

  • Google

    Google's Dashboard redesign simplifies your privacy tools

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    Google announced today that its Dashboard feature is getting a big update including a new look and simpler controls. In a statement, the company said that it asked over 4,000 people last year across 15 countries to give them feedback on privacy and security -- information that has helped Google tweak its user controls and Dashboard interface.

  • Google helps you manage your online identity, justify those vanity Alerts

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    You know that Google Alert you set up to ping you every time someone mentions your name on the internet? Don't worry, that wasn't self-centered or anything, you were just protecting your online identity. Google today is encouraging the growth of vanity Alerts with its "Me on the Web" feature, a new segment of Google Dashboard dedicated to managing your online identity and finding out what people are saying about you on the global bathroom wall that is the world wide web. The feature makes it easy to set up alerts with your personal information and includes links to tools for identity management and content removal, because the seven billion other people on this planet don't need to know exactly what happened at your office's last Christmas party.