

  • Warlords of Draenor: Guild leveling and guild perk changes

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Players on the Warlords of Draenor beta have noticed something a little different about guild perks in the new expansion -- a large portion of them have simply been removed entirely, including both the Fast Track and Cash Flow perks. While some assumed this was likely a bug, it turns out this is part of change that has been planned for guild leveling. Namely, guild leveling is being by and large removed from the game. Or, if you want to think of it in a slightly different fashion, all guilds will automatically be what level 25 once was. Why the changes? Watcher hit the forums to explain, and to point out that the perks people normally associate with guilds aren't really going away entirely. Some of them, like Ride Like the Wind or Honorable Mention will just be rolled into the game as default behavior, rather than offered as a perk of any kind. So yes, while the perk is getting removed, we won't really see a change -- flight paths will simply go 25% faster by default. The Cash Flow perk, however, is being flat out removed, and Watcher had some really good points as to why this is being changed.

  • The Daily Grind: Should MMOs require minimum guild sizes?

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    A listener recently wrote in to Massively's podcast to express his frustration with recruiting in MMOs since so many players avoid chat and guild advertisements. The community situation in many games can make it difficult for smaller guilds that refuse to spam to build up enough players to access basic guild functions, like guild banks. I myself have been testing out a game with player-run villages that requires guilds to have 25 active guild members settled there lest it lose its instanced town, which is a lot of people for a tiny, indie game, and a number that almost requires players to artificially inflate their rosters. But the problem is that games impose arbitrary player minimums for guild charters and banks and ranks and so forth to begin with. For every Guild Wars 2 that lets you have a lonely solo guild if you want it, there's a World of Warcraft that requires you to summon 10 warm bodies first -- even if you then immediately boot the other nine, making the requirement a pointless and tedious exercise. What do you think: Should MMOs require minimum guild sizes? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Is your guild bank going dry?

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    I raid with an extremely generous 25-man raiding guild that is chugging along quite nicely through the Siege of Orgrimmar. They are kind enough to provide not only guild repairs, but potions, flasks, and feasts -- now noodle carts -- as well. The guild is pretty good about keeping everything managed, and raiders do a pretty good job about keeping the guild bank filled with materials for all the stuff that the guild supplies on a typical guild run. But we've had a problem recently that picked up in patch 5.4. Someone mentioned that the guild bank wasn't making quite as much gold as it used to, and player repairs are bleeding the guild bank of gold almost faster than it can be put in. This seemed odd to me at the time, but I re-doubled my efforts to continue sticking herbs, gems, and whatever other useful items I came across into the guild bank, figuring it would all balance itself out. It turns out, however, that we aren't alone with our weird little problem.

  • Breakfast Topic: Spill your secrets for an organized guild bank

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    Whether you're a guild officer guiding the collective bank storage of an entire guild or a banker alt managing a one-account guild vault, how do you keep things guild bank storage under control? What does it take? Chaotic guild banks have broken many a lesser volunteer who drowned under the unrelenting barrage of items. If you're a neatnik, please, please tell us. This organization thing -- how is it done? Talk tabs with us. What tabs do you maintain in your guild bank? Your single-player guild bank? How do you keep guild members from simply hurling items into the bank wherever they find an open slot? What kind of maintenance is involved -- do you have a dedicated officer or a set amount of time to prune and organize on a regular basis? Surely there's a method to the madness of guild banking, a way you keep your vault from turning into the Anne Stickney Home for Wayward Everythings. Help!

  • The Guild Counsel: Three common guild traps to avoid

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    Whether you're just starting a guild or you've been running one for a while, there are pitfalls that can easily trap a guild leader and cause all sorts of problems. We've looked at many of these in past columns, but there are some that tend to pop up more often. Guild leaders need to cover everything from recruitment and bank management to loot decisions and even maintaining a guild website or voice server. But beneath the nuts and bolts are three common traps, which we'll look at in this week's Guild Counsel.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: A 2012 SWTOR reflection

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    To say that this year has been interesting for Star Wars: The Old Republic would be a major understatement. I think it's safe to say that in the course of this year this game has gone from being one of the most loved games to one of the most hated. Maybe I just like rooting for the underdog, but I still love the game. (There are other reasons, of course.) Love the game or hate it, 2012 has been a wild ride for the game and this column. As this is the last Hyperspace Beacon of the year year, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on some of the past opinions and predictions I held, then test them against my current stance or the truth behind what happened. Before I get into the meat of this column, I want to make mention of an event. The Imperials of The Ebon Hawk server are holding a gala in the name of Darth Nox, commemorating the one-year anniversary of her ascension to the Dark Council. Players are invited to come ready to roleplay and participate in in-character games. Nox will conduct a scavenger hunt, items will be up for raffle and auction, and every participant should walk away with something. If you were looking for an opportunity to get into roleplay or just have some fun, be sure to visit the market area of Dromund Kaas (instance 1, coordinates: 20, 200) at 6:00 p.m. EST on Saturday, January 5th, 2013.

  • Officers' Quarters: Three questions from a raid leader

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    Every Monday, Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. He is the author of The Guild Leader's Handbook. Today's email comes from a raid leader with three different questions regarding raid comps, bank mats, and problem raiders. Let's jump right into it! Hello Scott, I am currently a high officer in a a new 25 raiding guild, MT and fairly new raid leader. ... Recently, after a pug for MV, 4 new raiders decided to join our roster, enabling for us to have a full raid group. The issue comes then, in to parts: Since the problems we've had finding raiders, we were "forced" to take those 4 new guild mates, making a core group not as efficient due to lack of variety, therefore buffs, abilities, cooldowns, etc. How inconvenient truely is this composition with repeated classes? Furthermore, I would ask you for advice on how to encourage members to contribute with mats, Golden Lotus for example, to the gbank such as other raiding comodities? Nevertheless, the main reason I was willing to write to you, is the fact that we have two of those new raiders too close-minded.

  • Breakfast Topic: Do you use items from your guild bank?

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    True confession: I can't seem to bring myself to make withdrawals from a guild bank. During the years I've been working with WoW Insider, I've ended up with characters scattered across various realms, tucked into cozy bunches of some of the friendliest, most passionate-about-WoW people you could imagine. And they're generous, too, ever willing to equip and support members any any point of the game. The problem is, no matter how explicit the guild rules may be or how much encouragement officers give out, I can't ever seem to rationalize taking anything out of the guild bank. I've accepted new bags a time or two, but I can't seem to bring myself to take anything more. The looser the guidelines, the more I balk. "Why is all this stuff in here, anyway? Am I the only person in Azeroth who doesn't have a bank full of this stuff already? What if I only took this one pair of boots? Is that too much? Maybe I'll just take this humble little stack of wool to get over the hump in first aid -- but there's not much here, so maybe it's for something more important?" Trying to decide how much is too much is utterly agonizing. Even with clear guidelines in place ("Take anything you need from the leveling gear on tab 2 any time you can use it"), I become completely mired in not wanting to make a pig of myself. My usual pattern is to peek into the vault once or twice when I'm in my high 20s or 30s, panic at the prospect of making a withdrawal, and then do nothing but deposit odd drops and crafting mats until I'm in my late 70s. At that point, gear has usually become so specialized that there's rarely anything helpful just sitting in the bank and waiting, and if there is, it's too "big" for me to feel justified taking it. It's like that one cooldown you never use because you're saving it for A Very Big Emergency -- you know you're wasting it by not using it, but you just can't bring yourself to press that button ... Do your guildmates freely share items and make frequent use of your guild bank? Does your guild have clear guidelines about what members can put in and take out of the bank? What's the biggest thing you've ever taken from a guild bank? And is anyone else out there paralyzed by not wanting to seem selfish about taking items?

  • The Daily Grind: Should games bother innovating guild systems?

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    In-game support for MMO guilds has come a long way in the last 15 years. Ultima Online launched without guilds at all, let alone chat, so we tacked our guild abbreviations onto our character names. EverQuest's early months required guild leaders to petition GMs to form guilds. In fact, it wasn't until Asheron's Call that an MMO tried to break away from the "unofficial online shooter clan" mold and provide something different: a monarchy system that encouraged players to form official but dynamic allegiances, which provided an in-game benefit to patrons and vassals alike. But the genre didn't iterate on Asheron's Call's invention, instead preferring to bolster in-game guilds with perks like guild vaults and achievements -- cool stuff, but layered over a static, military style of guild structure with generic ranks. Most MMOs don't allow you to join multiple groups, either (Guild Wars 2 being a notable exception). So today I'm wondering whether you think there's room for innovation in MMO guild mechanics. Should studios design unique and flexible guild systems, or should they just get out of the way and let players decide how to organize themselves like we had to Back In The Day? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Customize your guild bank icons with this handy script

    Chase Christian
    Chase Christian

    Have you ever wanted to customize your guild bank icons but been daunted by the sheer number of icons to choose from? The default interface for picking icons isn't very easy to navigate. There are hundreds of icons, and they're not searchable or sortable. Trying to find the icon you're looking for is like finding a needle in a haystack. In fact, not every icon in the game is even listed in the default interface! There's a better way to assign icons to your guild bank tabs. With a simple script command, you can assign any icon that's in the game to any one of your tabs. The first step is to identify the icon you want to use. Wowhead is your best bet here, as it's got the icon files for every spell, item, and achievement in the game. Find the ability that shares the icon you want to use, and then click on the icon image to grab the specific icon identification string, like "spell_nature_bloodlust" for Bloodlust.

  • Hyperspace Beacon: Breaking the bank

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Originally, when I set out to cover the guild bank, I wasn't expecting there to be so much information to parse. After all, a guild bank is just a bank, right? Wrong. So let me give a quick introduction to those of you just catching on to Update 1.2 for Star Wars: The Old Republic. SWTOR's Update 1.2: Legacy introduces a boatload of content and other useful changes to the game. From the Legacy system itself, which rewards different types of solo gameplay, to additional story elements, such as a new PvP warzone and 16-man operation on the new planet of Denova, this game update attempts to show the subscribers that the monthly fee actually gets them something. Many of the new additions to the game have been described as systems that should have been in at launch but for whatever reason had to be shelved for a later date. Some gaming media personalities believe that BioWare is hanging a lot of hope on this patch, labeling it "the Jesus Patch." And the guild bank is intended as a key feature of that patch. Thanks to Yll of the Test Guild on the public test server, I learned first-hand what the guild banks have to offer.

  • The Guild Counsel: Does running a guild have to be so hard?

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    When you hear people describe the role of guild leader, you often hear descriptions like "herding cats," "constantly busy," or "running the crazy house." Guild leaders are often easily identified because they're the ones running around at a frantic pace, trying to micromanage every last detail. It's no surprise that few people actually want to be guild leaders because the way the role is described, you're almost expected to take on a second job. But sometimes guild leaders make things harder than they need to be. Part of that is from a desire to take on too much, but part of that is because there have traditionally been certain things we all assume have to be done. Whether you're a brand-new guild leader or someone who's been running the show for years, it's worth stepping back and questioning whether we really need to be doing all of the things we're doing. Let's put on some Bob Marley and look at a few ways to cut down on the busy work.

  • The Guild Counsel: Guild life in SWTOR

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    If you thought the future looked cloudy for guilds in MMOs, Star Wars: The Old Republic's launch stomped out any doubts. The pre-launch list of guilds was so enormous that it rivaled the total player populations of other MMOs. But there are some interesting aspects to guild life in SWTOR, and this week in The Guild Counsel, we'll take a closer look at them. If you're interested in some first impressions from a guild perspective, or if you're wondering how to make a guild now that the game has launched, read on for a look at guild life in SWTOR.

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic looks to the future [Updated]

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    You may think that now that Star Wars: The Old Republic's early start underway and moving nicely, the developers over at BioWare are sitting back and enjoying a celebratory glass of champagne (or bottle of whiskey). You would be wrong, however, because a new post on the official site shows that BioWare is already looking toward the future. But what can players expect from the future of The Old Republic? Guild functionality is high on the priority list, and players can expect everything from guild banks to guild capital ships in the future. UI customization is also "a very big priority" to BioWare. The studio also has "an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to [PvP]." The space system, the legacy system, and the galaxy as a whole are also on board for future updates. For the full details, just head on over to the official SWTOR site. [Update: The team has also just posted an address to those who are not yet part of the early access pre-launch. We've included the contents of the message behind the break. Thanks to Onyx for the tip!] Star Wars: The Old Republic is finally here, and the Force is with Massively! We've prepared a Hutt-sized feast of class introductions, gameplay guides, lore roundups, and hands-on previews to help you navigate the launch period and beyond. And don't forget our weekly SWTOR column, the Hyperspace Beacon!

  • Drama Mamas: The case of the guild bank thief

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Drama Mamas Lisa Poisso and Robin Torres are experienced gamers and real-life mamas -- and just as we don't want our precious babies to be the ones kicking and wailing on the floor of the checkout lane next to the candy, neither do we want you to become known as That Guy on your realm. I'd like to give the "friend" of this week's letter writer a talking to, but he's not the one who wrote in. Hullo Drama Mamas, I am asking for some help regarding a RL friend and WoW problem. I am in my teens and wear a permanent back brace as a result of complications in my spine, so WoW and WoW Insider have been a great source of enjoyment throughout my mostly stationary life. With the new patch and reductions in game prices, a RL friend (who introduced me to the game in the first place) recently got back into WoW. I am in a fun, casual, high leveled guild, and he asked if I could give him some cheap item enhancements--"+1 Stam" and such -- to restart his army of alts and twinks, suggesting that I take some from the guild bank. I like helping people, but I was hesitant to do so in this case, because I felt it was effectively stealing. However, I later decided to do so anyways because of other small favors he had done for me in the past and the low leveled items had been sitting in the guild bank for quite a while -- now there would be more room for higher leveled enchants.

  • Enter at your own Rift: Checking out Update 1.3

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    The calm before the storm. That's the best way to describe the RIFT screenshot above. As I puttered around and wasted time trying to frame my screenshot from the ideal angle, working that nomad model to his full potential, I was seconds away from a zone event opening up on my head. Instantly, about 50 gigantic desert warriors emerged to attack us for their leader's amusement. And for the next half hour, Fortune's Shore was overrun with warriors, stone golems, and dog people. Fortune's Shore isn't the only place to experience chaos and danger, though. Whatever the Dwarves did in Hammerknell, it's finally caught up with them -- and with all of Telara. Abyssal and Endless Court forces are posing a real threat, and the Ascended are now tasked with repelling the invasions and charging back into Hammerknell. In this week's Enter at your Own Rift, we'll look at a few of the changes from Update 1.3. Read on for a look at tithes, character transfers, trial servers, and towering colossi!

  • Enter at Your Own Rift: Talking 1.3 with Hal Hanlin

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Today we're on the verge of RIFT's third major update's going live. It's a doozy of a patch, too, with a little something for everyone: a raid for endgame players, guild banks for... well, guilds, character transfers for the antsy, and RIFT's second world event for one and all. With Patch 1.3, Trion Worlds puts its money where its mouth is by continuing with its streak of sizable, regular updates. It's a critical patch for some, as it seeks to answer the growing call for more endgame content while an increasing number of players hit 50. Fans of RIFT will most likely welcome the spread of the patch, but detractors will undoubtedly criticize why X was done instead of Y (and don't even get into Z; that letter is nothing but trouble). And above the noise, Trion sails on with apparent confidence and dedication. Even though we got to speak with Trion at E3, I got the opportunity for another pre-1.3 interview with Design Producer Hal Hanlin (which, by the way, is a superhero fake identity if I ever heard one). In this no-holds-barred discussion, we covered the selling points of 1.3, the accusation that RIFT is "dying," and the philosophy behind Trion's rapid stream of content.

  • RIFT's 1.3 update bringing new raid, free transfers, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    With less than a week remaining until the biggest game update in RIFT's short history, Trion Worlds is upping the excitement ante with a new press release detailing the extensive features coming with Waves of Madness. The official unveiling will happen courtesy of a world event on June 22nd, and RIFT's 1.3 version update will subsequently include guild bank functionality, new item sets, new character accessories, new artifacts, free character transfers, and Hammerknell. This last is a 20-player raid that Trion says "will challenge even the most practiced players." The encounter boasts three wings, 10 bosses, and a gaggle of gross-out monsters designed to make life more fun for Telara's endgame players. If we've piqued your curiosity, have a look at the official website for all the details.

  • The Lawbringer: Mailbag 3.0

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Pop law abounds in The Lawbringer, your weekly dose of WoW, the law, video games and the MMO genre. Running parallel to the games we love and enjoy is a world full of rules, regulations, pitfalls and traps. How about you hang out with us as we discuss some of the more esoteric aspects of the games we love to play? Since last weekend was my stepsister's bat mitzvah, I was incommunicado down in Florida celebrating with family, eating a ton of delicious food, and getting sunburned within 30 seconds of stepping into the punishing Florida sun. The emails to Lawbringer never stopped, however, and I picked my favorites to answer while lounging next to the pool, happily oblivious. A lot of people sent me emails about the Blizzard earnings call that has been making the rounds in the gaming news cycle this week, for a few specific reasons. First, Diablo III's beta is coming between August and September, which is super exciting to me because of how much I want to be playing that game again. BlizzCon was not enough. Friends at Blizzard, send all beta invites to Second, Mike Morhaime revealed that World of Warcraft is currently boasting subscriber numbers mirroring pre-Cataclysm subscriptions. Subsequently, the internet went crazy and collectively, shall we say, made a mess in its pants about the state of WoW's prominence. Let's mailbag.

  • The Guild Counsel: A guild guide to RIFT

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    With all of the buzz this week surrounding the launch of RIFT, I thought it would be a good opportunity for The Guild Counsel to take a closer look at guilds in the game. On the surface, with all of the solo content and the public grouping feature around rift invasions, it might not seem that guilds are very important. But at the higher levels, guilds definitely have a purpose, such as prepping for raid content, working on ancient wardstone quests, or coordinating PvP attacks in Warfronts and in the open world. This week, we'll cover the basics of how to form up a guild and then take a closer look at some of the guild tools available to guild leaders.