golden rule


  • iCloud prompts a look back at "cloud" icons

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    Apple introduced iCloud earlier this year, and its announcement kicked off a renewed interest in the iconic cloud logo. Articles espousing the icon's Golden Ratio-based design and Apple's attention to detail followed shortly. Though Apple undoubtedly chose this icon for its precision design, it's likely that Apple's design team can't take full credit for the look. A post by Scott Hanselman points out the cloud icon may have its roots in the Pictos 1 icon collection. Though it's been modified some, the basic circular cloud design has been widely used. It appears on Microsoft's website and in many iOS weather applications. A very similar cloud design even showed up on a BBC weather segment almost thirty years ago. You can check out his post for even more examples of this cloud configuration.

  • Player vs. Everything: The importance of morale

    Cameron Sorden
    Cameron Sorden

    We've all been there. Any little thing can start it. Maybe the tank messes up and pulls two groups when he meant to pull one. Maybe the healer was distracted by his cat and some people die. Maybe the mage doesn't watch her aggro and the mobs take out the DPS. Something happens, and the group wipes. The seed of doubt is planted: Can this group really pull this dungeon off? Am I grouped with a bunch of idiots? How big is my repair bill going to be tonight? It's like watching a chain of dominoes. Sometimes, the group can laugh off a wipe or two. But if a simple mistake turns into a pattern of someone screwing up, or if luck goes against you and you have a few simple mistakes in a row, people start losing their morale. Suddenly, people aren't using their consumables (why bother when you're just going to die again?). The tanks and healers get frustrated and start getting sloppy. The DPS gets angry and starts getting cocky. Everyone thinks everyone else is a moron, and each pull is a little less likely to succeed than the last. Each wipe spirals you further down. Finally, people start having mysterious "emergencies" and have to leave the group (do a /who check to see them farming somewhere in 30 minutes). You might not realize it, but your group's morale is hugely important to your success.