

  • Taylor: Bringing Supreme Commander to Xbox 360 was a 'hair on fire mission,' sequel developed in-house

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    In a one-on-one interview with Gas Powered Games CEO Chris Taylor during E3 2009, we questioned why the developer was attempting to bring the series back to the console -- considering the first Supreme Commander port ended with less than stellar results. "I felt bad, the developer who did the Xbox 360 version just did not have the time or the resources," Taylor told us, referring to the team at Hellbent Games -- the developer tapped to bring the THQ published RTS to console in 2008. "It was a hair on fire mission." Hoping to correct errors encountered by bringing the first title to the Xbox 360, Taylor says development of the console version for the Square Enix published sequel is being done by the team at Gas Powered Games. "We're doing it in-house and giving it a lot more time and a lot more resources," Taylor said, admittedly "bullish" the sequel will fare better for console players. "I would be very surprised if it didn't do as well as the PC version." Stay tuned for our full interview with Chris Taylor, tomorrow.

  • Stardock issuing apology coupons for Demigod network issues

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Demigod, the latest from Gas Powered Games, has had quite a rocky start since it launched in April. Its servers were first overrun with pirates and the network problems continued to persist into May. Stardock, the game's publisher, promised to dole out coupons to players as an apology for the poor network performance, and Big Download reports that customers are starting to receive them.The coupons will allow anyone to purchase the game for 50 percent off the standard $39.99 price. We're not quite sure how offering a discount to new customers amounts to an apology to current customers, but it's definitely better than nothing. We're sure it might also serve to help new customers take the plunge despite the reported issues.So, how about it, Demigod players, have you received your coupon yet? Did you manage to convince a friend to pick up the game? For that matter, have you stuck with the game despite its problems?[Via BD]

  • Demigod servers overrun with pirates at launch, better now

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Demigod appears to have been a pirates' cove at launch, as Stardock CEO Brad Wardell explained on his blog a couple days ago: Out of the 120,000 connections on launch day, only 18,000 were legitimate customers (that's not sales, merely "concurrent users"). Obviously, this situation put quite a strain on the servers. He explained that Stardock stress tested for 50,000 players at peak times and wasn't expecting to hit those numbers for weeks.A letter from Stardock this morning notes that "most" launch day issues were resolved yesterday afternoon. A "doppleganger" of the network was created, along with an update for legitimate players, which now directs them to the clean servers. It's a pretty nasty situation for Stardock, which has actually put faith in gamers by not placing copy protection on its games. [Via Edge]

  • Demigod preview vid features Brad Wardell walkthrough

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The latest video of Demigod is actually a four-minute walkthrough of the game with Executive Producer (and Stardock CEO) Brad Wardell. It's been hard to describe Gas Powered Games' Demigod because it's not a conventional RTS. Players mainly focus on leveling up and keeping alive their main deity character, so there are a lot of RPG elements in the game as well.The video does a solid job of describing what a typical multiplayer match is like. We've had some time with the beta, and the focus of the game is to keep the action going and avoid the micromanagement in normal RTS titles -- a match can be finished in about a half-hour. Although it's not shown in this video, the camera is completely free to set at whatever angle you'd like to experience the action, which is actually pretty cool once The Rook starts whaling on troops. This PC only title -- which once you play, you won't understand why that is -- will be available this April.

  • Demigod expects retail to pray for release April 14

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Stardock let us know that Demigod is ready to take control of PCs April 14. The new-fangled RTS, developed by Gas Powered Games, is priced at $39.95 for the standard version and $49.99 for the collector's edition. The additional ten-spot will net deity wannabes a soundtrack CD, poster and a pewter figurine of The Rook.Demigod is also available to purchase on Stardock's Impulse digital distribution system. The game will utilize Impulse for its multiplayer functionality, too, but full details have yet to be revealed.%Gallery-19979%

  • Gas Powered Games working on Supreme Commander 2

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Square Enix Europe announced this morning that it has entered into a "strategic partnership" with Gas Powered Games to release Supreme Commander 2. Squeenix states that its affiliation with the House of Chris Taylor is part of the publisher's "goal of increasing western development efforts aimed for the global markets."The original Supreme Commander was published by THQ, so we're a little confused as to how Square Enix got a hold of the license, unless GPG owned the rights all along. We've contacted THQ, GPG and Squeenix for clarification. No word on when Supreme Commander 2 will mech march to retail.Update: Doing a bit more research, it appears GPG owns the rights to the Supreme Commander franchise.

  • PAX 2008 hands-on: Demigod

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Following an interview with Gas Powered Games at PAX 2008, we got some hands on time with their newest creation, Demigod. The first thing we noticed while watching it running on glowing, envy-inducing PCs was how deliberate much of it looked. Everything from the unit/map design to the ease-of-use control scheme oozed hours of careful consideration on developer GPG's part. While the concept of Demigod tends to bewilder many who hear it -- ourselves included -- understanding the idea only took us a few minutes of playing the atypical strategy game.Players only control their Demigod and its set of abilities. Our time was spent with the RPG-style Torchbearer, a Norse flavored character that can switch between ice and fire modes. We were digging his armored-burn-victim look, which just so happened to feature more armor and less burn. The Torchbearer is all about freezing everything before switching to fire and watching the screen light up as your enemies burn. Our magical offensive certainly got us some kills, but it wasn't moving the battlefront at all. Once we began to work more attentively with our AI-controlled troops of the non-Skynet variety, the battle quickly shifted to our favor.Our actions in-game where peppered by murmurs of, "Oh, whoa." and "I want this game, now" from various onlookers behind us. We were starting to agree with this sentiment. It surprised us to find out that the game is actually running on a version of the Supreme Commander engine, as we saw more visual variety in 30 minutes with Demigod than we ever did playing hours of SupCom. GPG assured us that the system requirements are designed to include low-end machines, which is very much due to the fact that Demigod doesn't try to do a thousand things at once on-screen while you play it. (our wallets say thanks) Looking at the game, it was fairly hard to imagine that the harpy-like creatures and wiggling death-plant-things were living in the same engine that featured angular robot-spiders and hover tanks that bogged down our computers just a year and half ago. All in all, Demigod looks like it's going to steal away our precious personal time when it eventually ships on Stardock's Impulse service next year. [MP3] Download this interview in MP3 format

  • Space Siege PC demo now available

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Tired of constantly clicking dwarfs and dragons to death in a cliché-ridden fantasy setting? Rejoice, for Gas Powered Games' Space Siege demo is now available for download! You -- yes, you! -- can now be plunged into a brave, hitherto unexplored world as you click aliens and robots to death in a cliché-ridden sci-fi setting!Here's the lowdown on the download: This smattering of outer space adventure will lay siege to approximately 935MB of space on your hard drive and offer you a glimpse of the game's environments, combat and cybernetically enhanced space dudes. You can grab it from our pals at Big Download.

  • Demigod releases first trailer, confirmed playable at PAX

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Publisher Stardock has released the first trailer for Demigod, its upcoming "team-based action game with RTS and RPG elements" being developed by Gas Powered Games. The title will support one-on-one battles, but the game apparently shines in team play. The idea of a "team-based" RTS is still something we're wrapping our brains around; as multiplayer RTS is nothing new, but Demigod sounds like something different. For those who really want to get some hands-on time with the game, we were able to confirm the title will be at PAX.Gamespot recently spoke with GPG and Stardock about the development of Demigod and we're definitely looking forward to learning more as the title continues its crusade for an early 2009 launch. We're still keeping our fingers crossed for an announcement that the game will make the leap to consoles. Check out the trailer after the break.%Gallery-19979%

  • Another RTS hits June 23: Supreme Commander

    Terrence Stasse
    Terrence Stasse

    While it isn't the best represented genre on the 360 by a long shot, RTS's have still managed to stake their claim on the platform, and between the coming C&C3 expansion and the newly gone gold Supreme Commander this month looks to see them expanding their territory. Having released over a year ago we're not sure exactly how much territory will be gained by Supreme Commander, but the game was well received when it was released and is likely to still be as good when it comes to console. Besides, the real question will be whether or not the game will hold console RTS fans over until they get what they really seem to want: Halo Wars.

  • Chris Taylor talks Dungeon Siege 3

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Miraculously, it appears that Gas Powered Games' Dungeon Siege franchise has survived a Boll-ocalypse -- that is to say, it's getting another game even after being "adapted" into a hilariously calamitous Uwe Boll film. Speaking to Eurogamer Germany (English version), Gas Powered Games boss Chris Taylor has divulged some of his plans for a third orc-killing romp. "There will be some things that are very much like Dungeon Siege 1 and 2, but some things will be simplified," he said. "I am done with multi-character parties; I really think that it's all going to be about a single hero. It's too much to manage." We can certainly get behind the idea of having fewer people to manage, as long as our hero has enough to do by his lonesome. For instance, it would be nice to be granted a choice in whether we'd like to hack or slash any given enemy.We expect to hear more on the topic once Gas Powered Games completes work on Space Siege. Which is a lot like Dungeon Siege ... but in space.[Via Big Download]

  • Joystiq interview: Demigod, Sins, and the death of PC gaming

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    With publisher Stardock's rise the last couple of years and the announcement that it'll be publishing Gas Powered Games' next title, Demigod, it was time catch up with the two companies. We spoke with Stardock's CEO Brad Wardell and Gas Powered Games' founder Chris Taylor and asked some niggling questions on our minds ... and fired a few total shots in the dark which yielded results (like Demigod on consoles?). Find out more about Stardock and why Gas Powered Games decided to hook up with the little-publisher-that-could for its next title in our interview.OK, let's get right into it, what's Demigod?Chris Taylor - Demigod is a frantic team-based action game with RPG and RTS elements mixed in. If that doesn't sound familiar, it's because we're sort of inventing a new style of hybrid gameplay. The player selects a Demigod, and fights for a place in the pantheon of Gods in these incredible arenas. Each battle puts the player in command of either an Assassin Demigod, or General Demigod. These two types gives the player a choice of whether they command just the single Demigod, an Assassin, or whether they take command over every single unit in the game, like a traditional RTS, a General. %Gallery-19979%

  • Demigod could one day rule consoles

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Gas Powered Games founder, Chris Taylor, recently spoke to Joystiq about his upcoming game Demigod (full interview, which includes publisher Stardock's Brad Wardell, coming later today). With GPG's latest game, Supreme Commander, jumping from PC to consoles, we wanted to know if Demigod could do the same thing. Taylor says it's a discussion the studio is having, "but no final decisions have been made just yet."Even if the game isn't coming to consoles, we wanted to know if the company is thinking ahead and designing the PC version of Demigod for use with a gamepad. Taylor explains that GPG is focusing on the PC version and if it made another version for consoles, the company would overhaul the interface, as there are currently no plans to support gamepads (like the Xbox 360 controller) at this time. He says GPG re-did Supreme Commander's controls when translating it to the Xbox 360, and also alludes to Supreme Commander coming to PS3 as well. We'll have the full interview up soon.Update: Interview is up now.%Gallery-19979%

  • Stardock publishing Demigod, praying for domination Feb. '09

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Demigod, Gas Powered Games' team-based RTS/RPG, is expected to launch in February of 2009. The company announced today it has reached a publishing agreement with Stardock, which also prominently stated in its press release that the game will feature no on-disc copy protection.Gas Powered Games is best known for its Dungeon Siege series, but most recently released the hardcore RTS Supreme Commander (recently delayed for consoles). Publisher Stardock recently found more mainstream success with the best-selling -- and surprisingly scalable on older PCs -- Sins of a Solar Empire (the company's Galactic Civilizations II isn't bad either). Sins sports no copy protection and, despite that fact, the game has found success at retail -- plus, it's only $30. Demigod will have a public beta this summer and we'll be sure to post more about that when details become available.%Gallery-19979%

  • Supreme Commander for Xbox 360 delayed

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    We'll admit that we had almost forgotten that a console port of Chris Taylor and Gas Powered Games' Supreme Commander was in the works for the Xbox 360, which is probably just as well as it keeps us from being disappointed that the futuristic RTS won't be making its April release date. According to Shacknews, the port, which is being handled by Hellbent Games, has been pushed out by publisher Aspyr until "later this spring or early summer." No reason was given, through Aspyr marketing man Eric Duncan spun up the delay, stating that "the additional time put into development will result in better gameplay and more fun for gamers." Supreme Commander is certainly one of the most complex RTS releases to come along in a good while, and will be a good test to see just how far the genre can be pushed on a game pad, as long as they don't push it over the cliff.

  • Halo, Battlefield vets form Tyrant Studios

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    With high-profile projects like Halo and Battlefield to your credit, it's difficult to pin where to exactly there is to go next -- a question no doubt being pondered by Hardy LeBel and Anders Hejdenberg, both of whom have charged headlong into the murky waters of independent game development by jointly founding Tyrant Studios. As the studio's new executive producer, LeBel's resume includes helping design the first two Halo titles as well as working with BioWare and Gas Powered Games on Jade Empire and Dungeon Siege 2 respectively. As Tyrant's lead designer, Hejdenberg's portfolio similarly impresses, having helped develop both Battlefield 2: Modern Combat and Battlefield 2142.Currently the Tyrant Studios' team stands at seven, with individuals having worked on a variety of projects, from Interstate '76 and Tony Hawk, to Spider-man and Crimson Skies. As for the studio's current project, well the Tyrant team is currently playing their cards close to the chest, though a teaser image on the company's official website shows a silhouette of two individuals, what appears to be some kind of crazy hair, and a logo that reads "ESP," sporting a design seemingly more fitting to athletic footwear than anything remotely game related. Speculations anyone?

  • Space Siege could be headed to 360

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Videogaming247 is reporting that Sega is considering a console version of the upcoming Gas Powered Games title Space Siege. Shawn Green, associate producer of the title for Sega said that a console version of the title is "definitely" under consideration. Furthermore, Green says that console gamers would appreciate the "short and sweet" nature of the game. For those unfamiliar with the title, Space Siege is an action RPG in the same vein as Gas Powered Games' previous Dungeon Siege titles (only this one is set in space, obviously). If that sounds like your cup of tea, you may want to read Joystiq's impressions of the title from CES earlier this year. The PC version is expected in September. We'll have to wait to see when (and if) the console version will follow.[Via Eurogamer]

  • CES 2008: Hands-on with first public showing of Space Siege

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    The last Dungeon Siege update came out almost 18 months ago. Chris Taylor and his Gas Powered Games have had plenty of time to mull the next move, reflecting on half a dozen titles in the fantasy world, and even a major motion picture. The move they've made – a quick hyperspace jump away from the fantasy setting – shouldn't surprise anyone. With the Games for Windows initiative ramping up to full power it's the perfect time for the unveiling of Space Siege. Even in pre-alpha state, Space Siege is already exactly what you'd expect. Instead of a hard-jawed warrior wading through waste-deep goblin blood with sword clenched, the protagonist is a hard-jawed space marine wading through waste-deep alien blood with a big gun clenched in his hands. There isn't a lot of game to actually play on the CES show floor, but what there is reminds us of how much fun it is to mindlessly click creatures to death. Despite the similar-sounding nature of the game, there were actually a number of changes to the formula on display; enough that we think some folks are going to be surprised.

  • Gas Powered Demigod unearthed

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Chris Taylor's Demigod is an action/RPG/RTS mashup built in the spirit of WarCraft III mod Defense of the Ancients, reveals 1UP. While the blowout tell-all is reserved for the pages of the Games for Windows mag, a few hand-me-down details have been passed along describing the basic architecture of Gas Powered Games' latest feat. Players control single units, so-called lesser deities, each armed with variations of brute force (action) and minion-manufacturing powers (RTS). (1UP notes that dude with the ginormous shoulder pads is skilled in dispatching petty units when his arm gets tired of swinging that tower-sized mallet.)Gas Powered has designed Demigod to be a multiplayer game with an emphasis on co-op play, but a single-player mode will be included, to serve as a "training ground" for PvP matches.

  • Supreme Commander confirmed for 360

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We're not really sure how much elaboration you need, given the headline above, but suffice it to say that the Xbox 360 will soon be playing host to yet another real time strategy game. The genre seems to be getting a lot of love on the console, which is interesting as we're still not sure that the whole "RTS on a console" concept has been proven yet, though valiant efforts have been made. Anywho, THQ has announced that Supreme Commander from Gas Powered Games is headed to the Xbox 360, complete with the requisite overhaul of the PC version's controls, new units, updated maps, and new multiplayer modes. The game is expected to land on the Xbox 360 in early 2008. For those unfamiliar with the PC game (like us), take comfort in the fact that its critical reception was very positive. The Metacritic average for the game rests at 86, with many reviews in the 90% range. Now, if it can just survive the console transition, we might have something worth playing.[Via Joystiq]