

  • Guerilla Games interrogated on all things Killzone 2

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Perhaps we exaggerate a little when we say "all things", but Guerilla Games did give a lot of answers to many of the questions we like thinking about regarding Killzone 2. We'll list out what was discovered below. The politically correct term for the release date right now is "2008". While the demo is pretty awesome, it's just one level. Incomplete, at that, with no streaming technology implemented yet. There will be an online beta at some point (no time soon, we're sure) but there will also be links to the official Killzone website and integration into Home to keep us busy until that time comes. After the infamous 2005 trailer, GG was pretty unsure of if they could actually pull off those graphics, but the recent amount of press for the true game has bolstered their belief that they have, in fact, come quite close to that original trailer and are very proud of that. We are too! No word yet on user-generated content. They refuse to compare their game to Halo 3 because the two games are just that -- two games. They're different in play style and artistic direction. They feel it's more important to improve on what was lackluster in the first Killzone than try to "beat" some other game. In addition to all this, Guerilla Games is trying to keep Killzone 2 heads and shoulders above the original in the field of gameplay -- busting out alternate routes, different weapons for different types of gameplay, and an all-around greater scope will prove to keep the game worth playing after that first completion. We don't know when we'll hear from these guys again, so let's just let them get crackin' on the game for a while, okay?

  • 25 minutes of Killzone 2 to satisfy your curiosity

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    It's a gigantic Killzone 2 developer walk-through! The above video is incredibly long, as you could have probably deduced from our subject line -- about 25 minutes. You get a little more backstory into the game, but the real impressive part of this alpha build footage is the freezing of the camera and getting to check out the level the same way the devs get to look at it. This isn't really a gameplay demo, but more of a showing of what's behind the curtain and we greatly appreciate it. We can't wait to see this game get further along production, possibly to the point of a demo. That would be swell, Guerrila Games! If you really dig this video, you can download it and show it off to your friends if you'd like.

  • BBC hails Killzone 2 as the most immersive experience ever

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    The BBC warns you right away that when you "sit down in front of a playable level ... it is immediately clear that Killzone 2 will be one of the most cinematic and immersive games ever produced on a console." Those are some big words to describe an incomplete game! If only that were all, but the BBC continues its praise by assuring PS3 fans that Killzone 2 looks like something you'd only see on a high-end PC.Not everything was rosy, though. The BBC criticized the incomplete build, stating the "game mechanics of the level I saw are not particularly innovative," and that overall "Killzone 2 is an archetypal shooter - a futuristic action title that draws on the symbolism of World War II to create a sense of familiarity." Throwing grenades still needs some work, and the hyper-realistic violence will probably spark more debate about the worn-out violence-in-videogames stance. We don't really care -- we just want to get our hands on this game!

  • Game Critics reward Killzone 2 for graphics, Guerrila devs blush

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    After winning the Special Commendation Award for Graphics, Guerrila Games' managing director Hermen Hulst answered some questions about their reaction to getting such a prize, especially after all the hype and expectation. Since playability of your title was a requirement for getting nominated, Hulst is particularly flattered.About all that hype and expectation, Hulst commented that while the 2005 E3 trailer was ambitious, it remained achievable. They fully intend to live up to the promise of the original trailer and will work on the game until they feel it's ready for the public. Since they got an award that only playable games should have been considered for, we also think they're moving on the right track. The final product will undoubtedly look far superior to even the demo we saw at E3 this year.

  • Dying for some more Killzone 2 footage?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Lucky for you, we check Gametrailers all the time for the latest footage of our favorite games. If the downloadable E3 trailer of Killzone 2 from the PS Store wasn't enough to satisfy, we've got some more in-game footage detailing parts of the demo we weren't able to see. Sure, there's a lot of button-pushing and tower-shooting, but to think about all that's happening on screen at any single moment is pretty awe-inspiring. Much more happening on these battlefields than, say, in narrow corridors. Let us know what you think!

  • Killzone devs say they'll shut up the critics

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Ever since that over-ambitious trailer from E3 2005, the fellows in charge of Killzone have had to dodge tomatoes from everyone in the universe, it seems. Surely, no game could look that good, could it? Guerrila Games has issued a pretty telling statement regarding their showing of Killzone 2 at this year's E3: "hopefully it will all go brilliantly and we'll shut up even some of the most ardent critics." Well, that and their inner voice telling them "OH MY GOD WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!" So says Sebastian Downie. We can't even imagine what they'll have to say at E3. It's going to be very difficult to satisfy fans and critics alike because they can't get over the fact that the graphics in the game can't possibly match that shown in the 2005 video, which served more as a tech demo than a hint at a game, like Final Fantasy VII. At least, not gameplay. What we were told to expect, however, was the announcement of online capabilities and some kind of public beta coming later this year. We'll see these guys at E3!