

  • An overhead shot of Sonicware's Liven Texture Lab synthesizer.

    Sonicware’s newest gadget is a granular synth, an effects unit and a sampler

    Lawrence Bonk
    Lawrence Bonk

    Sonicware is back with another quirky standalone synthesizer in its fairly crowded Liven line. The Liven Texture Lab was unveiled at the SuperBooth expo in Berlin and features a near-identical layout to some of the other Liven products, with that iconic case and button layout, but with a focus on granular synthesis.

  • Arturia Efx Fragments

    Arturia Efx Fragments makes granular approachable

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Granular effects and synthesis are trendy, but often intimidating. Fragments makes it approachable.

  • Hologram Electronics Microcosm

    Hologram Electronics Microcosm: A cheat code for making ambient music

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    The Microcosm can be a rhythmic glitch machine, a top-notch loop pedal or a straightforward delay. It’s more than just a one-trick pony, which is important given the $449 price.

  • Missing help for World Explorers

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This post by homestar over on WoW Ladies LJ reminds me of an issue we'd let drop by the wayside: where exactly is that help that World Explorers were supposed to get? Right now, as you move around the world trying to pick up the World Explorer achievement (and title), there's no real way to tell exactly what places you've explored and which you haven't. Obviously, the map colors in as you wander around, but it's not so granular that you can tell exactly where you need to go, so if there's only one small location you have to visit, as with homestar, you end up wandering around desperately trying to find that one little place you haven't hit yet.The good news is that Blizzard already mentioned we would get help for this. The bad news is that it was over a year ago. Bornakk said that we'd have a way to tell on the map just where locations had been discovered and where they hadn't been seen yet, but since then we haven't really heard anything more about it. Obviously, a few things have been added to the maps, including quest icons, and instance maps have been added as well, but where's the Explorer help?At this point. you have to think that Blizzard has moved on -- maybe whatever update Bornakk was hinting at did make it into the game and we just didn't notice it. But more likely, they couldn't figure out a good way to do this, didn't have a lot of call for it, and decided to spend the time on something else. Especially with the upcoming revamp of old maps, maybe we'll see maps that are a little more helpful in terms of getting the full Explorer achievement.