

  • Sony gets into genetic analysis with aim of helping docs pick better treatments

    Jamie Rigg
    Jamie Rigg

    We tend to forget that many companies celebrated for their shiny things also have significant interest in health care; everyone gets sick, after all. Sony is one of this gang, producing medical-grade equipment and the like under its own name, as well as buying up and investing in outfits that have other, specific expertise. Starting February 2014, Sony will also become part owner of P5, a new venture that'll provide human genome analysis in Japan, which just happens to be one of the world's largest pharmaceutical/biotechnology markets. With help from M3, which Sony's invested in, and DNA specialists Illumina, P5's quest is also to marry genetic data with other info, like medical histories, to make headway in the area of personalized medicine (where therapies are selected for the individual, not just the affliction). We doubt Kaz Hirai will be heavily involved, aside from his efforts to find the "Xbox fanboy gene" and any way to silence it, of course. Dan Cooper contributed his image manipulations skills to this report.

  • Max Planck Institute sequences genome of Siberian girl from 80,000 years ago, smashes DNA barriers

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We've known little of the genetic sequences of our precursors, despite having found many examples of their remains: the requirement for two strands in traditional DNA sequencing isn't much help when we're usually thankful to get just one. The Max Planck Institute has devised a new, single-strand technique that may very well fill in the complete picture. Binding specific molecules to a strand, so enzymes can copy the sequence, has let researchers make at least one pass over 99.9 percent of the genome of a Siberian girl from roughly 80,000 years ago -- giving science the most complete genetic picture of any human ancestor to date, all from the one bone you see above. The gene map tells us that the brown-skinned, brown-eyed, brown-haired girl was part of a splinter population known as the Denisovans that sat in between Neanderthals and ourselves, having forked the family tree hundreds of thousands of years before today. It also shows that there's a small trace of Denisovans and their Neanderthal roots in modern East Asia, which we would never have known just by staring at fossils. Future discoveries could take years to leave an impact, but MPI may have just opened the floodgates of knowledge for our collective history.

  • Amazon stores 1,700 human genomes in the cloud

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Not content with speeding up web browsing and hosting federal data, Amazon Web Services are now helping in the fight against disease. Bezos' crew is donating a chunk of free cloud storage to the 1000 Genomes project, which aims to make it easier for scientists to search for genetic variations linked to diseases. These gene-hunters can also use Amazon's Elastic Cloud Compute service to analyze data and discover patterns, although those functions won't come gratis. The DNA sequences of 1,700 mostly anonymous Homo sapiens from around the world have already been logged, but the project has to upload another 1,000 samples before it meets statistical requirements. If it ever needs fresh volunteers, perhaps a free USB gene sequencer and a Prime subscription might do the trick?

  • MinION USB stick decodes DNA in a matter of seconds

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    If you happen to be "special," then this $900 USB device is just about the worst thing ever. The aptly named MINion serves its masters by interrogating the cells of living organisms and rooting out their genetic secrets. We won't pretend to know exactly how it works, but it starts by pulling a strand of DNA through a razor-like nanotube that unzips the double helix. The nucleotide bases are then electrocuted one by one until they give up their code. The resulting sequence is stored like a ticker-tape readout, for the whole world to see. The MinION can complete its task in seconds and, unlike most other DNA sequencers, it's portable and simply plugs into a laptop. Luckily, it has so far only been shown to work on very short genomes, like those belonging viruses and bacteria, so for now you're probably safe.

  • Archon Genomics X Prize offers up $10 million for sequencing 100 human genomes

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Sure, we've come to love the X Prize for all of its crazy futuristic car building and moon racing contests, but the latest competition is decidedly smaller -- at least in one sense. For the Archon Genomics X Prize, the foundation is asking teams to sequence "medical grade" human genomes -- 100 of them, in fact -- using the DNA of 100 centenarians (folks who've made it to the ripe old age of 100), referred to pithily as the "Medco 100 Over 100." The centenarian DNA may contain secrets to overcoming disease -- after all, they made it to 100 for a reason. The competition opens to teams on January 3rd of next year -- once completed, the data gathered will be opened up to researchers. Press info can be unlocked after the break.

  • Nanopore DNA sequencing technique promises entire genome in minutes or your money back

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Those vaguely affordable DNA tests that promise to tell you just how likely you are to be stricken by some horrible and unavoidable genetic affliction in the future? They only look at a tiny fraction of the bits and bobs and bases that make up your genetic code. There's a race on to develop a quick and inexpensive way to sequence a human's entire genome, a process that costs about a million thousands of dollars now and takes ages but, via the technique under development at Imperial College London, could be done in a few minutes for a couple of bucks in 10 years. The process relies on nanopores, which are the go-to tech for companies trying to pull this off. Basically, a DNA strand is pushed through a 2nm hole on a silicon chip and, as it moves through, that chip is able to use an electrical charge to read the strand's coding sequence. That is then spit out to a supercomputer to crunch the numbers at a speed of 10 million bases per second and, within minutes, you too can have some hard data to make you freak out about the future -- and maybe a place to put your iPod, too. Update: As many of you pointed out, there are multiple places to get your full genome scanned now for prices in the mere thousands of dollars. Pocket change, really.

  • Researchers to map Ozzy Osbourne's genome

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Ozzy Osbourne is about to join the ranks of a very fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it) minority. DNA research lab Knome has announced that it is going to sequence the lead singer of Black Sabbath's entire genome. Knome, -- which focuses on DNA sequencing in the interest of disease research -- has said that Ozzy's "extreme" medical history (i.e., years of hard partying) makes him an ideal candidate for their purposes. Very few people have had their entire DNA mapped, and the sequencing will take about 3 months to complete, so we'll just have to make do by watching the video after the break until we get the results.

  • IBM's ultra-cheap DNA Transistor dream could lead to personalized medicines, confusion

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Are you ready to get your nerd on? No, seriously -- are your rimmed glasses and pressed slacks at the ready? Good. IBM has just announced a full-on research project that intends to drive the cost of DNA sequencing down from millions of dollars to under $1,000. The reason? An ultra-cheap, silicon-based DNA Transistor could essentially "pave the way to read human DNA easily and quickly, generating advancements in health condition diagnosis and treatment." Moreover, it could eventually lead to personalized genome analysis and personalized medicines, meaning that your weekly dose of pills may literally have your name written on them. Just think -- with this breakthrough in place, you might just live long enough to see the Robot Apocalypse. Fun! Video's after the break.[Via NY Times, thanks Serge]

  • Artificial Intelligence solves boring science experiments, makes interns obsolete

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Researchers at Aberystwyth University in Wales have developed a robot that is being heralded as the first machine to have discovered new scientific knowledge independently of a human operator. Named Adam, the device has already identified the role of several genes in yeast cells, and has the ability to plan further experiments to test its own hypotheses. Ross King, from the university's computer science department, remarked that the robot is meant to take care of the tedious aspects of the scientific method, freeing up human scientists for "more advanced experiments." Across the pond at Cornell, researchers have developed a computer that can find established laws in the natural world -- without any prior scientific knowledge. According to PhysOrg, they've tested the AI on "simple mechanical systems" and plan on applying it to more complex problems in areas such as biology to cosmology where there are mountains of data to be poured through. It sure is nice to hear about robots doing something helpful for a change.[Thanks, bo3of]Read: Robo-scientist's first findingsRead: Being Isaac Newton: Computer derives natural laws from raw data

  • Will Wright not opposed to Spore MMO

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    For all the fun and interesting games we get to talk about here at Massively, we do have to own up to some jealousy when it comes to the subject of Spore. The biggest reason being the title's ubiquitous appeal to anyone with a remote interest in games which allow creative customization and creation of, well, just about everything. So we're happy to hear that Will Wright -- while not currently pursuing the it -- is open and responsive to the idea of doing a Spore MMO when the technology and timing is right. Or in other words: When Mr. Wright is feeling interested in the concept.It's pretty minimal news, we know, but it does make the mind wonder what kind of MMO Spore could become. Whatever it may someday be, it certainly doesn't sound like something that's hitting shelves -- or previews, for that matter -- anytime soon.