

  • Correction: GameStop's Black Friday deals

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Earlier this month, we reported a rumor regarding GameStop's Black Friday deals, via a leaked Black Friday ad. As with all rumored information, this was not set in stone -- and now we've got the real deal: GameStop will not be selling 60 day game cards for $5 on Black Friday. We've verified this information with a source, and we're confident of the source's information. Those of you hoping to fill your pockets with cheap game time cards can save your money -- or you can cash in on GameStop's real Black Friday deals, which are still pretty good when it comes to WoW. Mists of Pandaria will be on sale for $9.99, and it comes with a free 60-day game card. In addition, StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm and Wings of Liberty will be on sale for $19.99 each, and purchasing either of those will net you a 60 day game card. The World of Warcraft Battle Chest will be on sale for $4.99, but it does not include a game time card with the purchase. For those looking to get started with WoW, this does come out to a pretty good deal -- you can get the Battle Chest and Mists of Pandaria for $15, and get a 60 day game time card free as part of the purchase. Or if you happen to have a friend interested in StarCraft, you can pick up the game for them, and keep the WoW game time for yourself. GameStop's Black Friday ad should be available on their website soon -- those looking for the official ad can visit their official Black Friday page and sign up to be notified once the ad itself goes live.

  • GameStop offering 60-day game cards for $5 on Black Friday

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Black Friday (November 29th), the traditional beginning of the holiday shopping season, is always packed with sales to lure us away from our computers and into shopping centers. This year's deals at GameStop are particularly tempting for WoW-players -- or those that want to become WoW players. On offer are the World of Warcraft Battle Chest (which includes expansions up to Cataclysm) for $5, Mists of Pandaria for $10, and a 60-day game time card for $5. The former offers are a great deal for anyone looking to get friends into WoW, but the latter is a great deal for any active player -- even if you don't usually use game time cards, the appeal of getting $30 worth of gameplay for $5 is definitely high. Bear in mind, however, that this information is coming from a leaked Black Friday ad on the site and could still change -- so you may want to wait for an official announcement from GameStop before you start camping out in front of your local shop. Editors note: Gamestop will not be selling $5 game time cards on Black Friday. For the correct information, please visit our updated post.