

  • WAKFU offers an overview of unique gameplay

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    WAKFU, a tactical turn-based sprite-animated free-to-play game from Square-Enix and Ankama, is among the more interesting offerings heading toward launch. It's precisely because of that unique blend of flavor, animation, and stylized design that it's also attracting a fair bit of attention as it approaches release. And while the beta for North American players has been a bit delayed (it's starting elsewhere on April 27th), the new trailer should help salve the pain... or possibly make it even worse. While it's only a two-minute trailer, this offering gives players a broad overview of how the game will work, from character creation to the customizable battle system and the playstyles of the 14 different character classes. It also talks about the game's ecosystem, a unique feature whereby damaging the landscape will have long-term repercussions. If you're excited to get your hands on WAKFU from what you've seen and heard so far, the trailer is well worth the time it takes to watch.