

  • 3 robeless transmogrification looks for the fashionable caster

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Once upon a time, most of the gear a distinguishing caster had to choose from was robes. If you wanted to wear the best gear available to you, your choice was pretty much a robe and some sparkly shoulders. There are very, very few sets, if any at all, that are modeled around pants and tops. This eventually led to the creation of the infamous video above by Cranius. Forget classy pants -- if you want to fling fireballs, a dress is pretty much your only option. Or rather, it was your only option. With transmogrification, cloth-wearing casters suddenly have a whole host of options open to them that don't involve robes at all. Male characters who would like to look super-manly now have the opportunity to do so. And female casters who are tired of fighting dragons in skirts? Well, you've got plenty of options, too -- and today, we're highlighting three snazzy cloth looks with nary a robe in sight. My fellow casters, it's high time to drop your skirts and take a look at just a few of the looks out there to nab.