

  • Tickets now available for EVE Fanfest 2014

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's time to pack your bags and get ready for a trip to sunny Iceland if you're an EVE Online fan. Yes, the EVE Fanfest isn't until May, but the tickets are now available for purchase if you already know you need to be there. Tickets are normally $175, but there's a limited number of early bird tickets available for $150 if you jump on the deal fast enough. As it has in previous years, the fanfest will contain an assortment of panels and revelations for the games under the CCP Games umbrella, including EVE Online, DUST 514, and the upcoming EVE: Valkyrie. There will also be pub crawls, dinner with the developers, and the Party at the Top of the World to finish it all off. If that sounds like your sort of deal, grab your tickets now and start budgeting for the trip in a few months.

  • The Daily Grind: Do you like gaming conventions?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    As you read this, PAX East is entering its final day for the year, and the Massively writers have been working on covering the event as best we can. Of course, some people would rather be on the ground instead of reading about the show second-hand because there's nothing quite like the thrill of being knee-deep in a convention. For others, though, the idea of standing around in a convention hall with thousands of other people sounds like a special kind of torture. Do you like gaming conventions? If you do, what's your favorite element of the shows -- the new games, the special giveaways, or just the energy level? If you don't, what bothers you -- the crowds, the spectacle, or the necessity of travel and cramped scheduling? Or are you the sort of person for whom it really depends on the show, i.e., you've been to some you loved and some you couldn't stand? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • City of Heroes updates players on the coming summit

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you're looking forward to the upcoming City of Heroes player gathering in California, you're in luck. The team at Paragon Studios has just revealed the schedule for the event, along with the special costume for those who attend. And the latter should certainly prove attractive as a chance for players to dress up in a Rulu-Shin costume, complete with moving eyes courtesy of Rularuu himself. But if you're not an exclusive costume sort, you'll still find a variety of offerings in the day's overall schedule. Held at the Dinah's Garden Hotel and starting at 11:30 a.m. EDT (8:30 a.m. PDT), the event includes panels on design of new powers, interactive panels on the art of the game, and talk about working to the current endgame and beyond. Tickets are available for $40 from Brown Paper Tickets, so if you're in the area on November 19th, it might well be worth the cash to attend and hobnob with the design team.

  • Star Wars Galaxies puts up producer's notes from Fan Faire

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The big showstoppers at Sony Online Entertainment's Fan Faire this year were the presentations on the EverQuest franchise and DC Universe Online, without a doubt. But to neglect Star Wars Galaxies is unfair to the game's long history, as well as to the fact that the game had quite a presentation at the celebrated event. In a recent producer's note, Teesquared shared several photos from the event as well as the notes from the Galactic Gathering panel, outlining everything planned for the game in the not-too-distant future. While the photos are nice for fans who missed it, the notes are the meaty part of the announcement, discussing everything from the next major content update to future event plans. The Witches of Dathomir is the next planned major content push, with repeatable content and a number of new clothing options for players. Big plans are also on the horizon for the Galactic Civil War, including invasions in space with capital ships and integration for player-created cities. It looks to be an interesting ride for the future of Star Wars Galaxies, so players are advised to take a look at the full notes for a hint of what's coming.

  • The Daily Grind: How well do you know your game buddies?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    While it's increasingly possible to play an MMO without being forced to interact with others, it's a bit like renting a tuxedo for a trip to McDonald's. Connections get formed (however mercenary they may be at the start) and you find yourself with a circle of friends you play with. Of course, while it's helpful to know who these people are, it's not absolutely necessary to know much aside from their character names and their roles in a group. Some people are content to leave their knowledge of cohorts there; others prefer to go the extra mile and find out the players and personalities behind the avatars. And it can help the play experience to know that Swizzle the Thief is actually a CPA in Gary, Indiana who's thinking about marrying his girlfriend. It's not going to help the group in the strictest sense, though, and getting too attached can lead to some major drama. What about you? Do you tend to know a lot about the people you game with, or would you generally prefer not to know?

  • Macworld 2007 party roundup for Wednesday, January 10th

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Macworld certainly isn't all work and no play, so I thought it would be handy to round up any parties and gatherings that are happening *off* the Macworld Expo grounds. For simplicity, I checked Upcoming's Macworld tag, though we have heard of at least one other non-listed event (and I would bet there are plenty more). If you have a gathering going on this week, let us know at (use relevant subjects like: "Party at Macworld Wednesday!" and "Party at Macworld Thursday!" etc.) and we'll include them in our daily roundups, updating as we receive new tips through the day. For now, here is a list of Wednesday's gatherings: Annual Reader Meetup, 5:30-6:30 pm Macworld Expo Web Developers BoF 6-7:30 pm Mac small business dinner 6:30-8:30 pm DialyTechTalk's open Macworld party at 9 pm MyDreamApp/MacHeist party at 7-11 pm