

  • VIA offers a cheapo gPC "dev kit" motherboard

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Been dying to cobble together some code for one of those high-falutin', big-ticket Everex gPCs, but just couldn't scrape together the $199? Well friends, fear not -- your spot in the poor house won't keep you from writing that killer app, thanks to VIA's generous offering of the $60 "dev board." What can you expect from this package? Well first off, it's not a package, it's a mediocre motherboard with a "bundled" CD of the gOS. The Linux-based gOS addition isn't really too impressive, considering it's open source, free, and available for download from Everex's site... but hey, who's keeping score? Slap on a case, power supply, hard drive, optical drive, memory, keyboard, and mouse, and you've got yourself a real honey of a system. If you can do it for less than $200 -- you've made out like a bandit.[Via LinuxDevices]

  • Is Google trademarking Google PC?

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    For all you conspiracy buffs out there, you can now add a new chapter to your massive clip-book of JFK magic-bullet theories, alien abduction reports, and shape-shifting reptilian overlord photos. According to Trademork, a gentleman named David Liu -- who is apparently legal counsel for Google, Inc. -- has filed to protect the trademark "Google PC." The plot thickens when you learn that the address listed in the filing is 6363 Wilshire Blvd., which incidentally happens to be a five-story building in California with the word "Google" visible in the bottom floor window (which looks like a watermark to us, but you know how sneaky the Illuminati can be, denials notwithstanding). Collect the clues and crack the code... if you dare.