gameplay, controller options detailed in latest Game Informer

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Scans of the latest issue of Game Informer detail controller options and gameplay for Activision's upcoming mixmaster sim, DJ Hero. According to the scans (via Raging Gamer), gameplay will feel at home for Guitar Hero fans, setting tunes upon a three-note track with the outside tracks (green and blue) crossfading left and right. As a note track shifts in position, players must use the crossfader switch on the controller to correctly play the note (think of it as drawing within the lines). Similar to drum fill sections in Rock Band, DJ Hero allows players to customize certain sections of gameplay with an effects dial on the controller. Certain note tracks will ask players to scratch the controller's platter to successfully complete the note. Also, a rewind setting allows gamers to replay sections of a tune and, of course, the game includes a Star Power-esque multiplier (dubbed "Euphoria"), activated by a button.Left handed gamers can also join in on the fun as the two-piece controller can be separated and swapped. Looks like Activision is pro-mutant. Kidding, lefties! For all the info make sure to check out the latest issue of Game Informer -- which you probably have nine subscriptions to... and don't even know it.%Gallery-51799%

  • Braid II totally rips time a new one

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Sorry, your high-res photo is in another castle Oh, April Fools, how funny you can sometimes be. This year's April issue of Game Informer had one of the more comical tricks in Braid II, the magazine's featured cover story. It would appear that Tim has spent his time between the first game and its sequel in the gym, totally getting ripped. With his delts and pecs in order, he can now finally set out to do what he always wanted to do: make time his bitch.

  • Dressed to kill: the main character of Assassin's Creed 2 revealed

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Click to embiggen. You are looking at the main character of Assassin's Creed 2. According to our tipster, this image was discovered on the official Ubisoft forums before it was taken down. The high-resolution render is definitely authentic, and the character possesses more than a little resemblance to Altair from the first game. Looks like gray hoodies are always in fashion, regardless of the era.Other rumored details have supposedly been leaked in early copies of the next Game Informer. ScrewAttack says the main character is Ezio Auditore de Firenze, a nobleman of Florence from 1476. Ezio is yet another genetic predecessor of Desmond's (y'know, the annoying guy that doesn't kill people?). You'll supposedly be able to swim and access a gliding machine at DaVinci's workshop. And most excitingly of all, you'll play through more mission types. Word of that alone makes us eagerly anticipate our next issue of GI. (Check out the cover, after the break.)[Thanks, Darknessbear!]

  • Game Informer larger than Time, Playboy and Maxim ... even Oprah

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Wow, we knew Game Informer was doing well, but we had no idea it was beating out the big boys of publishing with a +3 Hammer of Smackdown. BurrellesLuce has released its list of top media outlets in 2009 for PR professionals and the performance of Game Informer either speaks to the power of its bundling with the GameStop Edge card, or the utter collapse of the rest of the magazine industry. The gaming magazine has a "paid and verified circulation" of 3,517,598 -- that's better than several marquee magazines, including Sports Illustrated, Newsweek, Cosmo and TV Guide.In the blog category, Joystiq took the #19 spot. We're apparently doing well against the "Queen of all Media," Perez Hilton, according to Technorati's Authority Figures, so we thank all of you -- our loyal readership -- for that. Cheers!

  • Rumor: BioShock 2 to feature multiplayer

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If you ever thought to yourself, "Yeah, BioShock is great, but I really wish it had a CTF mode," then this is the post for you! The Game Informer issue with all of the details on BioShock 2 is finally starting to get into people's hands, and one tidbit indicates that the 2K Marin-developed sequel will indeed feature multiplayer, though the extent of that mode is uncertain at this time. We're not privy as to exactly what multiplayer modes will be available, but we've got a few choice ideas of our own. Big Daddy: This one is a given, with one player taking on the role of Big Daddy, scoring points with each kill. The remaining players must work together (and against each other) to take him down, with the player that dealt the killing blow taking over the role of Big Daddy in the next round. Splice and Dice: This mode is team-based, and features one side of melee weapon-wielding Splicers who are allowed one Plasmid power. The opposing side is composed of plain old humans. With guns. Team Slayer: It's UNSC Spartans vs. the Covenant aliens in this fight to the death. Players fight until one side reaches 50 points. Little Sister Convoy: One team is tasked with escorting a Little Sister from Point A to Point B. While transporting her, the opposing team must take down the convoy and nab the Little Sister for themselves. Care to come up with a few of your own?

  • Play the first-ever Big Daddy in BioShock 2

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    "You don't play just any Big Daddy in BioShock 2. You play the first ever."Game Informer's BioShock 2 cover story is slowly making their way to subscribers, and the real details are far more exciting than the fantasy. Players take control of the very first Big Daddy, and will be able to use plasmids while still donning its iconic drill. Your quest will have you confronting other Big Daddies and a familiar moral dilemma: do you harvest the Little Sisters or do you adopt them?[Thanks to Philip B. for the info! We'll be updating this post as new info comes in -- and we always welcome a tip.]

  • Bioshock 2: Rapture sure has changed [update]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Update: A 2K employee was kind enough to hop on the forums and clarify this for us, stating the "rumor circulating is not true." Well then, that's that. For the real details, you'll want to check this post out.Have you cats heard of this Bioshock 2 game? Well, apparently it's a big deal. It's on the cover of the latest Game Informer and everything. Some folks that subscribed to that magazine have received the latest issue and headed right for the 2K forums, taking care to drop all of the deets about the sequel.According to posts over there, the game takes place 7 years after the original and stars Jake Abbot, a private investigator sent to Rapture to find a girl abducted by the Big Sister. Oh, and there's supposedly only 1 Big Sister, and no Big Daddies. It's stated the game will feature 2-player co-op and new enemies, including Soviet soldiers, spliced dogs (what the funk?), and bi-pedal robots (you can hack them). New Plasmids are also mentioned, such as one that grants you the ability to slow down time and another that allows you to hear the thoughts of your enemies, revealing keypad codes and enemy weaknesses. There is said to also be underwater exploration segments, where the player will have to don a scuba suit to access some of the flooded areas of Rapture.And that's about it. Sound legit? If you happen to have received your issue of Game Informer, send us a picture verifying this. We'll be your BFF.[Via Shacknews]

  • Game Informer cover confirms Big Sisters, return to Rapture for BioShock 2

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    As confirmed by Take-Two during today's investors call, the April issue of Game Informer features a cover story on BioShock 2. The mag's site has now posted said cover image, providing a first look at the new "Big Sister" character teased by the game's official site, along with confirmation that players will be returning to the first BioShock's setting: the underwater city of Rapture.The Big Sister looks to be as iconic as her predecessor, the Big Daddy, sporting interesting details including bows tied to her Little Sister "carrying cage" and what appears to be either an arm-mounted rifle or potentially -- not to mention more fittingly -- a large ADAM syringe. Click on the source link for a Big Daddy Sister-sized version of the cover.

  • God of War 3 Game Informer cover story leaked

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Game Informer's March 2009 effort is quite an issue: Resident Evil 5, GTA IV: The Lost and Damned, Brütal Legend, and, of course, God of War 3. Did you hear? (Spoiler alert!) It's kinda like the first two, only bigger, badder and more badass -- er, wait, maybe that's the description for the other G-to-the-W sequel ...But we digress, as is fated any juicy magazine preview, Game Informer's God of War 3 cover story has been scanned and posted in its digitized entirety; this time, on the forums (and elsewhere, we assume). If you want to dig through such compelling reveals as game director Stig Asmussen's progress report on God of War 3's obligatory sex minigame, then you're just a few clicks away. (Side note: has anyone else noticed that the designers' names get more ridiculous as this series progresses?) But, a word of advice, if we may: These are dire times for print, and, if you appreciate the work that Game Informer has put in for the new issue, then don't forget to show your support (read: buy the crinkly thing).<shameless plug> Besides, Joystiq will publish our "online-only" God of War 3 preview in just two days! (That's, uh, this Friday, by the way.) </shameless plug>[Thanks, Chris]