

  • Professional Wrath round-up

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Over the past few weeks, the WoW Insider team has been working diligently to provide Wrath content, including galleries, guides, preparations, new items, and more. Professions is an issue that affects every player, so in case you missed any of the tradeskill goodies, here's a round-up to give you something to read before the expansion goes live. Dan O' posted several galleries showing many of the new crafting recipes. Allison summarized the amount of money you are going to need in order to acquire all of your profession training. Did you know that crafted bind on pick-up items will become largely a thing of the past? Eliah dishes on the details, the reasoning behind the change, and what we're going to get instead. Stones and oils are disappearing in Wrath. While you will still be able to make them, they will not work on items above level 70! Alex Z. answered reader questions about professions in the expansion in one day's Ask a Beta Tester. In addition, alchemists got their own article! Insider Trader has been helping you cheaply and efficiently level your inscription, first from 0 to 100 and then from 100 to 200. Stay tuned for guides taking you all the way to 450! Your gathering professions come with nifty abilities, which will continue to scale in the expansion. Check out our tailoring preview!

  • Breakfast Topic: What would you do differently?

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Galo of the Ardent Defender blog has responded to a recent blogger meme, asking the question what would you do different in WoW if you got to start all over again? Same character, same server, same friends, same guild, same adventures. But now you have special knowledge of your game playing career to avoid the pitfalls. For Galo, the answer is to be smarter about making money. Taking two gathering professions, buy bigger bags as soon as possible and focus on getting an epic flying mount to gather even faster. I think he may have some cash flow regrets.If I had to do it all over again, I would probably have not changed tradeskill professions 4 times. I also would have started tanking sooner as a feral Druid than before. I wasn't a fan of tanking, but got asked to do it as a Druid. Now I enjoy it greatly. And I would have used voice chat more often. Things go a lot smoother on voice, even for the times that I can only listen (playing the game is one thing, being on the "phone" at the same time is another with the significant other.)What about you? What would you do different if you knew what you know now.